Saturday, August 31, 2019
Emma/Clueless Essay
Emma Essay How has the changing contexts influenced the representations of main issues from Emma to Clueless? Amy Heckerling’s Clueless is a cinematic reconstruction of Jane Austen’s 19th century classic Emma and perfectly encapsulates the idea that the issues of a time, change and adapt with the changing of context. The contemporary text Clueless takes the rustic values placed on courtship, dating and ultimately marriage as well as the social/class distinctions in Regency England and successfully transforms them to better suite the new context of a contemporary audience and less rigid society.In the 19th century, marriage was the sole occupation of women and was the only way for women to rise in social status and to ‘support themselves’. Marriage was a fundamental aspect of Austen’s world and the importance of marriage is highlighted as Emma states that she is â€Å"not going to be married†and Harriet exclaims in a shocked tone â€Å"it is so odd to hear a woman talk so! †. For Harriet, and most women in the 19th century, marriage was an economic necessity to provide a stable financial future.This is reiterated by Emma’s use of short phrases in â€Å"a single woman, with a very narrow income, must be a ridiculous, disagreeable old maid†which expresses her disdain for those women who do not possess fortunes to match hers and reinforces the value of wealth in relation to marriage. Marriage was therefor, not for love but for wealth, as is demonstrated in Mr. Elton’s arrogant proclamation that he â€Å"need not so totally despair of an equal alliance as to be addressing myself to Ms. Smith! †The use of the word ‘alliance’ emphasizes the fact that matrimony was for financial benefits.Marriage in Austen’s time was valued unconditionally and was seen as a means to achieve financial and social stability. While Emma focuses on the importance of marriage in the rigid Regen cy period, in the contemporary American setting of Clueless, although marriage is still featured, the focus has shifted to more contemporary themes relating to the sexuality and fluidity of relationships. Cher’s dialogue when explaining her indecisiveness over who to lose her virginity to: â€Å"You know how picky I a with my shoes, and they only go on my feet! shows how sexual relationships have replaced marriage in the new context, as Cher’s dilemma becomes a question of whom to lose her virginity to and not whom to marry. The role of women in courtship has also changed dramatically as is demonstrated by the zoom in on Cher’s feet rubbing Christians, indicating her desire to have sex with him. This active role in the relationship contrasts starkly with the subservient role women played in the 19th century. Marriage still plays a role in the 21st century and this is shown the last scene; the marriage of Mr.Hall and Ms. Geist. Heckerling does however, employ sa tire through Cher’s voice-over of â€Å"As if! I’m only 16! This is California, not Kentucky. †when audiences presume that she is marrying to gently mock the 19th century necessity to marry early, once again highlighting the shift away from the importance of marriage. In the 21tst century, marriage has been pushed to the side and values in relationships focus more on sexuality. The social hierarchy of Regency England was rigid and dependent on wealth, property and heritage of the individuals and families.The extreme importance of class is demonstrated through the exaggerated caricature of Mrs. Elton, a woman who is quite obnoxious, but still thought to be a better â€Å"catch†than the kind-hearted Harriet, simply because of her â€Å"genteel heritage†and â€Å"wealth†. The rigidity of social standings is further accentuated by Emma’s pretentious and condescending tone in â€Å"the yeomanry are precisely the people with which I fee l I can have nothing to do with†where her disdain for Robert Martin, a farmer in love with Harriet, reflect her disdain for those with a lower social standing than herself.Austen however, challenges the prerequisites of her society through her character Mr. Knightley, who shows generosity towards the lower class despite his own high social standing, even describing Robert Martins as â€Å"respectable, intelligent, gentle†. His use of positive adjectives accentuates Austen’s view that kindness and charity are more important that social superiority; an idea that many in her time did not share. Heckerling appropriates 19th century class snobbery and transforms them to better suite the growing multicultural and democratic setting in Clueless.Although class distinction no longer exists, Clueless depicts a social structure based on popularity, appearance and acquaintance in a high school environment. The importance of popularity mirrors the importance of class in Emma and is established through Cher’s use of dialogue in â€Å"The fact that you hang with Dionne and I, speaks very highly of you. †Close up shots of Cher and Dionne’s disgusted expressions as they scorn Trevor (the Clueless equivalent of Robert Martin) again echoes the class snobbery and disdain shown by the genteel in Emma towards those of lesser standing.Heckerling does however; emphasize the fluidity and flexibility of 21st century class structure, which is the principal difference between the contexts of Emma and Clueless. Tai’s gradual change of costume is in direct correlation to her gradual rise in popularity from â€Å"adorably clueless†outcast to the centre of attention; highlighting the superficial and shallow ‘social’ structure present in the 21st century. Amy Heckerling has taken into consideration the changed context of Clueless and appropriately caused the adapted the Regency England views on social structure to better r eflect the class values of the high school setting.
Friday, August 30, 2019
People’s Opinions Essay
In this life, each and every person has his or her own personal beliefs regardless of his loyalty or disloyalty, in certain cases. The difference in personal beliefs of people lies in the fact that some of them hold his or her opinion as the correct one regardless whether or not it is right or wrong. This flawed thinking has led others to force those with separate or different opinions to force upon others their own personal beliefs and convictions even though their own opinions may be wrong. There are those, however, who, despite the pressures exerted by others to change their opinion, cling on to their beliefs and opinions because they truly believe in their convictions. In my humble opinion, these are the people who become more successful than others. First of all, people who hold their opinions are more respected by people. There is no better way of convincing people about one’s strength in character and belief than by holding on to those beliefs firmly. These people always seem to know what they are talking about and are steadfast in their resolve. In doing so, these people are able to convince others to believe in their own beliefs; most especially those who are hesitant or undecided on their personal convictions. Moreover, having the strength of resolve is very helpful especially when it comes to sharing ideas and opinions. More often than not, those who argue about matters that they do not believe in, quickly waver in their arguments. Those who hang on to their beliefs always prevail in the end. The second reason is that people who stick by their opinions often have the self-confidence that is needed to get the better end of the bargain come negotiations. A perfect example of this would be the time when one of my friends, not too long ago, was discussing a certain subject matter that he was not totally convinced of but decided that he would be more convinced if he was able to gain some support for his topic. As fate would have it, he was having the discussion with me and I had a different opinion on the matter. Disregarding the fact on who was truly right, it did not take long before I was able to convince my friend that my friend was wrong. What this shows is that, in order to be successful in life, one must have a strong personality and must be convinced that his or her cause is the right cause. I could have easily given up on the matter but I was not about to let go of my convictions. In the end, I was able to convince my friend and ever since he has developed a stronger character. His character has become so strong and his insight so powerful that even older people enjoy having conversations with him even though he is more than half the age of most of them. Thirdly, people who hold onto their opinions are more likely to develop their skills and have a good knowledge by reading, talking, and sharing controversial topics to encourage himself/herself to develop their skills to get a strong opinion, while people who have been affected by other people to change their opinions easily are rarely excited to develop their skills and knowledge because they have to depend on to have good results. Though it may seem that having a strong character may prevent one from learning more, believing in something and dedicating one’s self to knowing the truth with respect to a matter of fact does indeed strengthen one’s character. There are basically two kinds of people; People who merely parrot what other people say and think and those who have the strength to believe when nobody else does. I believe that I belong to the latter. I know what I believe in and I am not shy about those convictions.
Herbal Medicine Essay
Anything that exists on the earth has a need for survival. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), herbal medicines refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or to maintain well-being. Different types of herbal medicines are widely applied in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to meet primary health-care needs. Herbal medicines have maintained its popularity in most regions of the developing world. The application is also rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. Worldwide, among all the different traditional medicine systems, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is currently the most popular, followed by Indian medicine. Herbal medicine refers to using a plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of conventional medicine. It is also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine. It is becoming more main stream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease. Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer, among others. Herbal supplements are best taken under the guidance of a trained health care provider. Recently, the World Health Organization estimated that 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care. In Germany, about 600 – 700 plant based medicines are available and are prescribed by some 70% of German physicians. In the past 20 years in the United States, public dissatisfaction with the cost of prescription medications, combined with an interest in returning to natural or organic remedies, has led to an increase in herbal medicine use. Whenever a culture attempts to assimilate alien ideas, social stresses are bound to occur, especially when such ideas threaten the dominion of major economic and political interests. Mistakes are likely to arise while attempting to implement these ideas. In the case of Chinese herbal knowledge, its use by people unfamiliar with its rules and protocols invariably leads to mishaps; either the herbs or formulas fail to work as expected, or worse, side effects may result whenever herbs are used in contraindicated conditions. In the political and economic realms, government regulators unfamiliar with the unique characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine may impose restrictions upon Chinese herbal practice that inhibit its effective application and suffocate its future development within our culture. The effectiveness of modern herbal practice suggests that we begin our search by understanding the complete meaning of herbalism. Herbs are grown and collected from all over the world. There is nothing magical about an herb; effective medicinal herbs can be found everywhere that plants grow. There is indeed a necessity in making life better by introducing natural herbal dietary supplements in the country. Within the past decade, herbal medicine has gained increasing importance, with both medical and economic implications. In developing countries particularly, as much as 80percent of the indigenous population still depends on traditional systems of medicine and medicinal plants for healthcare. Some common herbs and their uses are discussed below. * Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circulation in the legs). * Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to elevate mood, enhance well-being and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation. Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders. * Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is used by more than 2 million men in the United States for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. A number of studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night. * Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a popular alternative to commonly prescribed medications for sleep problems because it is considered to be both safe and gentle. * Echinacea preparations (from Echinacea purpurea and other Echinacea species) may improve the body’s natural immunity. Echinacea is one of the most commonly used herbal products, but studies are mixed as to whether it can help prevent or treat colds. We chose to have a research study on this topic because I think this can be a way of spreading awareness among people that there can be cheaper way of treating from upset stomachs to headaches. They are also considered natural and therefore healthier and gentler than conventional drugs. So, why is there need to spend so much on expensive drugs uselessly when there is a better option.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
What if Toward Excellence in Reasoning by Hintikka & Bachman Thesis Proposal
What if Toward Excellence in Reasoning by Hintikka & Bachman - Thesis Proposal Example The statements have been distinguished under the following headings: â€Å"And you don’t have to be a sociologist to recognize that the prime motivation for virtually everything Americans do is entertainment; remove the entertainment motive, and you make the prospect of learning to read resemble an exercise in stoicism.† The premise is the part of a statement that serves as a support to the conclusive part of the whole statement; on the other hand, the conclusion is the part that expresses the final theme of the statement with the help of premise. The argument analyses of the given passage are as under Statement: â€Å"If you want an explanation for declining literacy rates in the U.S.† Explanations: These lines explain that it is not only entertainment, which is sought out by the masses. Rather, books provide the readers with knowledge, wisdom, and information too. Thus, television may be a source of amusement, but it is not true that books have been re placed by television because of seeking entertainment only. Statement: â€Å"look no further than the boob tube.†(Intermediate Conclusion) Explanations: This part of the statement speaks out television as the root-cause of falling literacy rate. The writers have used the slang phrase i.e. boob tube to mention television. As this part is based on conclusive assumption and does not emphatically prove the truth and validity of the real picture, it is, therefore, it can be stated as the intermediate conclusion. Statement: â€Å"Spend all the money you choose on studies in an attempt to address the problem, but if you want my advice, you’d be better off unplugging the TV set.†(Final Conclusion) Explanations: These lines disclose the conclusion of the argument, where the writers have refuted the idea that television has led to low literacy rate. Moreover, they do not agree to the notion that unplugging TV might increase trend towards reading.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Personal interview with a training manager Essay
Personal interview with a training manager - Essay Example When asked who was trained in the organization the respondent argued that that is determined by random selection from the training dates depending on the business unit. Additionally, he also argued that for some training, people are snowballed and selected through the manager’s preference. However, the training participants are required to impart the knowledge of what they have acquired in such sessions to those who did not participate. The organization refers to this as the informational networking. The training process entailed the performance manager and the training manager’s active participation in determining the training calendar for the organization. Afterward, the participants are selected. However, room for modification is maintained due to the possible emergence of better training opportunities within an organization. Training improves organizational efficiency through the fostering of innovation. Training has been noted to have an eye-opening effect on the employees. It also assists the organization in staying updated and using the most recent tools and technologies available. The employee development process causes increased efficiency and improved productivity hence offsetting the training costs incurred by the organization (McConnell, 2003). According to the respondent, training is a business
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Negotiation and Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Negotiation and Conflict - Essay Example 2. Circumstances based on the Power factor: Under the circumstance that one party has more power than the other; the negotiation often progresses in favour of the more powerful person. This is mostly applicable in the case of employer – employee, jailor – prisoner, competitors, commitments, experienced – fresher, etc. (Herb Cohen, 2004, Pg 40 – 70) 3. Circumstances based on the information factor: This is applicable when one of the negotiating party’s has more information than the other. This is mostly applicable in relationships between manufacturer and wholesaler. But it is widely applicable in the all new ‘buy – from – China’ trend. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer has a deep knowledge of the production process and the costing of the product and under most cases the marketer of the product has none. (Herb Cohen, 2004, Pg 76 – 89) 4. Telephonic negotiation: Negotiation on the telephone is a whole lot tougher then it seems. Of course, it is easy to speak and curse the other party involved in the negotiation but the other party can do the same and telephonic negotiation will not only give you a chance to speak more fluently then in person but it will give the other party involved the same benefits and under most cases the caller loses because by calling your client or supplier you’ve already proven that you (the calling party) need him more then he needs you. 5. Information of BATNA (Better alternative to the negotiating agreement) (Lewicki, Roy J, Barry, Bruce and Saunders, David M, 2007): In the case you are already prepared with the BATNA and the other party comes to know of it. You may just as well suppose that you’ve already lost your present negotiation agreement and you might have to accept an agreement that is even worse off then the BATNA itself. Yes. I definitely consider Distributive bargaining as a dominant form for any negotiation strategy. This is due to the basic and known fact
Monday, August 26, 2019
Status of Women in Lebanon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Status of Women in Lebanon - Essay Example Indeed, the status of women in Lebanon is pathetic considering the widespread human rights violations against women in Lebanon. Although women in Lebanon are strongly opposed to their status within the Lebanese environment and society, they lack a voice that would champion for their rights especially considering the brutality and male dominance within the Lebanese cultural framework (Nadya). From a historical perspective, Lebanon has come a long way since her independence in 1943 from the French colonial powers. Originally established as a mandate of the French, Lebanon has experienced her fair share of civil wars especially in the 1970s and 1980s when the nation was forced to sign the Taif Peace Accord to end the violence (Zaatari). However, this was not before the Lebanese government invited the Syrian forces to help in the peacekeeping mission (Nadya). With Israeli constant invasion in Lebanon, it is worthy to note than Lebanon has suffered various attacks particularly in 1976 and 1982 (Nazir and Tomppert 22). This means that the constitution states one thing while the practice on the ground is another different phenomenon. Perhaps the bizarre phenomenon with the Lebanese constitution is that while it guarantees gender equality, no explicit article within the constitution that actually protects the Lebanese women against discrimination (Damon and Hume). A classic example of this is that fathers can pass citizenship to their children through birth as long as they become Lebanese citizens. However, the situation is slightly different when it comes to foreign women married to Lebanese men in whereby their children are not considered part of the society. Such harsh judgments based on gender are increasingly affecting the Lebanese women they need full participation in the society just as any other women across the globe (Zaatari). Undoubtedly, the Arab world is one of the most stringent patriarchal societies that incorporate gender roles in their key decisi ons with women falling victims to the harsh male judgments (Zaatari). Lebanon is indeed one of the Arab countries with about fifteen religious factions hence necessitating the institution of personal statute codes that govern the Lebanese families (Nadya). This means that the protection of the Lebanese women is not explicit and conclusive enough but instead, it is guided by the religion a particular woman hails from. While such discriminatory laws may protect some Lebanese women, many of them usually become victims of circumstances merely because their religious factions do not pay high regards to gender issues especially those pertaining to women (Khalaf).Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example Corporate Social Responsibility There are various potential conflicts in the method of preparing documents and construction of strong approach and business activities. Corporate Responsibility is just a relative approach and has an objective basis, which is also known as unsustainable development methodology (Aras, Aybars and Kutlu, 2010). It is also considered as a radical managerial approach. The various other CSR theories help in development of continuums with the focus on integration of business activities with community activities. Organizations have developed several measures for dealing with the strategic societal, environmental and community needs which have led to the incurring of huge amount of expenditure in the organizations. Small and medium enterprises do not have the necessary resources for developing or implementing the CSR tools and approaches (Burger, 2011). When a company wants to improve its social performance, it divulges itself through social activities like providing charitable donations, org anizing charitable associations and sponsoring activities. The study will deal with the concepts of CSR and its role in financial crisis along with its future prospects. The author of the study will also highlight the relevance of CSR and the guidelines for implementing CSR techniques developed by leading associations. Finally, the study will also incorporate the various legal requirements, regulations and guidelines related to the CSR concept. Evolution & History of Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is regarded as a technique which helps the organization in its evaluation of the business activities and its impact on the society and environment through ethical and transparent decision making (WBSCD, 2013). CSR has evolved as a challenge for the entire business and academic community as it involves a time consuming systematic approach and also a thorough knowledge of the existing sustainable issues (Chen, 2011). From the academic perspective, it ha s become one of the most relevant and purposeful research topics which have provided relevance to the functioning of the organizations (Chen, 2011). In the academic perspective, it has moved on to an overall new organizational level which already includes the impact on the organizational outcome. Theorist Carroll (1960, cited by Chen, 2011) has laid emphasis on the theoretical orientation of the normative and performance oriented ethics which have the ability to increase the organizational outcome. This in turn have a positive impact on the exiting business systems. The evolution of CSR concept has been associated with the inception of the subject of organizational behaviour. In 1919, the shareholders of Ford had decided to grant the request of the Dodge brothers for maximum dividends. This decision was made by the director of the company, Mr. Henry Ford whose main intention was to reinvest the accumulated gains of the company on plant expansion. He stated that one of the major obje ctives of Ford was to cater to the betterment of community development. William Clay Ford Jr had tried his best to convince the existing shareholders regarding the organization’s contribution towards the welfare of the entire society and community. Theorist Bowen (1980, cited by Chen, 2011) had regarded that organizations are vital fulcrum of power and the actions of the organizatio
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Critical analysis of the legacy dimension of the planning process of Essay
Critical analysis of the legacy dimension of the planning process of World Cup 2010 in South Africa focusing on the city of Cape Town - Essay Example The building of the new stadium at Green point is also intended to create more job opportunities and newer sporting, entertainment and leisure activities for the city in a scope not previously witnessed (Smit, et. al., 2007). The location of a new stadium at Green Point is very accessible to the local and international tourists as the public transport systems, which include their rail and road networks, link the country to many other regions like the neighboring Zimbabwe (Ruiz-del-Solar, et. al. 2011). The plan for building the new stadium at Green Point aimed at creating a recreational and a sports facility within the urban parks situated in Cape Town (Leeman, 2010). The stadium to be built was to have a capacity of approximately 68,000 fans and was supposed to link the waterfronts of Victoria and Alfred (Bowdin, 2010). The major objective of building the new stadium is enhancing the regional capabilities already existing in this region and not detracting from the other facilities as they enhance the values of the neighborhood for their populations benefit (Jennings & Jordan-Zachery, 2010). While designing the stadium, several principles were considered including their compliance to the technical and fa cility requirements of FIFA (Young, 2010). The principles utilized also considered the building and infrastructure the stadium, the areas security, accessibility, capacity and seating orders (Tait & Van Der Spuy, 2010). The legacy of the stadium created ensures that the impacts of building the new stadium will have long term effects. The legacy plans included compliance standards in the regions public transport systems, their training venues, accommodation, renewable energy, waste and water management and their environment (Leeman, 2010). Upgrading the regions public transport was among their most pressing of challenges in enabling the spectators to attend the world cup matches in environments that are safe and car free (Jennings & Jordan-Zachery,
Friday, August 23, 2019
Written research assignment in subject Employee Relations
Written research in subject Employee Relations - Assignment Example Organizations need to prevent and resolve problems that arise while working. Every organization should ensure that they have an employee relations program that helps in increasing good morale and employee satisfaction. Additionally, one of the most effective ways of ensuring good employee relations is adopting a strategy that values employees as stakeholders in the business (Gennard & Judge, 1999). The post-war consensus took place between 1945 and 1979. Laws were created that gave legal rights at work to employees. The employer’s obligation towards workers was also specified. In addition, disputes were resolves through mediation and social unions agreed to provide assistance to governments in resolving the economic problems of the country. However, industrial relations declined there was unemployment and wage demand and inflation continued to rise. In addition, unions improved through legislation and to achieve flexibility in the workplace, negotiations and social compromise was used rather than being imposed by employers. Consequently, the Keynesian economic objective was designed to manage the demand of the economy through achieving full employment as well as an economy that is stable. It was believed that through Keynesians, the level of unemployment depended on government policy and that the state was able to achieve a low unemployment rate by accepting a high but steady rate of inflation. A tribunal system was established in the UK to deliver the recommendations of the Donovan Commission by coming up with a system that was fast, easily to access, informal and not expensive. However, this has not been successful, as it never met the standards of the tribunal. Employers view the use of employment legislation disparagingly. In addition, employment law formalized the ideologies of natural justice whereby whichever action an employer took towards an employee was measured just
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting Research Paper
Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the demand curve, one of the lines on a supply and demand graph; represents various levels of consumer demand for a product at different prices. The curve crosses the supply curve representing the equilibrium price where demand and price are all in balance. Using demand curve data, a business is able to determine which pricing strategies to employ. These strategies lead to income estimates and set objectives which indicate the importance of pricing in an organization and its ability to be profitable. Based on pricing managers of Dommino pizza are able to forecast how much a customer may buy and how much of the product will be bought at a given period of time. An organization will shift the production of various products and services based on supply and demand of these particular commodities. Managers should make critical decisions to ensure that they produce enough goods and services to ensure that demand does not ov erriding because if this happens then there will not exist a market due to overproduction. Dommino pizza should, therefore, ensure that it produces a reasonable number of pizzas that are enough for all its customers according to their demands. Thirdly, another important decision for a company is the distribution of goods. Channels of distribution are highly affected by demand whereby, where the demand for goods is high then managers should improvise shorter, more direct and economical channels. In cases of low demand for goods, managers should change the way they distribute their goods to those particular markets. Finally, demand affects how a company employs its skilled labor force. The demand for products dictates the demand for particular skill or position in the labor market. The relative cost of hiring skilled personnel affects who a company is willing to hire.
Substance abuse trends US Essay Example for Free
Substance abuse trends US Essay Drug trends have changed over many years and new drugs are always evolving. It is difficult for enforcement agencies to keep up with the new drugs and the form they are used. Drugs include methqualonein the 1970’s then in the 1980’s fluniyrazepam and more recently oxycodone hydrochloride. (Kozel, N. Sloboda, Z. 2003) The use of cannabis, methamphetamine and heroin has observed an upward trend. . (Kozel, N. Sloboda, Z. 2003) One of the new methods of delivery was by filling cigars with cannabis were observed by African American teenagers in the 1990’s and its use has spread. It was usual to have a malt liquor with them and it was called a blunt and is observed in many movies as well. . (Kozel, N. Sloboda, Z. 2003) Columbian heroin was gaining popularity as it was stronger then that from Asia and could be snorted. Marijuana was the most popular by far and crack cocaine became popular because it doesn’t require to be injected and so less risk of acquiring HIV. (CBS news 2007) However injecting crack cocaine by mixing it with vinegar or lemon juice was observed. . (Kozel, N. Sloboda, Z. 003) In 2007 Cocaine and methamphetamine use among young adults declined significantly last year as supplies dried up, leading to higher prices and reduced purity, and the government reports. Overall use of illicit drugs showed little change. (Freking, K. 2008) The higher user of drugs in Hispanics and Poet Ricans. (Valdez, A. 2005) It is also more common amongst males in these groups who see it as macho or manly amongst Hispanics and a part of their identity . Also these groups face a lot of problems and poverty. There is higher unemployment and low emphasis on education. Access to health is limited. Hispanics have a cholo identity which is street based identity with a street based social network. This is often through generations and the most common drug abused is Heroin. (Valdez, A. 2005) Cholo Identity which was an oppositional culture in these communities that developed a distinct language patterns, style of dress, tattoos, car culture, music. Sometimes referred to as a pachuco lifestyle (e. g. oot suit 1940’s) (Valdez, A. 2005) Drug use is a means to act out macho values or risk taking, excess, to demonstrate socially valued toughness and craziness. Hypermasculinity in its exaggerated form includes fighting, daring deeds, seducing women, asserting independence from women, etc. (Valdez, A. 2005) there has been a victimisation of these groups and arrests due to drug laws have targeted Hispanics making a lot of them beyond the reach of organisations willing to help. About one in five adults in the U. S acknowledge the use of drugs Drug use in the 50-59 age group increased as more baby boomers join the category . (CBS,2007) In Mexican culture, men often feel honour and pride when they are the protectors of their families. These traditional attitudes are influenced by the Catholic faith and the importance of family in the Mexican culture. Yet, embracing these traditional attitudes may lead to a greater risk for problems such as depression, substance abuse, violence and reluctance to seek psychological assistance. (Nauert, R. 2008) The use of drugs in school age children is an increasing problem . here is it leading to serious damage. (Califano, J. 2007) According to the National Institute on Drug Abuses 2002 monitoring the Future Study, 53% of high school seniors reported using an illicit drug at least once in their lives, 41% within the past year, and 25. 4% within the past month (Drug data summary 2003) . A lot of criminals are on drugs and acquiring in 2000, Americans spent an estimated $36 billion on cocaine, $11 billion on marijuana, $10 billion on heroin, $5. billion on methamphetamine, and $2. 4 billion on other illegal substances (Drug data summary 2003) Drug related crime can be due to its use or selling and acquiring drugs. Drugs modify individual behaviour and can generate violence and illegal activity. In 2006 5. 3percent of homicides were drug related. In the 2004 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 32% of state prisoners and 26% of federal prisoners said they had committed their current offence while under the influence of drugs. Among state prisoners, drug offenders (44%) and property offenders (39%) reported the highest incidence of drug use at the time of the offence. Among federal prisoners, drug offenders (32%) and violent offenders (24%) were the most likely to report drug use at the time of their crimes. (BJS, 2006) It can be seen that the cost to the society can be immense. From small robberies to the fear of gangs and gun crime to murders. It is hard to say the total impact to a society in the form of lost labour . there is the spread of HIV, HBV and HCV which are hard to cure and can be transferred to families. The costs in terms of health and financing healthcare for these diseases can be extremely expensive and emotionally difficult as often these diseases are terminal. It is a high price to pay for the occasional thrill that some drug abusers seek. Dealing with the problem has always been difficult as new drugs emerge and drugs become cheaper to have wider appeal. Also the culture of night clubs and alcohol has seen a college and university students embrace drugs without much thought as to the consequences. Drinks get spiked in clubs and often result in sexual exploitation of young women . Arrests and drug laws to prevent drugs being freely available may increase the availability on the black market but this results in supplies being unsafe and even further danger to drug users. Education in schools and at risk communities doesn’t often create the impact it should. For example in the Hispanic groups where a lot of arrests on drug laws were targeted often don’t want to trust authorities who are trying to tackle this problem. In conclusion the costs to any society are high and drug use is increasingly a problem of developed countries according to the WHO. Legal and illegal use of drugs was most strongly associated with age, sex, and income. Higher income was associated with a greater likelihood of drug use for all drug types examined, which is perhaps not surprising given that drug use requires disposable income. Relationship status was linked to illegal (but not legal) drug use: both cocaine and cannabis use were more likely among persons who had never been married or previously been married. These associations remained statistically robust after adjustment for age, sex, and the other variables considered here. The US, which has been driving much of the worlds drug research and drug policy agenda, stands out with higher levels of use of alcohol, cocaine, and cannabis, despite punitive illegal drug policies, as well as (in many US states), a higher minimum legal alcohol drinking age than many comparable developed countries. The Netherlands, with a less criminally punitive approach to cannabis use than the US, has experienced lower levels of use, particularly among younger adults.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Theories of Religion: Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
Theories of Religion: Emile Durkheim and Max Weber The topic I have chosen to discuss is religion, as theorised by Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Religion can be recognised in every culture around the world. Therefore, sociologists examine it in order to understand why religion and the beliefs and practices associated with religion, are so significant and the position they play within society (Macionis Plummer, 2008, p610). Durkheim and Weber both carried out their work around the turn of the 19th century. Both were gripped by the religion and its role in society (Nisbet, 1975). However, the both studied religion form two very different perspectives, although both thought in evolutionary terms (Parsons, 1964, p xxvii). Durkheim holds a collectivist view of society, exploring it from the perspective that religion has a cohesive effect on people through sharing values, symbols and social norms (Macionis and Plummer, 2008, p611). Weber on the other hand, has a more individualist perspective. He focused on the sociology of religion, such as the relationship between religious ideas and commitments, with other sociological aspects, such as human behaviour in relation to economics Parsons, 1964, p xx). Durkheim was born in 1958 in France. His work, centred around social change and industrial society, however, he became focused on social and moral order and how it was achieved and maintained in society. In particular, the transition between traditional society and modern society, and how this influences how social structures and relationships are adapted and maintained (Dillon, 2010 p79). Durkheim was interested in providing a scientific basis for sociology and defining sociology as field of study which he discusses in The Rules of Sociological Method (Calhoun, et, al., 2007, p 135). During his lifetime, he published extensively. The Division of Labour, where he examined social cohesion within the modern industrialise society. Suicide discussed diminishing social bonds in modern society, and this influences patterns of suicide. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life examines how the social origins and function of religion and beliefs associated with it, and how they are reinforced b y rituals and ceremonies (Calhoun, 2007, p136). Durkheim, along with Marx and Weber, is now seen as an extremely significant classical theorist, and has had an influence across many areas, such as education, religion, and health (Calhoun, 2007, p 133). Durkheim wrote extensively in the area of religion. He recognised that religion was a social concept that needed to be explored in and of itself, as a primitive and simple level. He looked to define religion which he concluded was a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them (Durkheim, 1976, p47). This definition suggests that religion is collective within society and should be examined in this way. He identified the functions of religion in society. According to Durkheim, religion is a social cohesive. If people share a religion, the shared beliefs values and symbols, they are united by these, therefore it religion as a cohesive among these people. He suggests that as a result of this, religion underlies our moral and emotional links with others. (Macionis Plummer, 2008, p611). He claimed that religion does not conflict with science. It is not there to enhance our knowledge, instead it is there in order to provide a guide for the way we act and live (Durkheim, 1976, p416). The primary intention of religion is to influence the moral of life (Durkheim, 1976, p420). Fundamentally, the task of religion is preserving a normal, positive life (Durkheim, 1976, p29). Durkheim also claims that we organize life into the sacred and the profane, and neither can exist without the other (Durkheim, 1976, p308). The sacred is defined as anything that is extraordinary and instils a sense of reverence and sometimes fear (Macionis Plummer, 2008, p611). Another function of religion, according to Durkheim, is that religion provides a sense of purpose, meaning and comfort (Macionis and Plummer, 2008, p612). Durkheim suggests it strengthens a persons moral and feeing of guardian support. It allows people to rise out of themselves, which then helps mould their action and behaviour, which results in the collective cohesive affect on society. This, he says, is how the social institution of religion works, therefore it is society itself that is the source of the action guided by religion (Durkheim, 1976, p418). He proposes that the dream of an ideal society, an idealistic society that would eliminate evil and sufferings, suggest religion, as this is what religion aims for. This indicates that religion suggests the ideals of society, instead of explaining it (Durkheim, 1976, p420). Durkheim studied religion from a collectivist perspective. He recognised that society was becoming more individualist, however he believed that this collectivist society still existed but in another form. He believed that the new individualist forms of religion were simply another form of collectivist forms in society (Durkheim, 1976, p425). He claimed that religious beliefs were not the individual, but were common beliefs belonging to a group united by these beliefs (Durkheim, 1976, p43). Durkheim also studied the social phenomena of religion in relation to how it constrains social behaviour (Dillon, 2010, p118). His view was that the religious symbols and imagery are used by society to encourage conformity, and instil these into cultural norms. Religion is used in order to justify these cultural norms, for example, norms surrounding marriage and reproduction (Macionis Plummer, 2008, p612). Max Weber was born in Germany in 1964 to a Protestant family. Despite being a trained as a lawyer and historian, he became interested in the social sciences, in particular economics. His research was halted by a period of serious depression, however, most of his prominent work was carried out after his breakdown, such as The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Calhoun, et al., 2007, p206). Weber was particularly interested in the cultural and non-economic sources related to social action. He investigates the sources of social phenomena from a historical and cultural perspective and how they influenced the practices within social institutions. He was a moderate left supporter of German nationalism, and helped found the German Democratic Party, as well as playing a part in the Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar Constitution, before he died in 1920 (Dillon, 2010, pp117-118). Like Durkheim, Weber recognised that there is not a known society, that doesnt include something that can be classified as religion (Parson, 1964, p xxvii). Although he also thought in evolutionary terms, he was more engaged by systems of meaning, which can be interpreted (Parsons, 1964, xxvii). He studied the subjective meaning and views of religion, and its cultural and historical origins, as well as how these produce institutional practices (Dillon, 2010, p117). He investigated the religious and cultural beliefs that are at the source of religious and social structures (Dillon, 2010, p119). He believed that these beliefs and values are worthy of investigation as they are what shape social institutions (Dillon, 2010, p125). He believed that religion played a role of stereotyping within society, as it structures and preserves social groups and relationship and provides a social identity for groups. He maintained that religion interacted with other social and cultural aspects (Harrin gton, 2005, p67). Webers most prominent work, The Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, discussed the interaction between religion and economic aspects. Weber introduced the ideal type in order to measure and compare social phenomenon. They are used in the quest to explain different social relationship and actions (Dillon, 2010, p126). As regards religion, an ideal type is the distinctive characteristics of a religion. Weber discusses Protestantism in is ideal form, and how the characteristics of this religion affect everyday life (Dillon, 2010, p127). He examines how different religious traditions and their structures influence society, particularly in relation to the economy and capitalism
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Applications Of Laser In Engineering English Language Essay
Applications Of Laser In Engineering English Language Essay Introduction: Laser has many applications in different fields especially in engineering. It is one of the most important inventions in the last century. Laser is used widely in the engineering field providing facilities while applying many engineering processes. Its applications also helped in the development of engineering. . Laser is an important instrument in engineering; that has been used widely by engineers in many aspects for its wide purpose and usefulness laser is a solution looking for a problem. This report aims to analyze the applications of laser and discuss the effect of laser on the product produced by this applications. This report gives detailed information about different engineering applications of laser. History of Laser: The first idea of using rays of light to help in exiting and changing the appearance of atoms discovered by Albert Einstein in 1917. He said that it would be possible to make an atom release light or make any unusual actions using rays by definite frequency. But he was not the one who invented laser itself; he just opened the way to other scientists to work on it. Schawlow and Townes are the two persons who first applied the idea of laser but they failed in their first experiment. In 1960 they succeeded to generate the first laser beam using a type of ruby. What Does LASER means? LASER stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation Laser is a device that emits electromagnetic waves in the form of a special type of light. It spreads as narrow coherent beams that can be turned into one using lenses. Laser has many uses in different fields so that people needed that effective invention. Laser simply consists of a narrow light beam that is produced by a process called Stimulation of atoms. This process is held by using an amplified light beam of specific frequency and intensity. That light beam is used to stimulate the atom. Stimulation of the atom means that we give it an extra amount of energy that makes in excited. That excitation makes the outer most electrons move to a higher level. Then they need to get rid of this extra energy to be back to its original and normal state, so it emits that extra energy in the form of a light beam. That light beam is laser. Thats how laser is produced. Laser solved many problems that faced engineers before inventing it. It facilitates many processes and operations for engineers. It also helps them find some information they need. As an example; before inventing laser; cutting and welding operations were very difficult. It was a problem to cut a metal, as you had to heat it up to a very high temperature then you modify its shape. Laser solved this problem and made that operation become very easy and fast. As another example; before inventing laser there were no wireless connections or laser radars. Laser also made the communication processes very fast and widely used. It made solutions for many problems that irritated engineers and people. Laser opened many knowledge and technology ways that would be impossible without it. After inventing Laser it became impossible to imagine our life without it. It became the key of many engineering operations that it will not be carried out without laser. Accuracy is one of its most important advantages that remove any doubts around it. It is expected that laser will be developed more and more in the future to provide engineers by other facilities. It can also be a reason for inventing other technologies. Again, Laser can be our gate to other inventions that could make our life easier and more comfortable. Laser Beam Welding Laser Beam Welding LBW is a contemporary welding technique used to join multiple pieces of metal using a laser. The beam provides a concentrated heat input, allowing for narrow, deep welds at high rates. This process is frequently used in many applications and develops to new industries. Laser beam welding has been extensively used in the automotive, aerospace, electronic, and heavy manufacturing industries to join a variety of materials. In the automotive industry, high-power lasers are used to weld many components such as transmissions, mufflers, catalytic converters, exhaust systems, and tailor-welded blanks.( Because of Laser welding advantages such as deep welding and reduced heat inputs. Profound Manufacturers sought to automate the welding process caused the expansion of the laser beam welding process to include computers sophisticated technology to increase the product quality and more accurate control of the welding process. From More than 20 years ago, when laser welding was in its early stages it was used primarily for bizarre applications where no other welding process would be suitable. Nowadays, laser welding is an imperative part of the metal toil industry. Laser beam welding has high power density (on the order of 1 Megawatt/cm ²(MW)) resulting in small heat-affected zones and high heating and cooling rates How it works: The Focal point is aimed on the work piece surface that weld is needed. At the surface of the work piece, the enormous concentration of light energy transformed into thermal energy. The surface of the work piece starts melting and steps forward through it by surface conductance. For welding process, the beam energy been maintained below the vaporization temperature of the material. In Fig. 1 the laser beam is directed on the work piece. Figure 1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 laser beam aimed on the work piece Image courtesy of To the point that the laser beam contacts the work piece, all the components that direct it are transparent, refractive or reflective, absorbing only small amounts of energy from the ultraviolet light ( When the pulse of laser energy is focused into a small spot at the surface of the work piece, the energy density becomes enormous. The light is engrossed by the work piece, causing a keyhole effect as the focused beam drills into, vaporizes and melts some of the metal ( As described in fig. 2. Figure 1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2 laser beam welding process Image courtesy of In fig. 3 as the pulse ends, the liquefied metal around the keyhole flows back in, solidifying and creating a small spot weld, moving the work piece or the laser emitter along the surface of the work piece creates a series or spot-weld called a seam. Figure 1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ3 the keyhole effect by laser beam Image courtesy of Equipment The two types of lasers commonly used in are solid-state lasers and gas lasers (especially carbon dioxide lasers and Nd:YAG lasers). The first type uses one of several solid media, including synthetic ruby and chromium in aluminum oxide, neodymium in glass (Nd:glass), and the most common type, crystal composed of yttrium aluminum garnet doped with neodymium (Nd:YAG). Gas lasers use mixtures of gases like helium, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide (CO2 laser) as a medium. ( Advantages of applying Laser Welding One of the major advantages that laser welding is the low amount of heat that is used during the welding process. The process repeats the laser beam to allow for the cooling of the spot weld, resulting in a very small heat affected zone, which makes the welding process use less energy, and makes laser-welding ideal for thin sections or products that require welding near electronics faultless. In conclusion, I would say that laser beam welding process when united with robotics and computer-controlled beam movements or work piece movements make laser welding systems offer a supreme flexibility to perform a variety of operations. 3D laser scanning 3D Laser Scanning is a type of reverse engineering. Reverse engineering helps in knowing more information about any object, software, device or a system. It mainly works by analyzing any part of that object and taking it apart to know everything about it using laser. It returns that object to its origins and know how to make a copy of it without destroying the main object or modifying it. That type of engineering can be used in many fields and it can be applied on anything as it is a high quality technology. That technology depends mainly on laser and its various types. Reverse engineering analyzes objects to examine how it works or how it has been done. It also can be used to know the dimensions of a place or an object. It is mostly used on objects that it documentations are lost. 3D Laser Scanning is used to measure the dimensions of a place or a part of a place by converting physical objects or parts into data to be read on a CAD program. That measurement is done by a coordinate measuring machine that estimates accurately what are the dimensions of that part. After measuring; the CAD program draws 3D images of that part. That method helps in knowing the dimensions of the object accurately without errors or assumptions. The 3D images produced by that method are called virtual reality. Those accurate 3D images need a very large amount of data as it measures fine details of the object. Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ4 3D image drawn using 3D laser scanning The amazing thing about 3D laser scanning is that it is supposed to take a long time to measure the fine details of an object accurately then reverse it into data that can be read by CAD programs. But actually that process takes seconds. It saves a lot of time which the person can spend to draw that object or try to measure its dimensions by any traditional method. That shows how laser helped in saving much time for engineers. Laser captures every single detail in the object in a tremendously fast and accurate way. It is impossible for human to reach that level of accuracy even if he spends hours or days trying to reach it. 3D laser scanning is applied in 3D scanners, coordinate measuring machines and 3D digitizers. As we said; it is the fastest and most accurate measuring method that can analyze objects to know how it works or to know its dimensions. Also it saves effort and money. This application is such an amazing application of laser in engineering fields. People call it hard work that looks like magic. Communication systems: A communication system is designed to transmit and receive information using light beams like fibers. Laser works as a light beams which has enormous potential for data transmission with very high data rates. Laser communications systems are wireless connections throughout the atmosphere. Before using laser in communication, the Greeks used fire and smoke to transmit information, by the evolution of the technology, optical fibers and radio waves are used for the communication of information over distance. Nowadays, lasers are used in optic fibers communications, fibers optics is a medium for carrying information from one place to another in the form of light. Unlike the copper transmission lines, fiber optics is not electrical in nature. Communication systems are based on optical fiber because of its advantage over metallic transmission lines. Fiber optics is used increasingly in data and telecommunications. Optical data transmission is increasingly used in various areas, such as telephone, internet traffic, cable TV. In Japan, many internet connections are already delivered to home with optical fibers. How does laser work in communication system? Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5 laser communication process Advantage of laser in communication system: Lasers have some special characteristic such as good directivity, polarization, monochromatic, coherent. The approach of optical fiber communications has advantages compared with systems based on electrical cables, the most important are: The losses for light propagation in fibers are very small because there is no fraction. The capacity of fibers for data transmission is huge and its also fast in the storage of data. Compared with electrical cables, fiber optic cables are very light weight, so the cost is very low. Due to the huge transmission rate of data, the cost compared by the rate of transmission is low. In fibers optic cables, the problems that arise with electrical cables such as ground loops or electromagnetic interference are eliminated. Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ6 There are several significant advantages for communication system that operate with fiber optics than systems which use radio frequency: Laser communication provides much higher data transmission rate compared to radio frequency. Small dimension light weight of components. Lower power. Application of laser in space communication: Lasers used in free space laser communication systems, its one of the most important application of laser in communication either semi-conductor laser diodes, solid state lasers and fibers amplifiers lasers. Free space optical communication is the transmission of data over long distance, e.g. between: Planets. Earth and satellites. Spacecraft and Earth based station. Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ7 laser communication between satellites Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ8 There are some advantages of the use of laser in space optical communication such as : high power, large rate of data transmission, small size and light weight, but one of the main disadvantage of using laser as a link in space communication is the interconnection only between points that have direct line of sight. The application of laser communication is discussed for a global communication system and an inter-satellites link, because laser can be directed in fibers over very long distances with very low losses and avoid atmospheric influences. CD DVD Introduction: Laser plays an important role in our life; it has a lot of applications in a lot of fields. It is used in many fields like medical, scientific, and industrial. In this part Ill talk about some industrial uses of the laser like CD DVD Holography. Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ9 cdWe all know the importance of CDs and DVDs in our life. We use it in saving data, music albums, and videos. CD means Compact Disk optical media that can store data, and DVD means Digital Video Disk, and its also optical media to store data but with larger storage size, and much greater capacities. Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ10cd romSo I can say that we have two types of disks and three types of drivers; for the disks we have CD and DVD, the difference between them would be in the storage size. For the drivers we have CD-ROM, CD-RW, and DVD-RW. The difference between the CD-ROM and CD-RW that the CD-RW has the ability to read and write data on the CD, but CD-ROM can only read from the CD. So its like read only memory; DVD drive can read and write on both CD and DVD disks, and has a larger storage memory than CD, so DVDs is more useful and better than CDs. Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ11 Reading from CD How CD and DVD drivers work? Computer takes the data from the user through keyboard, microphone, or any input device and converts it to zeros and ones. The idea is to store the data from the computer to the disks write on the disk using a powerful laser beam that makes holes or bumps on the disk which represents zeros and grooves that represents ones, so we can write what we want on the disk. CD and DVD the both use the same method to record data on. Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ12Data saved on CD To read from disk, the drive uses beam of laser that reflects back to a sensor in the drive if it hits a groove or one, but it hits a bump or zero the beam reflects with an angel and doesnt hit the sensor; through this operation the drive can read data from the disk. Differences between CDs and DVDs: We all already know that CDs have a storage size 700 Mega Byte, and DVDs have storage size start from 4 Giga Byte. Also DVDs could have multiple layers so its storage size could reach 17 Giga Byte, but CDs only have one layer. So we can say that CDs are much cheaper than DVDs, but DVDs are more useful, and have much greater storage size. So CDs are still preferred in publishing music albums, and DVDs are preferred in publishing movies. Also we can say that there is a big difference between the CD and DVD drivers. We would find that the DVD drivers use a thinner beam of laser than the laser beam of CD drive so it could make smaller grooves and bumps than CD drives, so it could write on both CDs and DVDs, but CD driver could only write on CDs and cant write or read DVDs. Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ13 cd writing process Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ14 Cd writing process Applications of laser in communications: Laser radar (LADAR) or (LIDAR): Laser radar (LADAR) or (LIDAR) (Light Detection and Ranging) is similar to millimetre radar but it uses laser beams to find its target. The (LADAR) processor looks for familiar patterns in the scenes. The processor continuously compares the scenes taken with the 3D files stored in the radar memory. It can scan large areas with very high precision and its ability to build a detailed picture of the area. The (LADAR) sensor can look at the target from different angles. Laser radar seeker can detect objects features with very high definition up to 15 cm resolution from about 1000 meters. After the radar identifies the object it takes a 3D picture. Laser diode: Laser diode is a diode where the active medium is a semiconductor similar to light emitting diode; this diode is used to produce n-p-n or p-n-p transistors that are used widely in electronic systems, these diodes are sometimes called injection laser diodes to distinguish between optically diodes. A laser diode is formed by doping a very thin crystal wafer on its upper surface using laser beam to produce a n type region and a p type region results in a p-n junction which is called a diode Laser fibre: A laser fibre is a glass or a plastic fibre that carries light through it. These fibres are used widely in fibre-optic communications which permits transmission over long distances and at higher bandwidth than other forms of communications. Fibres are used instead of metal wires because signals travel across them with less loss and they are also immune to electromagnetic interference. Fibresare also used for illumination and sensors. Laser microphone: The laser microphone is a device that uses a laser beam to detect sound vibrations in distant objects. The device takes vibrations as a pressure waves created by objects in the room (like person or an object), the laser beam is directed into the room from a window that hits the object then it returns back to the receiver that converts it to an audio signal. The minute differences in the distance travelled by the light as it reflects from the vibrating objects (are detected interferometrically is a technique used for diagnosing two or more waves by studying the pattern of interference created by their superpositions). A new type of laser microphones that uses laser and a smoke or vapour to detect the vibration waves in the air. Applications of laser in computer: Laser barcode scanner: The laser beam bounces off a rotating mirror and scans the code, sending a modulated beam to a light detector and then to a computer which has the product information stored. Semiconductor lasers can also be used for this purpose, laser barcode scanners are the most common used barcode scanners, laser barcode scanner doesnt need to be in contact with the barcode to read it, it can read barcode 6-24 inches away from it. Laser printer: A laser printer is a type of computer printers that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics on a plain paper. It is a computer printer that uses laser beam to produce an image an on a rotating drum before transferring it to the paper. As with digital photocopiers and multifunction printers, laser printers employ a xerographic printing process but differ from analogue photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of laser beam across the printer photoreceptor. A laser beam projects an image of the page to be printed onto an electrically charged rotating drum coated with selenium. Photoconductivity removes charge from area exposed to light, the drum then prints the image on a paper by direct contact and heat. Laser printers have many advantages than other printers like the speed of laser printer can vary widely, it can print 12000 pages in one hour. Conclusion: This report has discussed the applications of laser in our daily life. We have shown the different applications of laser in communication compared with different systems that operate with electrical cables radio frequency. The application of laser in computer represented in each aspect in our daily life as laser printers, DVD and scanners. The use of laser in mechanical engineering such as welding and cutting. It is also used in measuring dimensions and analyzing object by using 3D scanning. After listing all this application and advantages of lasers. We can not neglect the present of laser in our life. By the end of the report, the benefits of laser and its applications is clear.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Fools Rush In and My Big Fat Greek Wedding Essay -- Movies Movie Film
Fools Rush In and My Big Fat Greek Wedding Every movie that is written has a certain attitude to it. Some of these are intended to be laughed at and others are meant to be heartfelt. Though each movie is written with its own voice, so to speak, many have similar plots or themes. The two movies Fools Rush In and My Big Fat Greek Wedding are two of these movies that have similarities in the themes, but not necessarily in the plots. Both of these romantic comedies have strong religious backgrounds on the woman’s side of the family and differences in culture. The main theme between these two movies is the quest for happiness and all the troubles that must be overcome to achieve it. In the movie Fools Rush In Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry meet at a night club and have a one night stand. As a result of their fling Isabel (Salma Hayek) becomes pregnant. Isabel was raised in a very Catholic home and if you are pregnant it is disrespectful to God not to be married. Alex (Matthew Perry) decides that it is fate that has brought them together and so he decides they need to rush off and get married. Their families are not informed of their spur-of-the-moment decision and when they find out Isabel’s father becomes irate. Alex decides not to inform his family of the decision because in his family you marry into the same culture and the difference would be shocking to his parents. After realizing they have married for all the wrong reasons they decide to split up and go their separate ways. Isabel goes to live in Mexico and Alex goes to New York. After many signs they both decide they cannot live life without one another. In the end both of them are happy w ith their decisions and live a happy life with their family’s approv... ...y Big Fat Greek Wedding Ian was given the ultimatum convert or leave. In the end he converts and realizes it is the best decision ever because it allowed Toula to give herself to him completely and with the approval of her family. These two movies deal with many similar themes, even though the plots differ some. The difference in religions and culture make the movies more realistic and home-based. The main theme of searching for a real love is what makes the movies so romantic, even though they are both classified as romantic comedies. Whether these two movies make one laugh of cry they are two very similar movies. If one of these movies seems to grab one’s attention, more than likely the other will too. So, if it is crying or laughing one can not go wrong with these two movies; they both give a little bit of laughter and they can both cause a few tears.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Quest for Self and Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road Essay
The Quest For Identity In On The Road    In Jack Kerouac’s ‘On The Road’, the protagonists embark upon a long, arduous quest for human identity. Their aim is to uncover who they truly are, where they fit in the ‘scheme of things’ and what the meaning of life is. They articulate this desire by speaking, during the novel, of the search for ‘IT’, ‘IT’ being human identity. This ‘IT’ is an intangible thing; something that holds a different meaning for every individual. It encompasses all the things humans yearn for – life answers, the meaning of the universe, happiness, enlightenment, self-fulfilment, ‘beatification’ (as articulated by Kerouac). ‘On the Road’ is the story of a desperate search for ‘IT’, in which the protagonists finally come to realise that ‘IT’ is unattainable and time cannot be defied. The human search for ‘IT’ is never-ending. Even when we know that the search is virtually impossible, that ‘IT’ is unreachable, that ou... ...iences and thoughts. The novel concludes with the poignant truth humans often try to ignore – that time and aging are inexorable and that the answers to life will most probably never be known to any of us while on earth. Works Cited: Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. Penguin Books Limited, New York. 1955. Honan, Simon. The Beat Generation,  Allen and Unwin Publishing, New York. 1987. Eliot, T.S. The Collected Works of TS Eliot, Eldridge Publishing Inc, Sydney.1954.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Consumer buying preferences towards technological goods produced using sustainable business practices Essay
1. Abstract This report shows data on consumer behaviour as primary research and secondary data from literature about sustainability, sustainable business practices and consumer behaviour towards sustainable produced goods. The terms sustainability and sustainable business practices will be examined in more detail. Data gathered from primary research will help to get a better understanding on consumer behaviour, by analysis and presentation in pie charts and bar charts. Methods of data collecting will be examined and the use of surveys and questionnaire as well. 2. Introduction This report will investigate consumer buying preferences towards technological goods produced using sustainable business practices. The term sustainability was first defined by the UN World Commission in its 1987 published report called â€Å"Our Common Future†, which defined it as: †¦development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Since the climate change and its impact on the environment people became more aware of the significance of sustainability. Also companies strive to implement sustainable business practices to prevent further harm to the environment and to improve their efficiency to lower costs and to enhance quality, which in turn satisfies customers and employees. This report will show that companies using sustainable business practices have an advantage in today’s economy and consumers will invest more time and money in technological goods produced using sustainable business practices. Techniques on how information was gathered will be elucidated in the methodology section and the results will be presented in section 5. 3. Literature Review Several literature resources about the topics sustainability, sustainable business practises, consumer behaviour and the environment were available. Key findings in literature show that impacts on the environment have led businesses as well as people to rethink the way they use resources. Due to media influence in past decades many people became aware of global warming, pollution, the ozone layer depletion and its negative effects on nature and health of humanity. An article about sustainable business practices suggests that companies of various sectors should use their own set of techniques to achieve their own version of sustainability. Furthermore various literatures show that most developments in business practices came from creative thinking about redesigning production cycles while maintaining consumer needs with the environment in mind. Ecoefficiency is the term used by some companies to describe their aims towards more sustainability. The World Business Council, an association of big corporations defines Ecoefficiency as: â€Å"as being achieved by the delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with the Earth ´s estimated carrying capacity†. This definition is remarkable in its position to human needs and value of life, and can be interpreted as a move away from â€Å"materialism†and contribution to meeting needs for human well-being. Most literature offered a big variety of subtopics around sustainability, su stainable business practices and consumer behaviour, which may go way far for purposes of this report. 4. Methodology Primary research was conducted with the aid of surveys and questionnaires. The sample consisted of 40 people, who answered 10 questions around the topic consumer buying preferences towards technological goods produced using sustainable business practices. The questionnaire took approximately 10 minutes to complete and participants were asked that the oldest member of each household should return the results by end of the month. Surveys are one of the fastest methods to gather information nowadays, due the possibility to conduct them online as well. In the questionnaire participants of ages 30 and above were asked basic questions like name, email, gender and age. Furthermore the questionnaire asked more specific questions like how would you best describe your household, annual household income, if participants would buy sustainable produced goods over normal competitors even if the price was little higher and more to gather information about consumers buying preferences. The questionnaire was designed to gather a lot of information in a short time. To achieve better results, phrases around the topic sustainability and sustainable business practices were formed so that participants had just to tick their favourite answers. Limitations in primary research may be that the sample size could be increased more by surveying under 30 year olds as well. Secondary research was undertaken with the aid of online databases like summon, which is a database for all kinds of academic articles. Also the survey was based online due to its efficiency, because nowadays majority of people have internet connection. 5. Results When asked the question if participants would buy an electronic device which is produced using sustainable business practices rather than one that is not, even if it is more expensive 60% responded with yes. 15 % of participants responded with sometimes and 25% with no. Furthermore the research was refined and responses by household were considered as well, to get more details on consumer behaviour: The bar chart above illustrates that families with under 16 year old children are most likely to invest in sustainable produced goods, while elderly couples are least likely to invest in electronic devices. The most remarkable sign when looking at the bar chart is that all except the elderly couples seem to invest more in electronic devices produced using sustainable practices. Singles seem to care as well with response of 3 votes indicating the value sometimes and 4 indicating yes. Families indicate 7 yes, 0 sometimes and 1 no. As seen families with under 16 year old children respond with 8 yes, 1 sometimes and 4 no. Overall couples, singles and elderly people seem to care less than families and families with under 16 year old children. The results could have been improved by investigating more questions and designing more charts for presenting and interpreting data. One more approach to improve the results would have been to increase the number of participants by giving under 30 year olds the opportunity to participate as well. 6. Conclusion The aim of this report was to investigate consumer behaviour in relation to sustainability. A survey was conducted to gather information and to see how participants would respond. Data collected using this method helped designing bar charts and pie charts, to illustrate percentages of participants voting for a specific answer. As conclusion majority of consumers prefer to invest in goods produced using sustainable business practices rather than products which are not, even if the price is higher. Families seemed to be most likely to invest, while elderly couples seemed not as much interested. Overall consumers tend to invest more in sustainable goods. Secondary research showed that environmental awareness may be a trigger for such decisions. This report also showed that companies investing in sustainability can insure a long run profitability in every sense, be it lowering production costs or driving up consumer and employee satisfaction.
Evolution of the Concept of Childhood: Evidence from Children’s Literature Essay
Zohar Shavit’s discussion of the development of the concept of childhood takes into consideration the literature that has been developed for children. Shavit’s goal was to explain how the concept of childhood evolved as it is shown along the lines of children’s literature. This essay will attempt to provide criticism regarding the manner by which Shavit argued his case. Focus and attention will be towards the development of the argument. Furthermore, each section of Shavit’s article will be analyzed and critiqued in terms of how it contributed to the strength of the author’s argument.            Shavit begins his article by discussing the beginnings of the concept of childhood. He described how up until the seventeenth century, children lived in an adult world and were not considered as distinct from their adult counterparts. (Shavit, 318) In other words, the world had no concept of what a child was. Every aspect of a child’s life was that of an adult as well. He cited various reasons for such including the fact that there was a high mortality rate among children and the poor survival of children during the time. Moreover, children did not really enjoy a childhood as it is now defined for early in life, they were made to do things that adults do. Some marry at a very tender age while others are thrust into a working life. (Shavit, 318) Shavit then discussed how in the seventeenth century the unity between the lives of adults and children shifted to polarization. (Shavit, 319) He described how children began to develop their own way of life including the emergence of clothing and educational games. (Shavit, 319) Basically, at this time, a distinction between adults and children began to be established. The concept of childhood developed out of the polarization between the adult’s and the child’s world.            Shavit moved on to discussing the emergence of children’s literature specifically to meet the new educational needs of children as defined by the perceived need to mold children who were seen as delicate creatures. (Shavit, 320)            Having established how children’s literature emerged, Shavit then discussed the evolution of the one of the most commonly analyzed children’s tales, â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood.†He discussed how the story evolved just as the conception of childhood evolved as well.            Shavit’s main argument and the thesis of his article is that the concept of childhood and its evolution through time shapes the literature that has been developed for children. Basically, as the concept of childhood is altered so is the literature for children. Shavit’s thesis is quite general. His analysis lies along the general lines. (Shavit, 317) Furthermore, based on his thesis, one can see that the evolution and history of both the concept of childhood and of children’s literature are necessary elements of his argument. As such, in order to prove his thesis, Shavit had to lay down the history of the concept of childhood and how children’s literature emerged from the development of the concept.            Shavit’s argument is well structured. He lay down the foundation of his argument by providing historical insights in both the concept of childhood and of children’s literature. From this foundation, Shavit was able to show the relationship between children’s literature and the evolution of children in society. More importantly, this foundation was integral in his discussion of the primary source for readers are able to relate the concept of childhood in the text with the perception of childhood in society at the time the text was published. Shavit’s article moves on along a time line making it logical and sound.            Shavit utilized an analysis of the text, â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†to demonstrate how the concept of childhood evolved. More importantly, Shavit used a comparison between two versions of the text to show that a difference in the conception of childhood existed between the two different time periods. Shavit compared Perrault’s version with that of The Brothers Grimm in order to illustrate how the concept of childhood influences the story. He quoted both versions to demonstrate how the two differed in particular parts of the story. For instance, Shavit quoted Perrault’s and The Brothers Grimm’s versions to show the difference between the two particularly in the part where the grandmother’s love is expressed in the story. (Shavit, 330) Shavit did no divert from either text and ensured that both were properly quoted. Shavit’s use of the quotations was specifically for the purpose of showing the difference of the two versions in demonstrating family ties in the text. Other than for such purpose, Shavit failed to utilize the primary texts. Shavit’s arguments could have been strengthened by more use of the primary sources. Although he was able to extensively compare the two texts, he was not able to make readers appreciate the comparison since he insufficiently quoted the two versions. Shavit likewise compared the endings of the two versions of the story. He noted that the difference in endings led to a change in the meaning and moral of the story. (Shavit, 329) The moral of Perrault’s story was intended for the gentlemen since it emphasized the wolf. On the other hand, the Brothers Grimm’s version â€Å"stresses Little Red Riding Hood’s learning a lesson.†(Shavit, 329) The difference in endings thus provides evidence that the two versions were intended for distinct audiences.            Shavit’s discussion entailed the use of two versions of the â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†to show how the concept of childhood evolved. However, as mentioned earlier, Shavit failed to utilize the texts adequately. Instead of quoting the texts, Shavit used his own perception and analysis to demonstrate the difference in the two versions. In other words, Shavit’s arguments lacked sufficient backing from primary sources.            In his recount of the history of the concept of childhood, Shavit failed to cite sources for his descriptions. He mainly utilized his own descriptions and understanding of history in his explanations. In his discussion of the two concepts of childhood that emerged in society, he failed to cite sources for it. His explanations were logical and easily understood. However, without enough evidence from sources, a shadow of doubt is seemingly cast over the authenticity and validity of his arguments. His arguments may be seen as subjective for he was unable to use historical sources. Shavit’s comparison of Perrault and The Brothers Grimm’s versions of â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†were very extensive. He was able to cover several elements of the story including tone and ending. However, he was unable to justify most of his comparisons by quoting the texts.            In general, Shavit was able to show how the concept of childhood evolved. He was able to demonstrate how a different concept of childhood emerged in Perrault’s and The Brothers Grimm’s versions. More importantly, he was able to show that at the two different times, children were thought of differently. In this light, Shavit was successful in proving his arguments but there is room for improvement. More historical sources will make Shavit’s arguments stronger and more sound. It will increase the validity of his statements. Works Cited Shavit, Zohar. â€Å"The Concept of Childhood and Children’s Folktales: Test Case-‘Little Red Riding Hood’.†The Classic Fairy Tales. Ed. Maria Tatar. Norton, 1999. 317-332.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Mercury Footwear Questions
Among the first companies to offer fashionable walking, hulking and boating footwear. Its mother company decided to extend the brand by creating complementary line of apparel. Because of the poor performance, it was decided to sold. Style Logo is marked with prosperous, active and fashion-conscious lifestyle. Its main customers are not interest in its apparel. Financial performance Among the most profitable firms. Had poor performance after acquisition by WAC. Revenue contribution 42% of revenue from athletic shoes and balance from casual footwear.Revenue and operating Income were 470. Million and 60. 4 million In 2006. Revenue and EBITDA were 431. 1 million and 518 million.. Products Athletic shoes developed from high-performance footwear to athletic fashion wear. Four main segments: men's and women's athletic and casual footwear. In order to emphasizing individual products, it began to monitor styles and images from global culture Focus on smaller portfolio of classic products with longer lifestyles and could maintain simple production and supply chains.Sales channels Mainly sold in department stores, specialty retailers, wholesalers and independent distributors. Small percentage is sold through website. Department stores, specialty stores, catalogs, discount retailers and internet. Inventory management Good at inventory management in the industry. Inventory management performance is worse than the average level. Outsource Outsource manufacture in China. Outsource main materials in foreign suppliers. Advantages &Disadvantages It takes small size as its competitive disadvantages.And it faced with some problems in the consolidation of manufacturers. Price cuts and promotion in apparel line hurts operating margins but helped to the growth in sales. Sales growth is lower than the average because of there is little discount in price. We could learn that managers of GAG want to enlarge the scale of its company and gain larger market share because of the stable prof it margin. And since the revenue is almost the same, it is a good choice to merge with Mercury, which means that revenue would be doubled after acquisition.And these two companies have some similar factors, such as : (1) They could use the same sale channels after acquisition, and internet channel could be enlarged. (2) They could combine manufacturers to get a powerful bargain in suppliers. 3) The product segments are almost the same, which means that there should be little work to do after acquisition in product adjustment. (4) Thanks to the profitable ability of GAG, it is much easier to make a better financial performance of Mercury. (5) It is good for them to increase the performance of inventory management if they merge together. 6) Although their target customers are different, especially in ages, which means that style and brand are different in the very beginning, this factor could turn into an advantage for the new company could have a fully segment of customers with wider age ranges. Therefore, take into above factors into account; we think that Mercury should be an appropriate target for GAG. 2. Review the projections formulated by Little. Are they appropriate? How would In the case, we could find that Little used historical averages to assume the overhead-to-revenue ratio.However, historical data is usually useless for future. Some studies found there is little evidence that firms grew fast continued to grow fast in the next period. And sometimes there are even negative correlations between growth rates in the two periods. Besides, smaller firms tend to be more volatile than others, which we could find the same characteristics in these two firms we are talking about. And Just as we mentioned in the question 1, revenue may be doubled after acquisition, it Just fits the theory that it is difficult to maintain historical growth rates as firms double or triple in size.Therefore, based on the above analysis, we think that it is not reasonable to use hi storical data for future projections. And sometimes, analyst should be better than the historical growth. Considering that there are five main channels for analyst forecasts: firm-specific information, macroeconomic information, information revealed by competitors on future prospects, private information about the firm and public information other than earnings, we think Little could find more information from above channels to get more accurate assumption.And since performance of Mercury is poorer than the average of the industry, it is better to use industry average level for the benchmarking of Mercury when predicting, instead of a discount rate of GAG for example. And from the comparison of 2007 to 2006, we can find Ileitis's forecast need great input from GAG to support the development of Mercury, whether he has taken this into consideration? And he estimate debt/equity ratio remains the same as GAG, that is also unreasonable, for it is not possible to change that in short peri od.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Cleopatra Leader
Cleopatra VII was a remarkably intelligent woman with great charisma and political astuteness. The ancient historian, Plutarch, stated that â€Å"to know her was to be touched with an irresistible charm. Her delightful manner of speaking was such as to win the heart. †(Bradford 14). She utilized these assets to win over the favor of two of the most powerful man of Ancient Rome, Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. Cleopatra is portrayed as being manipulative, conniving; and accused of utilizing her relationships for the advancement for power and the expansion of her empire.Although this is true, there were stark differences in the two relationships Cleopatra had with each man. She reached out to Caesar in her time of no power and continued to be submissive to him throughout their relationship. Even though there was a speculated love connection between the two, Caesar never lost sight of his priority as a politician and did not concede to every one of his mistresses’ requests .While a reversal of roles occurred with Marc Antony, she had the upper hand and he eventually became fiscally and emotionally dependent on her. In addition, he was easily manipulated, thus Cleopatra frequently got her way. Overall, the territorial gain and the power she had over him proved that Cleopatra’s relationship with Marc Antony was more politically beneficial than with Julius Caesar. Firstly, Cleopatra’s submissiveness and political dependency on Julius Caesar proved to be less beneficial in contrast to her relationship Marc Antony.In 48BC, she was a young 22 year old trying to regain her Ptolemaic throne from her brother, she knew he was the most powerful in the world and understood that that the Roman Consul was the only one who could aid her. Bradford noted that Cleopatra realized the â€Å"only one weapon that her brother, back by his powerful advisers, did not have [was]-her sex. †(70) The speculation that she was sneakily presented to him rolled up in a carpet displayed her submissiveness to his authority and beckoning for his help in regaining her throne.Caesar managed to initially appease Cleopatra’s desire for power by reading her father’s will and forcing her brother, Ptolemy XIII, and herself to rule together. Later he gained managed to gain more power for her by commanding her to â€Å"marry†her younger brother, Ptolemy XIV, for she would hold all of the power due to his age. This pretense was set up in order to make her complacent but still remained a superior force with his diplomatic choice. By having both the siblings rule he abided to Egyptian law and did not panic the people and cause them to rebel.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Ielt Task 2
Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Words: 281/ Time: 45’ Whether or not customers are encouraged by advertisers to purchase products in quantity without promoting quality is a controversial question. Some people would say â€Å"yes†with that idea. However, as far as I am concerned, I strongly oppose that perception. First and foremost, although nowadays consumers are bombarded with information of products and services, viewers are still decisions-makers.Some people concern about quality, others have interest in quantity. But, they generally buy products according to their own interests, tastes, income and other factors. Moreover, customers are now increasingly cautious about advertised products, they thus ask for advice from their friends and families, instead of buying them impulsively. In simple terms, it is customers rather than advertisers who decide to purchase a certain produ ct.It is also noted that the main function of advertising is to provide customers with adequate information about a lot of aspects of a product including quality, package, functions, warrantee, and promotion, not only price. In fact, advertising is usually criticized on the ground that it leads customers to follow the advertisers’ desire. However, according to marketing principles, that advertising merely satisfies consumers’ information needs. Unarguably, price is an important factor that marketers use to boost sales.Nevertheless, it is more important to remember that the role of advertising is to offer specific information on a product and service. Therefore, advertising simply conveys the message relating to price, rather than use it to attract consumers. To sum up, I believe that consumers have different attitudes toward advertisements because they are influenced by various factors, not only price. The general perception of advertising as a stimulus for purchasing in quantity rather than promoting quality is in fact a bias.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Smart Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Smart Materials - Essay Example Certain materials are responsive to changes in electric field or magnetic field such as Piezoelectric materials or Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys; while others are responsive to changes in temperature, light or even pH value. The scope of this paper is to introduce four such smart materials namely, Piezoelectric materials, Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys, Halochromic materials and Chromogenic Systems. These smart materials would be discussed in the paper along with their practical usage and limitations. Piezoelectric materials are smart materials that generate voltage when force is applied on such materials. The word ‘Piezo’ is a Latin term that means to press (How it works, 2003). In this manner, such materials are able to change their proportions when force, typically uni-axial compressive force is applied. One is able to identify piezoelectric materials as they produce voltage with the application of force or stress. Another identifying factor is the ability to change shape or become deformed once force is applied. Some examples of Piezoelectric materials are Quartz, Barium Titanate, Lead niobate and potassium sodium tartrate. The initial usage of this device was found during the Second World War as they were used in SONAR devices. Commonly such materials are used in electro-mechanical devices including speakers and microphones. In microphones, Piezoelectric materials detect audible frequencies. They are also used in welding to serve various purposes such as welding inflexible thermoplastics, metal micro-bonding, steam welding sheets, insertion of metal into plastic etc. They are also used in hydrophones to monitor the heart and the circulatory system (Kutz, 2002). While the usage of Piezoelectric materials is quite widespread, they are not without their limitations. ‘The most obvious limitations are associated with non-linearity, hysteresis, creep, depoling, electrical breakdown, Curie temperature’
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