Friday, December 27, 2019
Genetic Testing and Screening Essay - 3132 Words
There are numerous genetic disorders present in todays society that produce handicaps and threaten longevity. Genetic determinants are at the root of many cases of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirths, neonatal deaths, multiple malformations, retardation in growth and development, mental illness, and mental retardation. Estimates of the problems magnitude have been made from data provided by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which suggest that genetic factors are involved in one fifth of infant deaths, one fourth of the institutionalized mental retardates, almost one half of individuals with IQs less than fifty, and half of first trimester abortions (Finley 1982). Genetic screening is the systematic search within a†¦show more content†¦It prevents disease manifestation by helping patients cope with environmental conditions in the face of inadequate genetic endowment. This type of screening began in the early 1960s with the screening for phenylketonuria (PKU) and is currently the most widely practiced. Over the years, more tests have been added for other diseases that like PKU could be discovered by simple tests and treated by following a strict diet (Gitzelmann 1982). The second goal of genetic screening is the provision of reproductive information. Through simple techniques such as serum enzyme determinations and hemoglobin electrophoresis it is possible to identify individuals possessing genes that will cause serious disease in their offspring. Screening is most efficient if it is conducted to discover couples who are carriers of recessive disease inducing genes that can be diagnosed through amniocentesis. Examples of such diseases are Tay-Sachs disease, Beta thalassemia, and possibly sickle-cell anemia. It was specifically the screening for the Tay-Sachs trait, which began in 1971 that became the model for all carrier screening to follow (Gitzelmann 1982). The third goal of genetic screening, enumeration, has less immediate application, but serves in future developments. Enumeration (or counting) involves the estimation of the prevalence of mutant alleles, their distribution and biological significance. This type of information will add to the knowledge of human geneticShow MoreRelatedGenetic Testing or Genetic Screening1514 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic testing, also known as screening, is a rapidly advancing new scientific field that can potentially revolutionize not only the world of medicine, but many aspects of our lives. Genetic screening is the sequencing of human DNA in order to discover genetic differences, anomalies, or mutations that may prove pathological. As genetic screening becomes more advanced and easily accessible, it presents society with difficult questions that must be asked about the boundaries of science and to whatRead MoreGenetic Testing and Screening Essay1428 Words  | 6 PagesGenetic screening is the tes ting of variations in gene sequences in protein or DNA. Protein screening is easier, but DNA screening is more powerful. It is a physical screening for a protein or genetic abnormality that may allow detection of a disorder before there are physical signs of it, or even before a gene is expressed if it acts later in life. (web). This is a technique that is used on nonhuman species such as plants and some animals and is not questioned. The real question is if we shouldRead MoreGenetic Testing : A Medical Screening791 Words  | 4 PagesThe issues of genetic testing, screening also known as DNA testing is a medical screening that identifies changes in genes to identify one’s vulnerability from inherited illnesses (Pupecki, 2006). Advantages and Disadvantages of DNA Testing The primary benefits of genetic testing are to enable us to know our genetic status. When a person has a gene alteration, he or she could seek available resources like prevention and monitoring treatment options (Darden Business Publishing, 2004). TheRead MoreGenetic Testing and Screening Essay2695 Words  | 11 PagesIts no accident that off-spring resemble their parents. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, located within each cell nucleus is a special chemical, that determines our genetic inheritance in a very orderly way. Under the microscope DNA looks like a mass of tangled threads which consist of tiny subunits called genes. Genes carry instructions, sometimes called the blueprint of life, for various characters like hair color, height, eye color. Our genes are received from both mother and father, half from eachRead MoreEssay on Genetic Testing and Screening2122 Words  | 9 PagesGenetic Screening Imagine yourself as a 26-year-old pregnant female. You have just been genetically screened and you found out that you carry a gene for breast cancer. This gene almost always causes breast cancer in early adult hood. Your daughter-to-be has just inherited this gene. You have the following options; a) Abort the fetus and discontinue a disease that wont show signs for decades? b) Carry out the pregnancy and pray that your daughter is lucky and wont develop the breast cancerRead MoreGenetic Testing and Screening Essay1868 Words  | 8 Pagesthese issues. I will discuss advancements of genetic screening and testing. The first step to any ethical problem is to understand the topic. It is difficult to formulate accurate ideas without knowledge about the topic, so first I will provide a little background information on genetic screening. I will then point out some of the areas of controversy associated with genetic screening, and finally I will discuss my view on the topic. Genetic screening can be used to refer to any activity that locatesRead MoreGenetic Screening and Physiological Testing in Young Athletes1545 Words  | 7 Pagestheir body’s type and capacity is. Instead of dwelling in sports where a child would not have the chance to reach high levels, such as the Olympics, it would be easier to use genetic testing, and known physiological traits to identify sports that the child has the right body for. These genetic tests look for specific genetic codes, such as ACTN3, that have already been identified to have a in certain impact in sports. ACTN3 has been identified to code for a certain protein only found in fast-twitchRead MoreThe Ethical Implications of Genetic Screening and Testing: Arguments For and Against1919 Words  | 8 Pagestechnology and medicine, genetic screening and testing is becoming more commonplace in our society. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) defines genetic screening as â€Å"a search in a population for persons possessing certain genotypes that (1) are already associated with disease or predispose to disease, (2) may lead to disease in their descendants, or (3) produce other variations not known to be associated with disease†(NHGRI, 2005). The term genetic testing is similar, but differsRead More Genetic Screening is Necessary Essay1679 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic Screening is Necessary You are sitting in the counselors office, waiting. You are staring at the walls, trying not to think about what you are considering, but still thinking about it. Will I get cancer? Do I have the gene that will increase my likelihood of getting cancer ? My grandmother had cancer. Two of my aunts have had cancer. What about me? If I have this test, what happens then? The door opens and in walks the counselor. Time to find out about genetic screening. GeneticRead MoreChild Screening Is The Best Course Of Action736 Words  | 3 PagesGenetic newborn screening is used to detect rare diseases and prevent them to doing irreversible damage to a baby’s development before the symptoms appear. The process begins with a tiny drop of blood from the baby’s heel when he or she is a few days old. The sample then is sent to a laboratory where testing is performed and results are analyzed. The blood sample can be tested for more than thirty disorders but the exact number depends on where you live. One third of the world’s babies are screened
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Privacy in the 21st Century - 1909 Words
Privacy in the 21st Century Eng 122 Mrs. Samaniego 10 June, 2013 In today’s society cameras are watching every step you take and every move you make. How do you feel about that? Someone is watching you, whether it is the surveillance cameras at a gas station or it’s the security guard in a shopping mall. Does this make you feel uncomfortable? You post something on Facebook and decide to delete it 5 minutes later, but did you know that it will always be on the†¦show more content†¦One is able to see exactly what your house looks like and any other object that was in the area when the picture was taken. It shows exactly where you are located and the surroundings. The aforementioned applications are just a few examples of how applications do not ensure the complete privacy of one’s information. (Sylvia, Bob, 2013) People today are learning that identity theft, financial theft, and other scams are becoming more common than ever before. It is an issue that has become uncontrollable. We as humans have to make smarter and wiser choices on how we use all of the new technology. It is easy to access someone’s information using little effort. Hidden cameras are not the only tools used to invade someone’s privacy. These tools come as simple as a hidden microphone as well. Secret hackers also use wiretapping. It may be illegal but hackers stop at nothing to gain access to the information that they are seeking. There are also satellite trackers but they are the least common because they are more noticeable. Some people show little concern to the possibility that their privacy may be invaded. Some may say, â€Å"Well, why worry if you have nothing to hide?†Yes, that may be true but if someone went through your bank account you wouldn’t be too happy. You’re not hiding anything in your bank account except for your money. Hacking into your bank account is an invasion of privacy just as much as hacking into a Facebook account. There are some waysShow MoreRelatedPrivacy Of The 21st Century No Longer Exists1600 Words  | 7 PagesPrivacy in the 21st Century no longer exists. Bill Gates stated, â€Å"That historically privacy was almost implicit, because it was hard to find and gather information. But in the digital world, whether it s digital cameras or satellites or just what you click on, we need to have more explicit rules - not just for governments but for private companies†. Even though the advancement of Information Technology (IT) is not the problem, the problem is the information that is available is not protected fromRead MoreChoicepoint: A Case of Privacy in the 21st Century Essay1723 Words  | 7 PagesChoicepoint: A Case of Privacy in the 21st Century Introduction Since its founding in 1776, America has been a country where the rights of individuals are one of the most important issues. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Improvement Plan for Quota Park Shared Footpath †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Improvement Plan for Quota Park Shared Footpath. Answer: Introduction The paper is based on a tender, which is mainly based on engineering and construction domain of Quota Park Shared Footpath. The contract is required for managing the construction work for the footpath for walking and cycling purposes. In order to conduct study on theproject management methodologies, waterfall methodology is used. Using this methodology, the construction work of the Quota Park is easier to understand. This development model is used for this project, as it is a small project and there are no such certain requirements. At the end of the phase, review is taken to determine if the project work is in the right path. This particular paper discusses a continuous improvement plan for the selected case study so that the Quota Park can improve their construction work. Continuous improvement is conducted for the construction work so that it can finish within time and budget. There is a change in the scope of services, which will increase or decrease the earlier scope of the project plan (Singh, Thakur and Chaudhary 2015). The manager is able to improve in their construction services so that they can attach more customers towards their park and satisfied them with their services. The improvement plan discusses the change management within project and then implements the plan for the Quota Park. Continuous Improvement Plan of Quota Park Shared Footpath The construction work of Quota Park Shared Footpath project plan provides a space for walking in the park. While working into the plan, the project manager identifies some of the improvement areas to provide a framework and examine existing management practices of the footpath assets (Alshamrani and Bahattab 2015). The improvement plan is focused to overcome with the identified deficiencies. The project life cycle cost and total maintenance cost of the footpath is high. The footpath network does not maintain safe standard to set out the asset management plan (Andersson et al. 2015). The footpath network is not managed in sustainable manner and not maintained to desired service level. Due to these two main issues, the council involved with Quota Park takes the decision to improve their footpath plan (Rouse 2016). This park provides an opportunity to the visitors to enjoy their walking and cycling and provide community based social aspects, children as well as adults and making of frie nds. This park also offers safety and quality services to the local communities and residents (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). This particular improvement plan has been prepared based on the provision of the construction services at the Quota Park in order to provide with a framework for future management. The operational team has undertaken footpath maintenance activities, augmentation work as well as managing of external contractors in order to undertake any renewal and replacement works. The footpath should require improving in such a way that it delivers 50 percent of more public spaces for walking and cycling and extended pathways (Hasani, Sakieh and Khammar 2016). The management actions within the plan is formulated in order to address as well as achieve of decision making which leads to greater cultural as well as financial access in delivery of the services (Windle and Rolfe 2014). The Quota Park is managed in such a way that it can support the local communities and residents. In order to remain rapidity with forecast needs of user, regulatory as well as safety needs and maintenance standards are required for the park to undergo continuous improvement (Elghondakly, Moussa and Badr 2015). The improvement plan undergoes a sustainability of the park in the future. Due to implement ation of this plan, the park provides required funding for leisure facilities, infrastructure of community and environmental improvements within the local reserves. It provides with frequent sustainable economic as well as environmental asset for the community and visitors. There is an improvement into the design standard of the shared footpath. The area where the improvement is required is in the width of the footpath, surface and gradient (Copeland, Zarbo and Varney 2016). The width of footpath of Quota Park is based on the users type as well as transport type. In the footpath, the transport types are walking and cycling. The footpath many be either one-way or two-way. Based on the tender document of the Quota Park, it is better to construct two-way footpath, which is both beneficial for walking as well as cycling. Gradient as well as surface is also based on user type as well as transport type (Madgunda et al. 2015). The key aspects of the continuous improvement plan consist of upgrading the footpath area, which provides a connection between the town centre and the visitors. It provides new community facilities within the community reserve such as pathways. There are higher quality and public facilities within the park (Zhang et al. 2014). The plan o f management also improves the road networks with an improvement to access on the sites. The main issue of footpath is its proper maintenance. Proper path alignment is needed to give good quality standard path. When a footpath is constructed, it affects the environment (Windle and Rolfe 2013). Therefore, the land resources are shared as per the principles of environmental safety, protection as well as ecological sustainability, public usage and enjoyment of land use. It is committed to make sure that the local communities as well as other stakeholders should be informed about the plan for upgrade and implement the plan into the Quota Park. There is also an improvement into the public recreation areas in the area, which come under the board management (Ellison 2013). When a footpath is constructed, then drain outlet is constructed properly to avoid of erosions. New operational facilities are provided for maintenance as well as development of the park so that the visitors those are walking and cycling in the park would satisfy with the services. The new facilities are new residence for managers, maintenance and others (Singh, Thakur and Chaudhary 2015). There is a development into the parking facilities of the park to produce across the site in order to support existing as well as planned infrastructure developments. There are also entertainment improvements into the park such as tennis centre, football that would attach more visitors towards the park (Raybould et al. 2013). When in the above-mentioned areas, the park makes improvement, and then it will become a well-known park for cycling and walking purposes. Quota Park provides green spaces to move people in the crowded city neighborhoods. Therefore, improvement in the park means different things for various communities (Elghondakly, Moussa and Badr 2015). Continuous improvement plan is considered as an ongoing effort in order to improve the services as well as business processes. It seeks of incremental improvements over the time as well as breakthrough of improvements into the project plan. It consists of the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) which identifies the changes into the model (Kerzner 2013). Waterfall model can improve the cost and time of the project plan. It improves over development process of the Quota Park, which helps to achieve a competitive advantage into the market. While conducting improvement into the Quota Park, waterfall methodology is used as, it is easier for the management to use in adopting identified improvements into the park. It is easier to manage due to its rigidity as each of the phases has deliverables as well as process to review (Hasani, Sakieh and Khammar 2016). All the phases of the model are completed within planned time and once one phase is finished, the other phase started. Therefore, there are no possibilities of overlapping. As the improvement of the footpath is focused on visitors and local communities, therefore the quality of materials and equipments should be good, minimize the occurrence of rework and final product quality are the main focus (Windle and Rolfe 2013). All the project stakeholders should update with the improvement plan. Some of the workers have lack of knowledge to do construction tasks; therefore, they require training to do the work. In order to meet with the requirements of the customers, proper arrangements are necessary in this particular plan. In this tender project of Quota Park, possible requirements are identified as it clearly discussed all the improvement areas into the tender document (Raybould et al. 2013). The main advantage of this model is that it permits managerial control of the park. A schedule is set for the improvement plan with fixing each deadline for each phase. Development of the footpath moves through design, implementation and installation of the plan and finally it ends up with proper operation as well as maintenance (Copeland, Zarbo and Varney 2016). It is resolved to ensure that the nearby groups and different partners ought to be educated about the arrangement for redesign as well as execute the arrangement into the Quota park. The Board perceives the financial, natural and social significance of the park to the local communities and visitors (Windle and Rolfe 2014). The board of the park understands the management of the park, which is a vital issue for the local communities. It is committed to make sure that the local communities as well as other stakeholders should be informed about the plan for upgrade and implement the plan into the park (Alshamrani and Bahattab 2015). Therefore, implementation plan is required for the safe construction of footpath for cycling and walking purposes. The Quota Park is managed in such a way that it can support the local communities as well as local residents. The arrangement of administration has been readied in view of the arrangement of the administration administrations at Quota Park keeping in mind the end goal to furnish with a structure for future administration, use and change in the administration processes (Raybould et al. 2013).). The local councils play a role in managing the footpath assets so that it makes sure that it can provide a high service level, which meets with requirements of residents as well as visitors to that area. The council implements of components, which are required to improve the footpath asset management, plan (Andersson et al. 2015). The stakeholders group is responsible to make sure that the decisions are represented as well as reflected with needs of the wider community. Based on the tender document, a project plan proposal is prepared so that all the project team members should know about the new changes in the footpath project. The project plan proposal document focuses on the improvement areas, resou rce required for making improvement, maintenance process and proper meeting with the stakeholders (Singh, Thakur and Chaudhary 2015). After that, an approval is required from the senior project manager. When the approval is get, then the project manager starts to implement the improvement plan into the construction process. Conclusion It is concluded that while working into the continuous improvement plan, the manager of project recognizes a portion of the change ranges to give a structure and look at existing administration practices of the pathway resources. Waterfall strategy is utilized as; it is simpler for the administration to use in embracing distinguished upgrades into the Quota Park. It is less demanding to oversee because of its inflexibility as each of the stages has expectations and additionally procedure to survey. All the project partners ought to refresh with the change arrange. A portion of the laborers has absence of information to do development errands; accordingly, they oblige preparing to take every necessary step. So as to meet with the prerequisites of the clients, legitimate courses of action are important in this specific arrangement. The nearby boards assume a part in dealing with the trail resources so it ensures that it can give a high administration level, which meets with prerequisit es of occupants and guests to that range. The committee actualizes of parts, which are required to enhance the pathway resource administration arrange. As the change of the trail is centered on guests and neighborhood groups, subsequently the nature of materials and supplies ought to be great, limit the occurrence of rework as well as final item quality. References Alshamrani, A. and Bahattab, A., 2015. A comparison between three SDLC models waterfall model, spiral model, and Incremental/Iterative model.International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI),12(1), p.106. Andersson, K., Brierley, N., Hedstroem, F., Herr, D. and Risson, J., 2015. Managing congestion on Gold Coast beaches: An economic evaluation.Griffith University (Discussion Papers in Economics 2015-04). Copeland, J., Zarbo, R. and Varney, R., 2016. Deviation Management: A Defect Management System for Continuous Improvement.American Journal of Clinical Pathology,146(suppl_1). Elghondakly, R., Moussa, S. and Badr, N., 2015, December. Waterfall and agile requirements-based model for automated test cases generation. InIntelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS), 2015 IEEE Seventh International Conference on(pp. 607-612). IEEE. Ellison, E.R., 2013.The Australian beachspace: flagging the spaces of Australian beach texts(Doctoral dissertation, Queensland University of Technology). Hasani, M., Sakieh, Y. and Khammar, S., 2016. Measuring satisfaction: analyzing the relationships between sociocultural variables and functionality of urban recreational parks.Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-18. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Madgunda, S., Suman, U., Praneeth, G.S. and Kasera, R., 2015. Steps in Requirement Stage of Waterfall Model.International journal of computer mathematical sciences, pp.86-87. Raybould, M., Anning, D., Ware, D. and Lazarow, N., 2013.Beach and surf tourism and recreation in Australia: Vulnerability and adaptation(p. 1). Bond University. Rouse, M., 2016. Waterfall model.Essential guide: CIO guide toproject management basics DevOps and Agile, pp.1-50. Saveriades, A., 2014. Strategic Planning in National Tourism Organisations: The Case of Cyprus.European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems: The EU Member States,61, p.279. Singh, D., Thakur, A. and Chaudhary, A., 2015. A Comparative Study between Waterfall and Incremental Software Development Life Cycle Model.International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,2(04). Windle, J. and Rolfe, J., 2013. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Johns Hopkins Offers Admissions to 2,284 Applicants to Join the Class of 2022
Another day and another set of college results have been released! On March 15th, Johns Hopkins University announced their college decisions to all 29,128 applicants that applied for spot in the incoming Class of 2022. Johns Hopkins University saw a 9.59% increase in the number of applications received this fall compared to the 26,578 applications they received last application cycle. Of the students who applied for regular decision, 2,284 students were offered admission to the JHU Class of 2022, the university announced. Last fall, 2,037 applicants applied Early Decision to Johns Hopkins, and the university accepted 610 students, bringing the early acceptance rate down to 29.9%. The Early Decision Program is binding, which means all accepted students are required to enroll next fall. Early Decision acceptance rates are often higher for universities to fill a guaranteed percentage of their incoming class. Overall, Johns Hopkins received a total of 29,128 and accepted 2,894 students regular decision and early decision. This brings JHU’s acceptance rate to the lowest in the last 5 years, dipping to single digits at 9.93% this year. Congratulations to the JHU Class of 2022! We wish you the best and hope you make the right decision about where to enroll. Wherever that may be, we are sure you’ll enjoy the next 4 years in college. To those still waiting on results, good luck! Check out our list ofadmission notification dates. Don’t let your application essays and materials go to waste. Turn your success into insights for future applicants by creating a profile. Plus, you get to earn some extra money while you’re at it. What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
In 2009, a fire broke out at the cold-storage and warehouse building and killed six fire fighters. The firefighters died after they lost their way in the warehouse. They were searching for two homeless people who had allegedly started the fire and exited the building. After a police officer on patrol noticed smoke coming from the building, he contacted Central Dispatch for help.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cold-Storage and Warehouse Building Fire specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The police officer reported that smoke was visible on the top of the building indicting that part of the building was on fire. The fire raged for more than an hour before the first alarm was sounded. Among the rescue team were 73 fire fighters who responded after disappearance of six fire fighters in the first rescue team. The fire fighters who died were responding to the first alarm call. During the search mission, two firefighters l ost way in the warehouse and died. Even though one of them raised alarm, there was no time to save him. After thorough investigation, the missing fire fighters were identified. The office of the District Attorney attributed the death of the firefighters to complications that resulted from effects of the fire. Two of them died of severe burns, inhalation of toxic gases, and exposure to heat. The other four died due to inhalation of smoke, hot gases, and soot. Rescue operations were ineffective because they succumbed to the effects of the fire before being rescued. After the incident, several recommendations were proposed to improve firefighters’ safety. Inspection of vacant houses should be conducted to enable firefighters familiarize with their construction plans and designs. In addition, establishing a plan that includes possible obstacles is also important. Inspection of buildings will enable easy navigation by firefighters during a fire. Two of the six fire fighters died b ecause they lost their way in the building. The fire department should always be prepared for fires by ensuring that their fire equipment is functional and in good condition. There should be a different command protocol followed. For example, the Incident Commander should have a partner so that during emergencies such as fires, an automatic response can help save lives. The fire department equipment should be upgrade. This will involve ensuring that their equipment is fully functional and adequate. Failure to save the six who did resulted from inadequacies in their firefighting equipment. The incident commander should be more responsible. This will involve knowing all personnel offering help in a rescue mission. In case of a fire situation, he can easily identify missing individuals and start a search.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A Rapid Intervention Team should be est ablished and be ready whenever there is an emergency. In most cases, fire-fighting companies are usually busy and may not be able to respond to an alarm call when an emergency occurs. To avoid losses because of unavailability, a Rapid Intervention Team should be established. It will be responsible for making first rescue attempts before other rescuers respond with more advanced equipment. Finally, implementation of a health and safety program is necessary. For example, NFPA has provisions that allow adoption of such programs by fire departments. The main goal of the program is to deal with fatalities, illnesses, and other physical and psychological complications that result from such incidents. Many people are affected by such incidents including families of fire fighters. The program also offers social and emotional support to the families to help them deal with losses. This essay on Cold-Storage and Warehouse Building Fire was written and submitted by user Wilson T. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Huck Finns Different Traits essays
Huck Finns Different Traits essays Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain, which is a story of life through the eyes of a young boy named Huck. The book embodies the maturation of Huck through his character traits. In the novel, Huck displays the traits of being adventurous, The most obvious trait portrayed by Huck was his adventurous attitude. He shows his bent for adventure in many different situations. When Huck said, "there's a nigger here that I'm trying to steal out of slavery", he showed this trait(227). The book as a whole could be called an adventure, and has been by many critics. Huck's adventurous attitude gets him into trouble, causes many climactic but also gets him out of a lot of trouble. Huck also displays sympathy in the novel. He shows his sympathy primarly to Jim throughout the novel. He shows sympathy when the robbers were on the boat and Huck sends help to them. Even though the section about the robbers was an anecdote to move the story along it shows Hucks sympathy towards others.He tells the daughter of the dead father that the king and the duke are trying to a con, "I got to tell you the truth. These uncles of yourn ain't no uncles at all - they're a couple of frauds."(188). The situation with the daughter showed a great amount of sympathy because Huck had a lot to gain if he kept his mouth shut, but instead he showed sympathy. Huck shows patience many times when it comes to The King and The Duke. He puts up with their antics for a long time, even though they sometimes got him in trouble. Also, when Huck was living with "Pap" he waited for days in order to obtain a good time to escape. When he was waiting he showed extreme patience because "Pap" was "[getting] too handy with his hick'ry" through the whole time(63). Because of the fact that beating Huck was Pap's forte there are not many oth ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Aristotelian theory of virtueand the rule of the golden mean Essay
Aristotelian theory of virtueand the rule of the golden mean - Essay Example This essay discusses that these are the reasons why Categorical Imperative requires choosing the option to help the roommate, notwithstanding that it may influence the results of the crucially important life-changing test. Mill’s Utilitarianism is based on the claim that people should act in accordance with what will make them happier and bring as much utility as possible. However, moral actions in this context are those that would also make other people happier and reduce the overall amount of unhappiness. Thus the moral doctrine, in general, proclaims looking for a compromise that would satisfy both a person and the other person who needs help. In the given situation, it is important to find a solution that would allow me to sleep enough and not to fail the test and help the friend to get home safe. Driving the friend home myself can affect my test score, which would not bring me any utility; although living my friend alone in such situation would not only be bad for him but also would make me think of what an immoral person I am, which turns out to be bad for me as well. Thus the best compromise in this situation is probably to call a taxi and pay the driver to bring my friend home. While the taxi would be delivering the roommate, I would be able to keep sleeping, so I wouldn’t fail the exam of my life. Therefore this compromising decision would both help my friend and allow me to get some sleep which is required to succeed on the exam, which is of crucial importance and can’t be failed whatsoever.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Do high levels of trust between workers and management lead to better Essay
Do high levels of trust between workers and management lead to better performance Discuss with reference to key academic studies in this area - Essay Example The two methods chosen are high road and low road methods. The high road method implements strategies through innovative management techniques to enhance internal productivity of employees while the low road gives importance to downsizing and contracting out. These methods have been formulated in the wake of privatisation which gives less emphasis to widely accepted public values like responsiveness to changing requirements of citizens and the need to maintain high standard of productivity among workforce. Privatization has led to poor productivity and performance and the local government aim to contract back to mitigate the bids of companies that exhibit dissatisfied results. The contacting back of privatized companies to the public sector has shown improvement and better performance because these companies were handled with innovative methods of labor management cooperation. In addition to the new management method, better performance of employees was availed by the public sector a t comparatively low cost. Thus, the adoption of the high road strategy has resulted in better cooperation and performance because the workers were given the opportunity to work under lesser risk and greater social rewards. Internal management reform is of significance where the trust of the employees can be won to increase their performance. The adoption of high road strategy results in the production of better quality products and better service which is essential for any organisation to stay ahead in a competitive marketplace. The trust of employees can be enhanced by providing the required training which will transform them into a highly committed workforce. Better performance of the organisation will lead to higher wages for workers, cooperative worker-employer relations and an innovative and productive working environment. The high road method attract high quality workers due to better wages and good
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Developing Listening and Speaking Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Developing Listening and Speaking Skills - Essay Example During that period of silence, the teacher inquires whatever sounds the learners can detect either within or without the class. This not only develops but enhances the children’s listening skills to greater levels. It also provides the learners with a practical means of learning and being entertained. After teaching, learners should be allowed to ask and answer questions as means to gauge their level of understanding on the items taught during a session. Question allows constant mutual interaction with the teacher and among other learners thereby helping in building strong speaking skill development (Rolton and Curriculum Corporation (Australia), 2006). Moreover, learners should be encouraged to participate in discussions and follow the rules of polite conversation such as staying on a topic and taking turns. It should be noted that discussions are important for learners especially those who have not learned as per the instructor’s lessons may learn from other learners in the process. In order to develop a strong command of the English language among the learners it is vital to make the learners part of the learning process (Pyeand Greenall, 1996). This can be done through active interaction between learners and the instructor as well as among the students themselves. For instance, the instructors can also ask open ended questions and allow them to expand upon their answers. Developing young children’s listening and speaking skills are usually inculcated through various means especially due to the fact that different learners have different understanding abilities. For example, the teacher can engage the children in conversations throughout the day. This allows the learners to learn new words and expand their vocabulary (Folse and Bologna, 2006). During the conversations, the children will be communicating to their teacher as well as to their peers.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Analysis Of Community Based Tourism
Analysis Of Community Based Tourism Cost -Above noted, there are many different way of getting to the Caribbean, as a result of the When region at a good affordability, especially when compared to different places in the world there is an off season the ticket get less expensive. More over these essential factors make a enormous he tourism region. These attractions such as dolphin cove and mystic mountain they develop and implement more facilities and resorts that offer the taste of the Caribbean. The official industry touted past time as a priority. Accommodation- Caribbean region has a risen vacancy in the hotels, spas and resorts. These options means that tourists comes from all over the level of region to come visit , but in the addition the vacancies is also affordable. Hotels and resorts continue to give low prices, for the rooms to the visitors. Other opportunities such as golf, netball, tennis and other recreational activities is available in the resort towns which concentrate on water activities particularly diving, jet skis to lesser, extent, boat hire. With more person visiting the room include additional sports and recreational facilities like yachting, shopping. Reputation- The Caribbean standard is most profounded from the 1800s and for this the reputation is raised every year so tourist wants to come here to see the people culture etc. In fact, the Royal Victorian Hotel was built in the Bahamas during the American Civil War, one of the earliest such establishments in the region. This repeat vacation. Also, the region is known for being safe, alleviating concern from families and single visitors. Quality service Quality in the tourism and hospitality industry involves consistent delivery of products and guest services according to expected standards. Delivering quality service is one of the major challenges the hospitality managers will defacing in the following years as it is an essential condition for success in the emerging, keenly competitive, global hospitality markets. There are various tools that measure and improve quality service, as well as mechanisms for quality recognition in the tourism and hospitality industry. The weigh up the impacts of cost-profit and be in a position to priorities towards a quality improvement process for their own property managers should identify record and the present study shows that tourism stakeholders perceive quality service in a hotel as value for money, a comfortable room, friendly staff and tasty food. Moreover, the survey shows that there is always room for further improvement of the hospitality services. Other results of the surveys reveal that the most important factors for a hotels future are guest satisfaction, guest retention and word of mouth advertising. Aiming at excellence and profitability, the outcomes of the survey suggest focus on quality service; retention of existing guests by exceeding their expectations; continuous quality improvement; employment, regular training and empowerment of service-oriented staff; search for best practices through benchmarking; and, finally, pursuit of quality accreditation through the various schemes, such as the eco-labels, ISO and the EU Foundation for Quality Management. The delivery system is designed to provide the customer with the required variety of services and with the minimum delay. A common feature of delivery systems is the customer line or queue. A key aspect of any system is to control the length of queues. The unique tourism aspect service industry belongs to service delivery system. The term covers aspect of operation that taken place at any given time customers or client requested. Title of my Paper: Travel Tourism Sector Students name: Natanya Williams Colbourne College Lecture: Ms Michelle Branch November 13, 2012 Report This assignment is base on the fort most knowledge on travel tourism sector. Travel tourism is the movement of objects, people between two geographical locations of relative distance. More times tourism includes the movements of different destination as a stop point to move from destination to destination to reach the final destination. Recently it has been discover that the centre stage in terms of vacation and holidays or mostly acquired to the term Business Travel and Cargo.With these advance technology travel tourism has become more revolutionized with passage of time. Travel has become such a global need for all security measure has become a priority for all. Table of content Report 1 Quality services 2 Pros and cons of community based tourism 3 Main factors that attract tourist to the Caribbean 4 Conclusion 5 Bibliography 6 Pros and cons of community based tourism Pros- The implications of pros on the country on a whole is that the convention visitors bureau need to develop efficient products for locals and international person and that product must be environmental friendly for society and civilization. The convention visitor bureau needs to generate income through sustainable resources by organized local resources by people. The member of the tourist board need to put the pros forward and try to resolve them and put Jamaica on the mop for the most experience tourism spot in the world. The sustainable, giving that the pros revised on the topic of the rural and poor communities and its source of income. In this type of area this aspect is valid and varied lives of local and indigenous people while they preserve the environment and the culture heritage. There are projects set aside for benefits to the community as a whole. When international tourist arrives to a certain areas it is rich in culture and biodiversity and at the same will get more involved as a country. Cons-The conservation implicated on the country on a whole by the variety of activities that is encourage and support a wide range of development and conservation for e.g. (economic and social). This chapter of the project identifies the issues that affect community base tourism and the sustainability and promotion, with every growth interest, tourism development and marketing strategies that associated with a specific industry and its components. In this section it is useful to produce a clear definition of community base tourism to its readers. There are several different specialized tourism activities e.g. ecotourism, Nature base tourism etc. Although there is a estimate of 10%-15% conservation of nature related tourism. It is difficult to generalized countries and there natural environment as the primary key attraction for most international visitors, and the increasing of domestic tourist.There is a excessive amount of accurate data and it clearly show that the community base i ndustry need to rise it standards. Conclusion I am currently discussing the achievements of the travel and tourism sector project and looking to the future of great gesture. It is interesting to receive the amount of information from the different resources in respect of their different opinion. I have achieved the primary goal of this project and everyone has benefited in many ways from being involved in the project.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sumptuous Cuisine Catering
Their plans for the ballroom show they want to offer their clients the option of having a meeting or party place outside of their business or home. They can give them many different options to fill their needs and wishes for their events. The company will provide many options for in house services and then will use subcontractors for the rest. Even though this is a ballroom they will be able to offer meetings or parties from small to large at any time of the day.This can be done due to their flexible menus they will be able to offer a variety of cuisine. This option will also put them above the competition that specializes In only one type of food. To keep this edge however they will have to keep up on new trends and watch their competition closely making sure that they stay one step ahead. The plans for this venture will reach out to a variety of past clients as well as open up a new market for them that will allow the client to not have to provide a place have their event.Reaching for the non-profit organizations that could utilize the location for their fund gassing functions will open more doors for people that go to them generally throw large functions or parties of their own. They are Joining forces with other companies that will allow them to expand their bookings through other party planning companies. This along with their plan to add their own sales staff should give the company a well rounded market. The sales forecast for the ballroom they are looking for it to rise considerable in the first year as the forecast Is for them to be able to sell due to Introductory specials.It is an aggressive one that could be hard to make If they cannot rent the space as they have projected. They have a well thought out Male Stone plan that seems to touch each section of getting the business going. The partners will be hands on with the start up to follow each function so that they can put their vision into place. With them doing this and hiring a minimal managerial staff until things take off this will help with costs. The hiring of an administrative assistant will give them the option to focus on this. A Marketing director will get them in place to be seen.Using a full time facilities manager will keep the building in check for the events. A chief and assistant cook will be added along with other cross trained staff. When looking at the capital that the company will have for startup it they seem to have a very tight budget and are allowing for the purchase, improvements, equipment and marketing however they do not have much to fall back on if things slow down the opening or business does not pick up right away. They do however plan to use the cash reserves from Sumptuous Cuisine to help In the first year.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jacques Family Case study Essay
Domestic violence has several mitigating approaches, and the health care approach has proved to be fruitful. By gathering feedback from victims of domestic violence in a health care setting, has helped to create awareness as well as demystify the phenomenon eventually helping to create more accurate intervention strategies (Enos et al, 2004.p 4). It has also been noted from studies that children who grow up in homes where they experience domestic violence are likely to be perpetrators of the same in their adult life (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 6). The co-occurrence of child abuse and intimate partner violence is an issue that needs to be professionally addressed. The impact on domestic violence on children cannot be explained by one theory. Assumptions about the Jacques family There is a co-occurrence of child abuse and intimate partner violence in the Jacques family. This is seen when Jacques physically abuses Samuel when the boy tries to help his mother from the father’s attack. Jacques verbally abuses Samuel, as seen in the case study. The husband, Jean Jacques is an unstable man, with an inclination towards violence. This is likely to be a medical condition. Jean has a manipulative attitude and domineering towards his family. Marie suffers from depression as a result of the continued violence and a feeling of having wasted her life by not pursuing the nursing course. Marie has had a troubled childhood and early adulthood as is stated in the case study. Her father physically abused her. Samuel’s father actually abused her sexually as evidenced by her feelings to go for an abortion. Marie is basically a responsible and intelligent woman. Marie has not contributed to the violence in the family in any way. The family has lost close ties with their paternal relatives/extended family. The children feel a sense of insecurity towards their father and suffer from various behavioral/ attitudinal disorders (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 7). Data, facts, information, and observations about this family Jean Jacques is an unstable man, with an inclination towards violence is evidenced by the fact that when Samuel tries to intervene to save his mother Jean violently throws the boy across the room and ignores the cries of the little children Valerie and Miranda. The fact that jean used a baseball bat to batter his wife proves he has an inclination towards violence as well as being of relatively unstable mind. He does not need to use a base ball bat. The injuries sustained, and the feelings of depression by Marie demonstrate the extent of the violence. Marie has grown to fear her husband and fearing he will come home from jail to kill her demonstrates this. Jean would hit Marie for no reason, yell at the kids and use abusive language towards Sammy who is not his son. He has an alcoholic problem. He even abandons his family and goes away. Has trouble sleeping and claims he hears strange voices. He feels scared of himself. His violent outbursts cause his family to be denied the services of homeless shelters. A social worker had to intervene for the family to get admission to a domestic violence shelter. Jean has a manipulative attitude and domineering towards his family. This is seen when he discouraged Marie from pursuing her dream in nursing. Jean discouraged his wife from visiting her family as well as discouraging her family to visit her. He domineered over her denying her the right and freedom of association by becoming possessive and consequently Marie had no friends. Marie suffers from depression. She has lost motivation to be productive. She has no motivation to seek employment, perform her household chores, and provide quality parenting to her children. Marie has had a troubled childhood and early adulthood. She was physically abused by her father. The father of her first child Samuel sexually abused her at age 19 years. She was vulnerable and hence fell for Jean who promised her a better life and security. Marie is basically a responsible and intelligent woman. She expresses desire to be supportive of her husband as a duty. She desires to pursue nursing to support her family. Marie has attempted to restore their relationship. She suspects that jean is having a drug problem. This is found to be true when the family comes back from Bahamas. She took Jean back after one year when Jean supposedly went back to his medication and started applying for jobs. Marie graduated from high school with straight A’s. The family has lost close ties with their paternal relatives/extended family. There is no mention in the case study of Jeans relatives and the Child Protective Services Caseworker could not trace any relatives. The children feel insecure about their father. Samuel tries to save his mother from the violent attack while Joshua calls the police. Samuel does not feel attached to Jean anymore. Jean is not essentially a bad man. In their initial years in marriage Jean was a responsible man and took care of Sammy as his own child. Though he is violent towards his wife he apologizes for the violence. He agrees to seek psychiatric advice upon Marie’s request. Jean makes his family more comfortable when he gets employed. He agrees to let Marie take the children to Bahamas. Concerning the children Samuel is 13 years old and feels like he no longer belongs to this family. He is constantly teased by the siblings as well as Jean for being black. He suffers from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disorder. He is academically average and manages to get C’s and D’s. He is getting into more problems at school including fights and poor academic performance. Molests younger children at school and is physically and verbally aggressive to his younger siblings. He copies Jean’s behavior in that he has physically attacked his mother. He is unfriendly. His accomplishments in karate programs demonstrate his inclination towards violence. Joshua is 11years old, he is obese and reserved. He is academically average and manages to get B’s and C’s. He has one friend Joe, and wishes his friend’s family were his family. He sees Joe’s family as normal people and this means that he sees his family as abnormal. He feels that his father would have killed his mother had he not called in the police. He is having trauma and yet he cares for his father. He is at risk of failing as a result of traumatic experiences. Has personality problems, he refuses to bathe. He loves solitude. He is a responsible child, helpful in the house and loves school. Valerie is 9 years old. She is quiet and withdrawn child. She is kind and eager to please. She is above average and bright. She manages straight A’s. She is well liked by peers and teachers, though she does not socialize with her friends outside school. She is a responsible child and takes care of her younger siblings. She is friendly to Joshua but antagonistic towards Samuel. Miranda is 6 years old, she is a friendly but withdrawn child and does not perform well at school. She seems to be disturbed and disconnected from her immediate surroundings. Has nightmares that proves she is disturbed. Matthew is 4 years old. He does not seem to be doing well at school, he is very active physically with an inclination towards violence. He is basically uncooperative. Interpretation the information about this family From the observations about the children in the Jacques family it is important to note that they all demonstrate varying degrees of emotional and psychological deficits. This has been found to be the case from studies conducted on children who have been exposed to domestic violence (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 6). The children in this family are unable to socialize with their peers as this is demonstrated by their unfriendliness and disability to keep friends. Children are likely to view themselves as the cause of the violence and feel held captive by their inability to stop the violence. This may most likely cause the child to internalize, and this situation is made worse by their inability to acquire social skills (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 7). Conclusions about this family The Jacques family needs medical interventions. From the observation in the case study it demonstrates Jacques has a medical condition and having exposed his entire family to the violence the whole family needs the relevant medical intervention for each age bracket. Studies have shown there does not exist a single intervention strategy that fits all cases (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 15). Treatment for this family Given that Marie has on several attempts tried to restore their relationship with Jacque it would be appropriate to engage the services of both the Domestic Violence programs (DV) and the Child Protective Services (CPS) more seriously. The CPS’s approach focuses on protecting the children while at the same time propagate the preservation of the family unit while the DV facilitates the safety of the victim. There are several joint programs between DV and CPS that would be helpful in this case (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 16). Empirical Studies Case 1; In handling Domestic violence related problems it is important to understand that factors such as age of the child, its gender, and the time that has passed since the last exposure to violence, the child’s attachment to the friendly parent and other important individuals and social supports in its life are the determining factors that influence the impact of the violence on the child (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 19). Case 2; The mistreat of children and violence against females are con-current. About 500,000 may be found by police during arrests for domestic violence. An overlap of between 30%-60% exists between violence against women and violence against children in the same families (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 20). Case 3; If safety and other pertinent interventions are not available the impact of the exposure to domestic violence and child abuse can spill over into the child’s adolescence. Young people who have been exposed to domestic violence at home are likely to replicate the violence (National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence, 2002. p 20). References Enos V, P., Linden, J, A., Tieszen, L., Bernstein, J. & Brown, J. (2004) An Intervention To Improve Documentation Of Intimate Partner Violence In Medical Records. U.S Department of justice. Retrieved February 23, 2009 from Kelleher, K., Gardner, W., Coben, J., Barth, R., Edleson, J. & Hazen, A., (2002). Co-Occuring Intimate Partner Violence and Maltreatment; Local Policies/Practices and Relationships to Child Placement, Family Services and Residence. U.S Department of justice. Retrieved February 23, 2009 from http;// National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence. (2002). Children Exposed To Intimate Partner Violence. Retrieved February 23, 2009 from
Friday, November 8, 2019
Bradstreet Feminism Essays - Gender Studies, Gender, Anne Bradstreet
Bradstreet Feminism Essays - Gender Studies, Gender, Anne Bradstreet Bradstreet Feminism As a female in a highly patriarchal society, Anne Bradstreet uses the reverse psychology technique to prove the point of her belief of unfair and unequal treatment of women in her community. Women who wrote stepped outside their appropriate sphere, and those who actually published their work frequently faced social censure. Compounding this social pressure, many women faced crushing workloads and struggled with lack of leisure for writing. Others suffered from an unequal access to education, while others were dealing with the sense of intellectual inferiority offered to them from virtually every authoritative voice, that voice usually being male. Bradstreet was raised in an influential family, receiving an extensive education with access to private tutors and the Earl of Lincoln's large library. She was part of an influential family who encouraged her writing and circulated it in manuscript with pride. That kind of private support did much to offset the possibility of public disappro val. Bradstreet believed that women in her society were treated unfairly, and that gender should be insignificant. In her Prologue she addresses conflict and struggle, expressing her opinion toward women's rights, implying that gender is unimportant and male dominance is wrong. Bradstreet asserts the rights of women to learning and expression of thought, addressing broad and universal themes. The Prologue has a humble tone with slightly hidden surprises, containing a muted declaration of independence from the past and a challenge to male authority. Bradstreet also uses a rather apologetic tone to draw in the reader so that they will form an interest in her writing despite her gender. In the beginning she refers to wars, captains, and epics, written specifically by male writers, worrying that her poems will shame the art of poetry. Continuing her self-demotion with an apologetic tone she talks about the Great Bartas, admiring his works, and sarcastically admitting that she will never be as talented as he is. The sarcastic tone of these lines cause the typical reader to reconsider that maybe women are not as bad as she portrays them to be, which is exactly what she has schemed for the reader to think. Continuing, Bradstreet mentions regret for her lack of skill, in which she laments the fact that A weak or wounded brain admits no cure (stanza 4, line 24). As the reading progresses, she discusses the prejudice against women, knowing that if she expresses her true feelings, no one will look at her poem. Stanza 5, lines 25-30 implies that she despises anyone who thinks that women are better as housewives, and that if their work proves well, men will say it is stolen or is by chance, explaining unfair treatment of women. Following, she mentions the Greeks as appreciative of women, blaming the current society for the manipulation of women. She laments that the Greeks had fewer arguments on women's rights and were more peaceful, contrasting it with the current values of society, namely that the Greeks are wrong and women are inferior. Bradstreet uses sarcasm to express her emotions toward the male dominant society, saying that men are eternally correct, and women are inferior to them. She sarcastically says that men are better than women, implying the exact opposite, that women are in fact, equal in ability. She ends by stating that she does not think her work is worth a critic's time, telling us that although she thinks women are not inferior, she cannot do anything about it, and that her works making men's glist'ring gold [work] but more to shine. Bradstreet was a very gifted and talented poet, recording early stirrings of female resistance to a social and religious system that was prevalent at the time. She used different tones, moods, and sarcasm to bring her poetry to life, giving a vivid, clearly worded image of what she wants her reader to know, a strikingly radical notion that her writing could be as competent as any male's. Although much of her work was conventional puritan poetry, it shows a sensitivity to beauty that male writers of the time lacked.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cancer Nanotechnology Essays
Cancer Nanotechnology Essays Cancer Nanotechnology Essay Cancer Nanotechnology Essay Going small for big Advances Abstract At present there are wide varieties of Technologies, which are vastly being used to analyze biological cells to diagnose diseases and develop methodologies to cure diseases. One such technology is Nanotechnology’. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. Its difficult to imagine anything so small, but think of something only 1/80,000 the width of a human hair. Ten hydrogen atoms could be laid side-by-side in a single nanometer. Nanotechnology is the creation of useful materials, devices, and systems through the manipulation of matter on this miniscule scale.The emerging field of nanotechnology involves scientists from many different disciplines, including physicists, chemists, engineers, and biologists. Nanotechnology will change the very foundations of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Nanoscale devices used for treatment of Cancer are based on the constant study of cancer cells and nanotechnology. Nanoscale devices which are smaller than 50 nanometers can easily enter most cells, while those smaller than 20 nanometers can move out of blood vessels as they circulate through the body.Because of their small size, nanoscale devices can readily interact with biomolecules on both the surface of cells and inside of cells. By gaining access to so many areas of the body, they have the potential to detect disease and deliver treatment in ways unimagined before now. Since biological processes that lead to cancer occur at the nanoscale at and inside cells, nanotechnology offers a wealth of tools with new and innovative ways to diagnose and treat cancer. In our paper we design a device that contains sensors, transceivers, motors and a processor, which are made up of biodegradable compound.No more destruction of healthy cells due to harmful toxins and radiations generated through chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Introduction The paper deals with the eradication of cancer cells by providing an efficient method of destroying and curing the cancer so that healthy cells are not affected in any manner. This technology also focuses on a main idea that the patient is not affected by cancer again. The purpose of using the RF signal is to save normal cells. Nanotechnology in this contextNanotechnology refers to the interactions of cellular and molecular components and engineered materials at the most elemental level of biology. This paper emphasizes on the effective utilization of Nanotechnology in the treatment of cancer. What is cancer? Cancer cells are different from healthy cells because they divide more rapidly than healthy cells. In addition, when cells divide at an accelerated rate, they form a mass of tissue called a tumor. These cancerous cells that come in excess amounts cause many problems to the bodies of patients.In general, the most common methods used for the cancer treatment are u Chemotherapy, a treatment with powerful medicines u Radiation therapy, a treatment given through external high-energy rays. Problem Both the treatments mentioned above are harmful. Healthy cells are destroyed in the process. As a result, this leaves the patient very weak, causing him not able to recover quickly to medical treatments. It has been proved that any individual who had cancer can survive on deadly chemotherapy up to a maximum of five years and after that it’s anybody’s guess.Proposed solution The nanodevices can be programmed to destroy affected cells and kill only them, thus ending the problem of destroying any normally functioning cells which are essential to one’s well-being. Thus the treatment-using nanotechnology will make the affected man perfectly normal. Noninvasive access to the interior of a living cell affords the opportunity for unprecedented gains on both clinical and basic research frontiers. Nanotechnology and diagnosticsNanodevices can provide rapid and sensitive detection of cancer-related molecules by enabling scientists to detect molecular changes even when they occur only in a small percentage of cells. Cantilevers Nanoscale cantilevers microscopic, flexible beams resembling a row of diving boards are built using semiconductor lithographic techniques. These can be coated with molecules capable of binding specific substrates-DNA complementary to a specific gene sequence, for example. Such micron-sized devices, comprising many nanometer-sized cantilevers, can detect single molecules of DNA or protein.As a cancer cell secretes its molecular products, the antibodies coated on the cantilever fingers selectively bind to these secreted proteins. These antibodies have been designed to pick up one or more different, specific molecular expressions from a cancer cell. The physical properties of the cantilevers change as a result of the binding event. This change in real time can provide not only information about the presence and the absence but also the concentration of different molecular expressions. Nanoscale cantilevers, thus can provide rapid and sensitive detection of cancer-related molecules.Nanotechnology and Cancer therapy Nanoscale devices have the potential to radically change cancer therapy for the better and to dramatically increase the number of highly effective therapeutic agents. Nanoscale constructs, for example, should serve as customizable, targeted drug delivery vehicles capable of ferrying large doses of chemotherapeutic agents or therapeutic genes into malignant cells while sparing healthy cells, which would greatly reduce or eliminate the often unpalatable side effects that accompany many current cancer therapies. NanoparticlesNanoscale devices have the potential to radically change cancer therapy for the better and to dramatically increase the number of highly effective therapeutic agents. In this example, nanoparticles are targeted to cancer cells for use in the molecular imaging of a malignant lesion. Large numbers of nanoparticles are safely injected into the body and preferentially bind to the cancer cell, defining the anatomical contour of the lesion and making it visible. These nanoparticles give us the ability to see cells and molecules that we otherwise cannot detect through conventional imaging.The ability to pick up what happens in the cell to monitor therapeutic intervention and to see when a cancer cell is mortally wounded or is actually activated is critical to the successful diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Nanoparticulate technology can prove to be very useful in cancer therapy allowing for effective and targeted drug delivery by overcoming the many biological, biophysical and biomedical barriers that the body stages against a standard intervention such as the administration of drugs or contrast agents. Working procedure:The initial step of identifying the cancer and the location can be done by scanning. Once the location has been identified through scanning, the task is to position the nanodevice to the exact location. We focus on the positioning of the nanodevice into the required location by itself. The nanodevice is allowed to be placed into any part of the body (or) the nano device is injected through the blood vessel. The positioning is done with the help of mathematical calculations. External Control signals could be used to avoid mishap or any other errors. The nanodevice is loaded with a microchip.The device is also provided with the compounds concealed so that it is initiated externally through a computer. The nano device contains sensors, motor, gene reader, processor, transceiver, camera and power supply. The location of the cancer cells is given as coordinates in a 3-dimensional point of view. This point is considered as the reference and referred as (0, 0, 0). Positioning The nanodevice performs an internal calculation based on the difference between its current position and the reference. Mathematical computations involve such that only one axis is compared between the nano device and the reference at a time.The motor fan is placed in a particular direction for a particular reference comparison. After one of the axis is completed and comparison is done, then the next axis is being compared followed by the third. Thus the three co-ordinate comparison of the nano-device results in any 3- Dimensional orientation of the nano-device and results in exact positioning. Navigation The output of the mathematical operation is given to a driver circuit (motor). The driver helps the device to navigate through the blood with precision in direction and with the required speed.The device thus should sample its new position with the reference at a sampling rate. The sampling rate is made such that their value is less than the velocity of blood flow. The cancer killer could thus determine that it was located in (say) the big toe. If the objective were to kill a colon cancer, the cancer killer in the big toe would move to the colon and destroy the cancer cells. Very precise control over location of the cancer killers activities could thus be achieved. The cancer killer could readily be reprogrammed to attack different targets using acoustic signals while it was in the body.Algorithm for navigation: Ste11: Marking the co-ordinates. Step2: Initialize the start command. Step3: Feed the axis. Step4: Send command to emit ultrasound. Step5: Wait for T seconds. Step6: If there is no signal reflected back (or) if the reflected signal is less than the threshold value, then activates the stepper motor to rotate through a certain distance. (Note: the distance is proportional to one axis) Step7: Subtract the axis value by one. Step8: Continue from step4 to step7 for both co-ordinates. Step9: If the signal reflected back is greater than the threshold value then the motor is de-activated.Step10: The motor (perpendicular to motor1) is activated. The motor2 moves through one step thus making the motor1 to change the axis. Step11: The motor1 is allowed to travel until next change is required. Step12: Once the nanodevice reaches the required spot, the motor is deactivated through external command. Step13: Receives the RF radiation for T seconds that has been already calculated depending upon the intensity of tumor Imaging With the available technology, a camera is inserted which helps us to monitor the internal process.Whenever multiple directions are there in the blood vessel, the device is made to stop through the external control signal and another signal is given to activate in the right direction. Current clinical ultrasound scanners form images by transmitting pulses of ultrasonic energy along various beam lines in a scanning plane and detecting and displaying the subsequent echo signals. Our imaging is based on the absolute scattering properties and in the frequency dependence of scattering in tissues, which will help to differentiate between normal and abnormal cells. IdentificationThe nano device identifies the cancer cells using a gene reader. A gene reader is a sensor which contains ten to fifty DNA probes or samples of cancer cells that are complementary. The DNA detection system generates an electronic signal whenever a DNA match occurs or when a virus causing cancer is present. Whenever we get a signal indicating the presence of cancer cells we go for further process. Once the device has been originally located, the next step is the destruction of the cancer cells. Destruction: We can remotely control the behavior of DNA using RF energy.An electronic interface to the biomolecule (DNA) can be created. RF magnetic field should be inductively coupled to nanocrystal antenna linked covalently to a DNA molecule. The inductive coupling results to the increase in the local temperature of the bound DNA, allowing the change of state to take place, while leaving molecules surrounding the DNA relatively unaffected. The switching is fully reversible, as dissolved molecules dissipate the heat in less time duration. Thus RF signal generated outside the body can destroy the affected DNA. Rf heatingThe treatment tip contains the essential technology components that transform RF to a volumetric tissue heating source. The heat delivery surface transmits RF energy to the cells. Tumors that have little or no oxygen content (i. e. hypoxia) also have increased resistance to radiofrequency radiation. Thus, due to high resistance to radio frequency radiation the affected cells get heated and hence destroyed. The RF carrier frequency is in the biomedical range (174 216MHz). A pair of RF pulses is transmitted at a frequency of about 1-2Hz. How nano device escapes from immune system?Generally our immune system attacks all the foreign particles entering any part of our body. The problem has been that such nano particles are similar in size to viruses and bacteria, and the body has developed very efficient mechanisms to deal with these invaders. It is known that bacteria with hydrophilic surfaces can avoid being destroyed by immune system and remain circulating in the body for longer periods. To emulate this effect, our nano device can be coated with a polymer such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), Which is proved after the research. Conclusion:As per our aim we have proposed the usage of nanotechnology and the RF signal for the destruction of cancer cells. This method doesn’t affect the healthy cells such that the cancer affected person is healthy after the treatment. This treatment doesn’t involve critical operations. This treatment will not take longer time as in any other treatments. Surely one day or the other cancer treated patient will be affected again treatment. This can be very well used for other dangerous diseases. Name : R. Ramesh College : k. c. g college of technology Email address : [emailprotected] com
Sunday, November 3, 2019
A Consideration of Necessity in the Work of David Hume Essay
A Consideration of Necessity in the Work of David Hume - Essay Example In his Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume delineates his theory of human morality. The form of argument Hume takes is the concept that human morality is not based on coherent thought and logical reason, but is instead the upshot of humanity's passionate fervor. Since this fervor cannot present itself as the creation of logical reason, it would be consequently be the ultimate in the lack of logical thinking to adjudicate any moral deed as being the result of either rational or irrational thought. Hume delivers a succession of explanations that serve to reveal why humanity should express scepticism toward any conclusion based upon reasoning that is arrived at through familiarities based on sensory perception.Hume concludes that even in the face of complexities that are presented by virtue of the illogic inherent in sensory perception, humans still maintain a forcible belief in illogical conclusions due to psychology.This presents the paradoxical notion that strong belief is often gro unded in contradictions.Hume's argument posits that it is even within the realm of possibility that the most grounded and confident reasonable conclusions are, in fact, merely probable and that the degrees of probability are subject to intense scrutiny with each additional analysis. Mistakes made on the basis of supposedly rational certainty are legion due to the inescapable imperfectability of human judgment. The ironic paradox of human judgment resides in the fact that each further analysis of the previous judgment decreases the probability of correctness in the original judgment. This has particularly chilling aspects when considered against the potential for reductions of probability in those elements that humans invest the utmost confidence in regarding the infallibility of correctness, such as laws of mathematics and science. Hume emphasises that there are three stipulations required to confirm merely through observation. The first he termed the aspect of constant conjunction, in which the cause and the effect are required to be both spatially and constantly extant. The second stipulates that the cause must have come before the effect itself. And finally, there must be a connection of necessity; that is it must be possible to ascertain why the cause produces the effect. Hume's appraisal of causation necessarily dictates that it can only be inferred and not examined and his conclusions indicate that it is impossible to achieve an impression of a necessary connection; rather, one must experience constant conjunction and temporal priority: "Experience only teaches us how one event constantly follows another, without instructing us in the secret connection which binds them together" (Hume, 1870, p. 347). Ultimately, Hume asserts that there are significant limitations to reason. Hume maintains that humans remain convinced that any object that is observed exists independently. Once this belief is subject to analysis, however, it is determined to be without basis and that paradox provides a basis for conflict in the process of reasonable determination. All perceptions are dependent upon human observation and even the slightest modification in the senses can distort that perception. Since this is one of the few absolute truths that exists, it is not logical to assume that perception can be something existing independently of us, nor can it possibly exist when there is nobody there to perceive it. Despite this Hume asserts that people will almost never surrender their natural belief in the existence of an external world that is separate from their perceptions. The
Friday, November 1, 2019
HOW DOES EXERCISE MODIFY NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY - Essay Example The situation, which will be described in this work, is the following: the experienced athlete is going to run a 20km marathon today. The aim is to describe his physiological changes during all aspects of this event. First of all, it is necessary to note, that marathons are not related to the sub maximal loadings; they are related to the dynamic kinds of sports with rather steady and obviously smoother changes in various physiological indices of the sportsman under research. Thus, let us look at the changes, which are caused by the nervous system when the race has just begun. According to Sutoo & Akiyama (2003), exercise modifies the function of brain, as well as the nervous system functioning. However, the mechanism of these changes is still unknown for the scientists. According to the experiments, the influence of the physical exercises has been displayed through the increase of the level in serum calcium, transported to the brain, to stimulate the synthesis of dopamine. In its turn, the higher level of DA synthesis becomes the main reason of the physiological changes during physical exercises. Thus, the main effect caused by the nervous system changes during the dynamic exercises is the increase in blood pressure, the rationale for which lies in the calcium-exchange changes; but it is important to know, that profound understanding of the process of calcium production as a result of long stable exercises becomes the reason for general decrease in bloo d pressure, and this contradiction may be explained as follows. Calcium is known to reduce blood pressure through the calcium/CaM-dependent DA-synthesizing system, simultaneously increasing it through intracellular calcium-dependent mechanism. These facts explain why the first several minutes of race are the most difficult even for the experienced racers. The calcium infusion, caused by exercises, becomes the reason of hypercalcemia during the first kilometers of race, and causes higher blood pressure,
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Nosocomial Diseases Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nosocomial Diseases - Annotated Bibliography Example Giving such a thorough overview is useful in tackling most of the basic knowledge needed to fully answer the thesis statement, as well as providing information on the specific prevention tactics that clinical staff can take. This peer-reviewed paper gives information provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on nosocomial infections. This gives an official perspective on how to deal with the infections as well as their prevalence in medical environments. The definitions also cover the various diagnostic tests that need to be used to confirm the presence of a nosocomial infection as well as the infectious agent, which is important in ensuring the correct course of action is taken. This paper is not very useful in answering the question. The first problem is that it is over 25 years old, and epidemiology is a rapidly changing subject, and nosocomial infections are on the increase. It could have a purpose in arguing the thesis, if combined with more current epidemiological paper, because the thesis mentions the fact that hospital acquired infections are a rising trend. This source is only good in context. Again, this research paper is quite old, but does give an overview of the trends in the types of microbe that are involved in nosocomial infection. This paper gives a lot of scientific knowledge about the nature of the infectious agent and how they are likely to evolve and mutate to cause more problems in the hospital environment. It also warns against the over-use of antibiotics, something that we see today is causing a number of issues in producing antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains which are commonly seen in nosocomial infections such as MRSA. Although the information here should be taken with caution, it does provide some interesting perspectives. This is a clinical reference text and therefore can be used to provide
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Law of Connection Essay Example for Free
The Law of Connection Essay It can be said that in order to make other individuals follow a certain person, that person must first be able to touch the hearts of these individuals. By stating that a person must first touch the heart of the individuals, it is assumed that the person must primarily be able to communicate with the emotions of the individuals apart from anything else. That is, in order to be able to make a personal connection with other people, an individual is faced with the task of communicating first with the emotions of these people. In essence, one cannot expect others to follow him or her without first being able to establish an emotional rapport with others. For the most part, one can argue that individuals have a common bond that makes them at least one at heart. Hence, to be able to touch the heart of others and communicate with their emotions is to be able to make them understand how and what one thinks and seeks to do. In Genesis 12:1-7 of the Bible, for instance, it is stated that Abraham has descendants. More precisely, the Bible presents the idea that people are descendants of Abraham as God promised him â€Å"a great nation†where the descendants will receive the Promised Land. Moreover, it is apparent that God did this by communicating with the emotions of Abraham, by fulfilling what he earnestly yearns for in his heart. Another illustration in the Bible can be found in Exodus 1: 8-21. The context of the verses in, specifically in verses 8-11, suggests that an appeal to the emotion of individuals can indeed prove to be a good way of making other follow. For instance, when the new king of Egypt told his people that â€Å"the people and children of Israel are mightier†than them, and by adding that unless they do not begin to quell the Israelites they may soon find the latter joining forces with their enemy which my lead to their downfall, the people of Egypt began to act in accordance to the revelation of their new king. Such passage suggests the idea that, by striking at the emotions of individuals, one can arrive at a situation wherein these individuals will act in accordance o how one wants things to be. Further, from verses 12-21, one can find that, eventually, the Hebrew women disregarded the call of the Pharaoh for the reason that they fear God more than him. Since the â€Å"Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women,†it can be suggested that the emotions of the Hebrews are closer to their own beliefs than the commands of an Egyptian Pharaoh. It further implies the idea that, although one can be able to communicate with the emotions of others, it is nevertheless not a solid assurance that others will bend in relation to what the individual desires. More importantly, being able to communicate with the emotions of others and make them act according to one’s perception is augmented by an underlying commonality between the individuals and the person. This underlying commonality can come in many different forms such as tradition and religion. Hence, the ties that bind people together, or the connection that they all have, serve as a factor that one must consider in order to effectively communicate with the emotions of others. In Exodus 19:3-13, it is observable that God employs certain forms of warnings such as â€Å"whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death†in order to fulfill the higher purpose of God to â€Å"come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai†. In essence, warnings can help substantiate and strengthen the fulfillment of a certain goal inasmuch as it aids in preempting other people from disobeying commands and certain forms of beliefs. Moreover, warnings serve the purpose of reinforcing the task of making other people follow by communicating with their emotions. Lastly, in Deuteronomy 1 verses 1-5, it can be noted that Moses was commanded by God to deliver His message to the people of Israel. Notable in the passage is the thought that the message Moses will deliver are from God which presents the idea that the message of a supreme authority of a common people connected by their belief in the authority of God cannot be easily ignored. In essence, what can be maintained is the idea that being able to communicate with the emotions of other people grants the person the ability to make other people follow one’s plans or courses of actions. Since emotions are innate to humanity and it is what connects people together in one way or another, emotions allow communications between individuals, specifically those who belong to a group connected by traditions and other things. References King James Bible. (1997, February 18, 1997). Retrieved September 12, 2007, from Maxwell, J. C. (1998). The Law of Connection. In The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (pp. 101-107). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Conflicting Ideals Essay
Conflicting Ideals in The Great Gatsby   Throughout the world, societies can become cruel and unjustified machines. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the morality of a society is clearly revealed through the choices and consequences its characters experience. The two societies within the novel, West Egg and East Egg, create an atmosphere of mixed ideals and morals, so completely opposite of each other. Three examples will be given to support the above thesis. Firstly, Jay Gatsby, arguably the main character, is involved in a number of criminal activities. Secondly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, are a true symbol of how the morals of their society are revealed through their actions. Finally Nick Carraway, the narrator, is truly and innocent in a society gone mad. These three points will be elaborated below. Firstly, Jay Gatsby, formerly known as Jay Gatz, is a figure of the the corruption of the American Dream. He is an illegal bootlegger, an acquaintance of gamblers and con artists. His activities are constantly denounced by Tom Buchanan throughout the novel. His criminal activies reveal the morality of yesteryears society. His lavish and extravagant parties are another symbol of the morality of his society. Early in the evening, people are happy, dancing the night away, and are generally having a good time. But, the facade of the party quickly departs, and the true nature of these events are revealed. People get drunk, douse themselves in the pool to sober up, spouses fight and bicker over nonsequential items. And when all of this is over, the floor is covered with orange rings, spilled cocktails, along with other party nostalgia. All of this is a setup, so that Gatsby can get Daisy's at... ...saddened by the coldness of the people who do not care unwillingly to the funeral. Out of all the people who attend the parties, four join the funeral. So, the choices and consequences of Nick's experience clearly define the morality of the two societies. To sum things up, the morals of a society are revealed by the actions of its inhabitants. Firstly, Jay Gatsby, is involved in a number of criminal activities, and is the father-figure of the corruption of the American Dream. Secondly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, are a true symbol of how the morals of the East Egg society are revealed by their actions. Finally, Nick Carraway, is truly an innocent in a myriad of scheming, cheating con artists. Therefore, their unjustified beliefs truly define the morality of a society which is clearly revealed through the choices and consequences of its characters from within. Â
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