Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Nosocomial Diseases Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nosocomial Diseases - Annotated Bibliography Example Giving such a thorough overview is useful in tackling most of the basic knowledge needed to fully answer the thesis statement, as well as providing information on the specific prevention tactics that clinical staff can take. This peer-reviewed paper gives information provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on nosocomial infections. This gives an official perspective on how to deal with the infections as well as their prevalence in medical environments. The definitions also cover the various diagnostic tests that need to be used to confirm the presence of a nosocomial infection as well as the infectious agent, which is important in ensuring the correct course of action is taken. This paper is not very useful in answering the question. The first problem is that it is over 25 years old, and epidemiology is a rapidly changing subject, and nosocomial infections are on the increase. It could have a purpose in arguing the thesis, if combined with more current epidemiological paper, because the thesis mentions the fact that hospital acquired infections are a rising trend. This source is only good in context. Again, this research paper is quite old, but does give an overview of the trends in the types of microbe that are involved in nosocomial infection. This paper gives a lot of scientific knowledge about the nature of the infectious agent and how they are likely to evolve and mutate to cause more problems in the hospital environment. It also warns against the over-use of antibiotics, something that we see today is causing a number of issues in producing antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains which are commonly seen in nosocomial infections such as MRSA. Although the information here should be taken with caution, it does provide some interesting perspectives. This is a clinical reference text and therefore can be used to provide
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Law of Connection Essay Example for Free
The Law of Connection Essay It can be said that in order to make other individuals follow a certain person, that person must first be able to touch the hearts of these individuals. By stating that a person must first touch the heart of the individuals, it is assumed that the person must primarily be able to communicate with the emotions of the individuals apart from anything else. That is, in order to be able to make a personal connection with other people, an individual is faced with the task of communicating first with the emotions of these people. In essence, one cannot expect others to follow him or her without first being able to establish an emotional rapport with others. For the most part, one can argue that individuals have a common bond that makes them at least one at heart. Hence, to be able to touch the heart of others and communicate with their emotions is to be able to make them understand how and what one thinks and seeks to do. In Genesis 12:1-7 of the Bible, for instance, it is stated that Abraham has descendants. More precisely, the Bible presents the idea that people are descendants of Abraham as God promised him â€Å"a great nation†where the descendants will receive the Promised Land. Moreover, it is apparent that God did this by communicating with the emotions of Abraham, by fulfilling what he earnestly yearns for in his heart. Another illustration in the Bible can be found in Exodus 1: 8-21. The context of the verses in, specifically in verses 8-11, suggests that an appeal to the emotion of individuals can indeed prove to be a good way of making other follow. For instance, when the new king of Egypt told his people that â€Å"the people and children of Israel are mightier†than them, and by adding that unless they do not begin to quell the Israelites they may soon find the latter joining forces with their enemy which my lead to their downfall, the people of Egypt began to act in accordance to the revelation of their new king. Such passage suggests the idea that, by striking at the emotions of individuals, one can arrive at a situation wherein these individuals will act in accordance o how one wants things to be. Further, from verses 12-21, one can find that, eventually, the Hebrew women disregarded the call of the Pharaoh for the reason that they fear God more than him. Since the â€Å"Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women,†it can be suggested that the emotions of the Hebrews are closer to their own beliefs than the commands of an Egyptian Pharaoh. It further implies the idea that, although one can be able to communicate with the emotions of others, it is nevertheless not a solid assurance that others will bend in relation to what the individual desires. More importantly, being able to communicate with the emotions of others and make them act according to one’s perception is augmented by an underlying commonality between the individuals and the person. This underlying commonality can come in many different forms such as tradition and religion. Hence, the ties that bind people together, or the connection that they all have, serve as a factor that one must consider in order to effectively communicate with the emotions of others. In Exodus 19:3-13, it is observable that God employs certain forms of warnings such as â€Å"whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death†in order to fulfill the higher purpose of God to â€Å"come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai†. In essence, warnings can help substantiate and strengthen the fulfillment of a certain goal inasmuch as it aids in preempting other people from disobeying commands and certain forms of beliefs. Moreover, warnings serve the purpose of reinforcing the task of making other people follow by communicating with their emotions. Lastly, in Deuteronomy 1 verses 1-5, it can be noted that Moses was commanded by God to deliver His message to the people of Israel. Notable in the passage is the thought that the message Moses will deliver are from God which presents the idea that the message of a supreme authority of a common people connected by their belief in the authority of God cannot be easily ignored. In essence, what can be maintained is the idea that being able to communicate with the emotions of other people grants the person the ability to make other people follow one’s plans or courses of actions. Since emotions are innate to humanity and it is what connects people together in one way or another, emotions allow communications between individuals, specifically those who belong to a group connected by traditions and other things. References King James Bible. (1997, February 18, 1997). Retrieved September 12, 2007, from Maxwell, J. C. (1998). The Law of Connection. In The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (pp. 101-107). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Conflicting Ideals Essay
Conflicting Ideals in The Great Gatsby   Throughout the world, societies can become cruel and unjustified machines. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the morality of a society is clearly revealed through the choices and consequences its characters experience. The two societies within the novel, West Egg and East Egg, create an atmosphere of mixed ideals and morals, so completely opposite of each other. Three examples will be given to support the above thesis. Firstly, Jay Gatsby, arguably the main character, is involved in a number of criminal activities. Secondly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, are a true symbol of how the morals of their society are revealed through their actions. Finally Nick Carraway, the narrator, is truly and innocent in a society gone mad. These three points will be elaborated below. Firstly, Jay Gatsby, formerly known as Jay Gatz, is a figure of the the corruption of the American Dream. He is an illegal bootlegger, an acquaintance of gamblers and con artists. His activities are constantly denounced by Tom Buchanan throughout the novel. His criminal activies reveal the morality of yesteryears society. His lavish and extravagant parties are another symbol of the morality of his society. Early in the evening, people are happy, dancing the night away, and are generally having a good time. But, the facade of the party quickly departs, and the true nature of these events are revealed. People get drunk, douse themselves in the pool to sober up, spouses fight and bicker over nonsequential items. And when all of this is over, the floor is covered with orange rings, spilled cocktails, along with other party nostalgia. All of this is a setup, so that Gatsby can get Daisy's at... ...saddened by the coldness of the people who do not care unwillingly to the funeral. Out of all the people who attend the parties, four join the funeral. So, the choices and consequences of Nick's experience clearly define the morality of the two societies. To sum things up, the morals of a society are revealed by the actions of its inhabitants. Firstly, Jay Gatsby, is involved in a number of criminal activities, and is the father-figure of the corruption of the American Dream. Secondly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, are a true symbol of how the morals of the East Egg society are revealed by their actions. Finally, Nick Carraway, is truly an innocent in a myriad of scheming, cheating con artists. Therefore, their unjustified beliefs truly define the morality of a society which is clearly revealed through the choices and consequences of its characters from within. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
When the Levees Broke Rhetorical Analysis
Chase Caldwell Professor Gwaltney English 1102 14 March 2013 When The Levees Broke Rhetorical Analysis Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana on the morning of August 29, 2005. The storm produced sustained winds of up 125 mph when it hit that morning. On that same day Katrina caused 53 different levee breaches in greater New Orleans, spilling the waters of Lake Pontchartrain into the city and flooding an overwhelming majority of New Orleans.The floodwaters destroyed countless homes and lives along the way. Some estimates of the cost of Katrina were up in the 200 billions but according to Kimberly Amadeo, â€Å"The actual cost of Hurricane Katrina's damage was between $96-$125 billion, with $40-$66 billion in insured losses. †This statistic makes Katrina one of the most expensive natural disasters to ever hit the United States. Money wasn’t the only thing that was lost; the storm killed roughly 1,500 people in Louisiana alone.Floodwaters stayed in New Orleans for weeks leaving many people stranded and fighting for their lives. Post-Katrina New Orleans was a war zone with looting, shootings, robbery, and people desperately needing help from the government. Help was slow to arriving though. People went days and days without food or any kind of help at all. Many people died from all sorts of different causes. Deaths ranged from heat exhaustion in attics to drowning in the street and even in the victims own home.The majority of citizens of New Orleans’ ninth ward feel like the government did not take the right measures in getting help to the victims of the storm and they also feel like the destruction altogether could have been avoided had the levees been built correctly. The story of New Orleans and the failing levees is right up one filmmaker’s alley. Spike Lee is known to make movies that examine race relations and political issues. The story of New Orleans during Katrina touches on both of these subjects immensely. Thus, When t he Levees Broke was born.The documentary is a heart-wrenching medley of eyewitness accounts, video news footage, and photographs of the destruction that mix together in a way that shows Lee’s dissatisfaction with what happened during Katrina. Lee was legitimately upset about what happened in New Orleans during Katrina and even toys with the idea that the U. S. government blew up the levees to rid New Orleans of poor blacks. Needless to say, Lee will not hesitate to tell anyone what he believes and is the center of many different controversies in Hollywood. His personality is best described as that of a ticking time bomb.His feelings for the people of the ninth ward coupled with his outspokenness on political affairs and race relations were the driving force behind When The Levees Broke. Lee’s intended audience is really anyone who takes the time to watch his work. He really wanted to get the story out to the public and that is exactly what he did, he let the world see exactly what was happening in New Orleans without any sugar coating. Lee does not hesitate to put a floating, swollen dead body on screen just to let the viewers know the grotesque reality of what happened.Lee uses this documentary to voice his opinion against how the government handled Katrina. He felt that the government did not do what it should have done during this time and he shows his disappointment with the federal government through the movie. Lee conveys a huge array of arguments in this film from the government blowing up the levees to George Bush not caring about black people. Throughout all of these arguments his barebones, central argument is that the federal government did not fulfill its duty to the people of New Orleans during the Katrina catastrophe.Lee conveys this argument in a number of different ways. For instance, he conveys the argument by interviewing a multitude of people that lived through Katrina and has them explain their unrest and disappointment in the government on camera. He also shows photographs of posters and paintings that read things like â€Å"Where’s Fema? †and â€Å"Fuck Bush†. These tactics make it quite easy to see that Lee is upset with the Government. He uses a number of appeals to get his argument across. He mostly uses pathos by using horrific eyewitness accounts and gruesome photographs to stab at the audience’s emotions.The audience cannot help but feel terrible for the people who had to go through this. One of the worst feelings is watching someone cry over their lost home or hear an account of someone who comes home to their dead mother. Lee undoubtedly does a good job of evoking emotion from the audience. Lee interviews a melting pot of people in this documentary. It seems like there is an interviewee from almost every walk of life. In fact HBO explored just how many people Lee interviewed: Lee and his team selected close to 100 people from diverse backgrounds and representing a w ide range of opinions to nterview, including Governor Kathleen Blanco; Mayor Ray Nagin; residents Phyllis Montana LeBlanc, Kimberly Polk, Shelton â€Å"Shakespeare†Alexander and Rev. Williams; activists Al Sharpton and Harry Belafonte; CNN's Soledad O'Brien; and musicians Wynton Marsalis, Terence Blanchard and Kanye West. This works in his favor and adds to the ethos of the film. Since he is getting the opinions of a number of different people it shows more of the bigger picture and does not focus on only one person or one group of people.Diversity and unifying people under their disappointment with the government is a key part of his argument. This shows that he is not the only person that feels this way about the government, in fact everyone in the movie feels the same as he does. This can cause some speculation. Spike’s argument is not perfect. There are multiple flaws in the argument that can cause it to be discredited. For one, the opinions of his interviewees ar e so one-sided that the audience does not see a single glimpse of the other side of the spectrum.Not one person in the film seems satisfied with how the government handled the situation. In a way this discredits Spike Lee’s argument because it seems as if he is only showing you what he wants to show you. He shows you nothing good that the government did or people that are satisfied with how the government helped. The audience only sees the people who are disgruntled by Katrina who just want more and more help. It is hard to believe that there is not a single person in New Orleans who was not satisfied with the help that they received from the government.Mr. Lee simply does not show the satisfied citizens of NOLA. If he had shown these people then his argument would be much stronger. Also, Lee does evoke emotion in the audience but after a while it just becomes too much. After 4 hours of seeing wreckage and dead bodies you almost grow tired of feeling sorry for people. The fir st time you see a destroyed home or a dead body you want to cry for the victims but after hours and hours of seeing the same thing you become used to seeing it.Spike lee definitely evokes emotion but he should have done so more in moderation so the audience would not tire of feeling sorrow for the victims. Lee’s background as an outspoken critic that really just seems to love controversy also discredits his argument. It is as if Lee could be making this film to just stir up controversy in Hollywood because that is what he seems to love to do. He has had countless run-ins with almost every director in the business from Tarantino to Tyler Perry. He imply loves controversy so why would he not take this story and blow it up and make a huge controversy out of it? It would not be out of character for him to do so. That is why his argument can be somewhat discredited by his background. It is not unlikely that Lee took this story and made it a huge ordeal just to stir up controversy in Washington and against Bush, whom he does not support. The story is really just a perfect opportunity to pin people against Bush. His background, one-sidedness, and excess of pathos all hurt his argument greatly.When the Levees Broke is a Spike Lee documentary that tells the story of the destruction that Katrina and a failed levee system had on New Orleans, Louisiana. The creator uses the film in an attempt to argue that the federal government did not do its part to help the people of New Orleans after the disaster. However, he fails at arguing that point due to his one-sidedness and his personal background. During the film, interviewees all agree on the consensus that the government did not help out how they should have but no one thinks that they did a good job of helping out.This just shows that Lee is only showing the audience what he wants them to see. If he had shown both sides of this argument and disproved the opposing side his argument would have been much stronger. Also , Lee’s personal identity as one who loves controversy discredits his argument in that it appears to be just another one of his critiques. He has so many critiques of things that this argument really just gets lost in the sea of them all. Works Cited Amadeo, Kimberly. About. com. The New York Times Company. n. d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. HBO. com. n. p. n. d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Montesquieu and George Washington
Our national government, in my opinion, was structured by following the writings of Montesquieu. Montesquieu wrote that leaders could not be trusted to always do what was right for the people and that govenment should be structured to keep the leaders of the government from acting in a selfish manner and passing laws that would help a select few instead of the majority of the people. That is exactly the way our Founding Fathers thought when they were writing the Constitution.Montesquieu first had the idea of seperation of powers in a government. He thought if there were different branches of government, then no one branch would have too much power. He also thought that each branch of government should represent different groups of the population, so no one group would have all the power. Our government followed this almost exactly as he wrote it. We have the Congress which is divided up into two seperate houses, one being represented by people who are voted on by the population.How m any representatives there are, depends on the amount of people in an area. The other is voted on by the people, but are the same amount for each state. Montesquieu also believed in a checks and balances system, where one branch of government has the power to check on another branch, and that one branch could not force another to do what it wanted it to do, but it could make sure that the other branch was doing something it shouldn't do. I think our national government has followed this idea too.Our government is set up so that each branch can check on the other to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to do for the common good of the nation. Ours may go even further than Montesquieu's ideas, because our President has the power to Veto a law that has passed through Congress, but Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. I think the men who set up our national government not only followed the ideas of Montesquieu, but believed his ideas were correct when stru ctering our government.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Recycling Composite Materials
Recycling Composite Materials Composite materials, known for their durability, high strength, excellent quality, low maintenance, and low weight, are widely being used in automotive, construction, transport, aerospace and renewable energy industries. Their use in numerous engineering applications is a result of the edge composites provides over traditional materials. Recycling and disposal of composite materials is an issue that is being increasingly addressed, as it should with any widely used material. Previously, there were very limited commercial recycling operations for mainstream composite materials due to technological and economic constraints but RD activities are on the rise. Recycling Fiberglass Fiberglass is a versatile material that provides tangible potential over conventional materials such as wood, aluminum, and steel. Fiberglass is produced by using less energy and is used in products which result in fewer carbon emissions. Fiberglass offers advantages of being light weight yet has high mechanical strength, impact resistant, is chemical, fire and corrosion resistant, and a good thermal and electrical insulator. Even though fiberglass is extremely useful for the reasons previously listed, an end of life solution is needed. Current FRP composites with thermoset resins do not biodegrade. For many applications where fiberglass is used, this is a good thing. However, in landfills, this is not. Research has lead to methods such as grinding, incineration, and pyrolysis being used for recycling fiberglass. The recycled fiberglass finds its way in various industries and can be used in various end products. For instance, recycled fibers have been effective in reducing shrinkage in concrete thereby increasing its durability. This concrete can be used best in freezing temperate zones for concrete floors, pavements, sidewalks, and curbs. Other uses for recycled fiberglass include being used as a filler in resin, which can increase mechanical properties in certain applications. Recycled fiberglass has also found its use together with other products such as recycled tire products, plastic wood products, asphalt, roofing tar and cast polymer countertops. Recycling Carbon Fiber Carbon fiber composite materials are ten times stronger than steel and eight times that of aluminum, along with being much lighter than both materials. Carbon fiber composites have found their way into the manufacturing of aircraft and spacecraft parts, automobile springs, golf club shafts, racing car bodies, fishing rods, and more. With the current annual worldwide carbon fiber consumption being at 30,000 tons, most waste goes to the landfill. Research has been conducted to extract the high-value carbon fiber from end-of-life components and from manufacturing scrap, with the goal to use them for creating other carbon fiber composites. Recycled carbon fibers are used in bulk molding compounds for smaller, nonload-bearing components, as a sheet-molding compound and as recycled materials in load-bearing shell structures. The recycled carbon fiber is also finding uses in phone cases, laptop shells and even water bottle cages for bicycles. Future of Recycling Composite Materials Composite materials are preferred for many engineering applications because of its durability and superior strength. Proper waste disposal and recycling at the end of the useful life of composite materials is necessary. Many current and future waste management and environmental legislation will mandate engineering materials to be properly recovered and recycled, from products such as automobiles, wind turbines, and aircraft that have lived their useful life. Although many technologies have been developed such as mechanical recycling, thermal recycling, and chemical recycling; they are on the brink of being fully commercialized. Extensive research and development are being done to develop better recyclable composites and recycling technologies for composite materials. This will contribute to the sustainable development of composites industry.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Infatuation Essay Example
Infatuation Essay Example Infatuation Essay Infatuation Essay Shakespeare? s tragedy about Romeo and Juliet is well known throughout the ages. A common misperception is that Romeo and Juliet were truly in love. Throughout this paper I will explain how infatuation, not love, was the black horse in this tragedy. The play opens up with Romeo crazy about Rosaline. He says ? She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow do I live dead, that live to tell it now?. He says roughly the same thing about Juliet, ? Ha, banishment! Be merciful say ? death Later he was quick to change his mind saying ? Did my heart love till now Clearly Romeo is willing to die for anyone that is beautiful since he? s basing his love off of Juliet? s looks rather than her personality. There is no such thing as love at first sight. Juliet and Romeo have only two conversations before they marry. Even Juliet? s father mentions that ? She hath not seen the change of fourteen years? Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride?. Juliet hasn? t experienced much of anything, especially love. This relationship happens suddenly, and Juliet must have been overwhelmed by emotion. She was also being orced into another marriage to Paris, so she didn? really have much of a choice. Juliet and Romeo make references to death throughout the play. Saying they would rather die for each other was Just an expression. When it came down to it Juliet and Romeo acted in haste and weren? t thinking straight. Their emotions got the best of them and fatal consequences followed. Romeo is merely switching his infatuation from Rosaline to Juliet. Rosaline won? t have anything to do with him, and Juliet was the next best thing. Had Romeo married Rosaline things would have turned out ifferent. Friar Laurence is startled to find that Romeo is keen on Juliet. He too found this a little ironic since earlier he had been pining for Rosaline. He marries them not because he thinks that they are in love, but to try and solve the two families? hatred toward one other. Romeo and Juliet is a romantic but thrilling tragedy full of action and mystery. Infatuation rules the day, catching anyone who gets in its sight including Romeo. The paragraphs above imply that it was infatuation between the two lovers not love as it? s perceived to be.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
6 Things You Must Know About Changing Careers
6 Things You Must Know About Changing Careers If you’re switching to a whole new career (or are just thinking about it), there are some things that will be true no matter what your field is. Keeping these in mind can help you get that crucial foot in the door in your new career. Here are 6 things you must know about changing careers. 1. You’ll need to shift your mindset.â€Å"Change†is the mantra here. You’ll be the same you, but everything else- your day-to-day, how you apply your skills, the challenges you face on the job- will be different. Part of what makes a career change so appealing is that â€Å"everything is new!†aspect. Embracing that freedom, where anything could happen, is a big part of being ready to make the switch.2. Your resume needs an overhaul.You might think a few â€Å"find and replace†tweaks will cover your resume as you start sending it out to a new field of job openings. After all, your history is your history, and they’ve never seen it before, right? It ’s all new to them! †¦Not quite.The best thing to do is to build your resume from scratch so that it fits for your anticipated industry. The way you interpret your past jobs and your current skills may be different for this new field, so take the time to think about a) what the industry needs are; and b) how to give your skills and experience a makeover for that brave new world.3. Even if you don’t have experience, you have skills.It may seem like you’re totally starting over. But guess what? Even if your experience doesn’t really translate to your next professional life, you’ve also built up a stash of abilities that could serve you well no matter what. Focus on the kinds of skills that transfer well across job lines, like communication skills, problem solving skills, and leadership skills.4. You should think big: industry, not job description.I usually recommend that you tailor your resume for a specific job description. But as you get start ed on a new career path, where you may not be as familiar with the ins and outs of that industry, it’s better to approach it on a macro level. This is especially true if you don’t have some of the necessary experience. Focus on what the company does, what it provides, their audience/consumers, and what you can offer in those areas.5. It’s okay that there’s a lot you don’t know (yet).If you have a strong background of skills and experience behind you, it can be tempting to let that translate into swagger, even if you’re walking into an all-new professional world. The whole point of switching careers is the challenge of learning new things, and taking a different direction. So bring that eagerness to grow, not the â€Å"I know everything†confidence, into the process with you.6. There will be disappointments.Changing careers can be a really hard process. You’re leaving behind a very familiar world for a field you likely donâ€⠄¢t know as well. You might be leaving behind a reputation, and sets of skills that you worked hard to build. When you take a risk like that, it can be doubly frustrating when things don’t happen right away, or you don’t get the level of job or salary that you were hoping for. So as you go into it, take a deep breath and understand that there will be challenges.Changing career lanes is a brave thing to do. It involves making the best decision for yourself in the long term, even knowing that the short term may be a bumpy transition. The more prepared you are for these challenges, the readier you’ll be to face them and move on to your next great opportunity.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
IT questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IT questions - Coursework Example The sockets enable applications in different software to communicate through inbuilt network hardware and operating systems. In my daily communication, I get to use socket programming in different ways. The instant messaging applications that I use to connect with people in different parts of the world are coordinated by socket programming. At one point computers at our working place were connected through multiple sockets to enable us network together easily (Shuang, 2013). In any case where a server is used to connect some data or users of different software at distributed places, threads are used. A local database server that I was once involved in managing used java threads to respond to requests sent to the database server (Batenkov, 2012). Thread pools were created to keep track of the number of requests handled at a time. This was possible due to java concurrency that enables many programs to run parallel. The java threads were also helpful in synchronization of worker queues (Silas, 2012). Some times in our teams and organizations we are required to coordinate with other team members who are situated far from us. We use distributed processing in such cases since it enables us exchange data as messages are passed across processors. Several processors with their own memories are used here. Apache Storm is an example of distributed real-time computation systems we adapted. This application synchronized streams of data from many processors in different time zones (Kivi, 2012). With the advanced technology in the world today, many messaging applications have been introduced into the telecommunication industry (Sultan, 2014). Some of these applications have been of importance in coordinating me with my colleagues and friends. Google hangouts are one of the messaging applications that I use to connect with my partners found in other continents. Whatsapp is another application that helps me in communicating across continents
Operations Managemen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Operations Managemen - Essay Example The challenge gets even worse with the great variety of products presented with every single wear vendor. Product lines vary in styles, cloths and sizes - the range of goods a vendor must produce to attract the attention of buyers is enormous. Minding the fact that only a small part (50% in the case of Jossey Menswear) of the whole stock is sold at full price it becomes clear that wear vendors put up with significant wastes. And because of what Because of inaccuracies and misconceptions of fashion forecasts. Since the production cycle of clothes is rather long (it takes 18 months from the first sketch of a designer) companies have wear in their stores, which were presumed to be popular a year and a half ago. Obviously, there are two ways a company can take to improve its chances of hitting the bull's eye of customers' popularity. The first one, extensive, lies in broadening its product range and increasing volumes of production. The second path is intensive, and tries to improve the accuracy of forecasts, which only can be made through shortening the production cycles. Of course, the second path is better for Jossey Menswear since it leads to full price sales proportion increasing, while keeping the production volumes the same, or even lower than before, which increases profits for the company. Meanwhile, the first way simply increases revenues along with manufacturing costs. Thus, the efficiency of forecasts falling over time and wastes associated with manufacturing of unpopular products are the main reasons behind the choice of quick response (QR) manufacturing system. The main driving factor between the strategies based on QR manufacturing is the reduction of lead time - this business concept is also known as 'agile manufacturing' (Suri, 2003). Another business concept, known as 'lean manufacturing' uses wastes elimination as the main driving factor. Despite the common opinion these two theories are not mutually exclusive and can be applied together (Martin and Towill, 2000). So the question for Jossey Menswear is not stated as "agile or lean approach" - both concepts should be used, because the main objectives of supply chain improvement for Jossey are both reducing lead time and eliminating wastes. Inevitably, every improvement action taken by the company should be monitored in order to learn lessons from it. The implementation of QR manufacturing requires to be monitored from several dimensions: informational, financial and external (customer). The informational perspective can be considered primary, as it reflects the main goal of improvement increase the speed of information flow between different segments of supply chain. Financial perspective can be analysed with the help of total cost analysis. TCA assessment offers a final statement reflecting not only the cost of improvement but all aspects in the further use and maintenance of inventory. For instance, TCA may show that while direct costs of the improvements may be high, a further reduction of material and inventory costs acquired from the increased velocity will be beneficial (Kauffman, 2004). The customer perspective may be reviewed through customer profitability analysis (CPA). This technique assigns revenues and costs to groups of customers rather than to organisational units, products, etc. By doing so, CPA gives its users the information, which customers are the most beneficiary for them, which in our case will show how helpful is the improved supply chain in adding revenue from customers. 2. It is
Friday, October 18, 2019
Human trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human trafficking - Research Paper Example U.S federal law has classified the concept of human trafficking into three sections:- Woman trafficking Labor trafficking Children trafficking (web, n.d., Human Trafficking) Why Woman Trafficking Is Especially Alarming? It is actually a surprising fact that most of the trafficking victims are women. Reports have shown that more than 70 percent women were forced to work as sex slaves or became a part of sex racket. Some of them also work as captive laborers or housekeepers with minimum wage or no wage. What is the major reason of the increasing number of women victims in human trafficking? Is it the soft nature of women which is creating problems for her? Yes, Gender discrimination is one of the main factors which put women in such kind of risks. Still, now in the world where we have Hilary Clinton as Secretary of the United States, many countries still consider women as second class citizens. It’s the male dominated world where women have told to not ask questions when their m an is speaking. With the modern technology, many things have changed but everything has not changed which is an unfortunate fact. Surprisingly, gender discrimination cases still happen in United States. Traffickers always look for a person who will not question and work quietly. Cate Johnson stated that â€Å"When one sells a woman, they can sell her over and over and over again. It is an incredibly lucrative business†(TED Case Studies web, n.d.). Lena, a young girl who was a native of Moldova became a victim of woman trafficking. She was in a relationship with her boyfriend when her boyfriend promised her to give her a good job. But she ended up being a prostitute in Dubai. (Fareell C, Pg 43. 2011). When trafficking of women is becoming a serious issue, it’s very important to make new international and national laws which would put a stop on this dirty business. Laws which have been made should be enacted strictly so that traffickers can’t go unabated or unpun ished. Along with these factors, political cooperation should also be made stronger (TED Case Studies web, n.d.). Children as Sex Toys Gone are the days when children were safe in the hands of neighbor. Nowadays with the Child trafficking cases increasing rapidly, its important train the small children on human trafficking so that they don’t become victims of the traffickers. In Kansas, four local men were found paying money to have sex with children. Among them one man was a naval recruiter which proves that all class of people is involved in this business. ILO, UNICEF and Global initiative to Fight Human Trafficking have come up with a training program on â€Å"Training manual to fight trafficking in children for labor, sexual and other forms of exploitation†on 15th September 2009 (web, n.d., Child Protection From Violence, Exploitation And Abuse). This program mainly intends to which focuses on children of and trained them on the aspects of human trafficking so tha t they can save them from the traffickers. It includes slide show presentations, textbooks on human trafficking and an assignment which gives the options to the trainers to choose from the programs. Trafficking in children is now becoming a global issue which has an impact on the children’s mind. It is not a surprise that more than 1 million children are being trafficked every year. Children are being trafficked for many reasons which includes sexual exploitation, labor
The case of Mrs. Mendez Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The case of Mrs. Mendez - Essay Example Mendez’s case. Her physical condition is deteriorating, which affects her psychologically. Her children will not let her talk about her impending death, which creates an imbalance in her psychological condition and she copes with this by withdrawing. Drake (2012) presents an adaptation model to understand how cancer patients should be taken care of as they are going through the process of living and dying. Some of the things that would be important to know, according to this scale include in this model are: why her shortness of breath is affecting her intake of fluids and food. Her physical appearance may be important to her as she lays in her bed, is better, which can effect QOL for many patients. There is no mention of church for her, though she â€Å"seems†to be religious, or at least superstitious. This should be explored. Drake (2012) states that nurses must understand early whether their patients are feeling depressed and help them receive treatment for it. Palli ative care will need to be discussed and end of life arrangements. 1. Discuss how a nurse can foster hope in this scenario? When and how can the concepts of palliative care be introduced in the scenario? How can you explain the differences between Palliative care and Hospice care? Fostering hope can be difficult in a situation with the Mendez family, because they are not willing to talk about the impending death of their mother. They are also not open to helping her prepare for death. Butt (2011) states that hope is a multidimensional and it changes as the terminally ill patient continues through their illness. Butt (2011) also states that hope is a factor that creates a better quality of life for the individual. In this situation, more has to be known about the family. Mrs. Mendez seems to be losing hope because the family cannot talk about the impending death. It is important to help the patient feel hopeful, despite what is happening, because it keeps them from being depressed or feeling despair (Turco, 1998). A nurse can foster hope by maintaining a positive relationship with the patient, helping the patient see humor whenever they can, touching the patient appropriately and reassuring them, and helping them control pain (Turco, 1998). In the Mendez family, the nurse can foster hope by providing good care for Mrs. Mendez, which includes making sure that she is comfortable as her pain increases. The nurse may also need to intervene for Mrs. Mendez by contacting the primary care physician and describing the situation as it stands now. According to Tyson (2001) the Hippocratic Oath states that the individual healthcare provider will consult with others who are more expert in situations when necessary, to help their clients. In this situation, Mrs. Mendez needs help from the nurse to create the resources needed for the family to thrive, and for Mrs. Mendez to have the quality of life that she needs as she moves toward death. Palliative care was important to ta lk about as soon as Mrs. Mendez refused chemotherapy. She and her family must understand Mrs. Mendez’s needs as her health decreases. The family must face the inevitable and they may need to see a therapist or a priest or minister to deal with the situation. In a study done by Hermann and Looney (2011), the authors found that patients need a thorough understanding of their symptoms and what to expect as becomes more debilitating.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Getting university degree through online courses Essay
Getting university degree through online courses - Essay Example They can access learning materials from anywhere and anytime they log on to their university portals. That means parents, professionals, and sick students can attend their classes no matter their day schedules. The method also offers student enrichment. Students can interact as the online class is short of intimidation. Every student has a voice and the diverse ideas contribute to student growth. The students are also offered sufficient time to think before they can comment. The online learning method, however, has raised various concerns. Students lack face-to-face interaction with fellow classmates and instructor. They experience disconnect from the classroom environment, but universities are keen on addressing the issue. Group chats and video-conferencing are some of the initiatives the universities are using to alleviate the issue. The online degrees also offer fewer instructions and have no standards that regulate the program. Accrediting bodies have, however, been put in place to accredit and review online institutions and curriculum. Online learning has come a long way and more developments are still to come. Various advocates and bodies are finding ways to deal with the perceived shortcomings. Technological advancements continue to add value and advantages that distance learning can offer to students. U.S. Department of Education, 2010, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning," U.S. Department of Education
Quality Measures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Quality Measures - Research Paper Example John Hopkinson hospital is used as a primary hospital in the comparison. John Hopkinson Hospital when compared in different aspects of service delivery exhibits slight variation to Mercy Medical Center. Different data such as patient survey among other information clearly elaborate the variation. Brief overview of the quality comparison data is as follows, About 81 percent of patients in John Hopkinson Hospital reported a well nurse communication whereas in the Mercy Medical Clinic 80 percent gave the same report of well-communication from nurses. Mercy Medical clinic showed 83 percent well communication by doctors whereas in John Hopkinson Hospital, only 81 percent gave the same report. In pain control, 72 percent of the patients in both John Hopkinson and Mercy Medical Clinic reported that there was adequate control of their pain (Medicare Government, 2015). In both medical centers, 65 percent of patients confirmed that their doctors always explains to them the use of medication provided. The cleanliness of the rooms in both hospitals compared favorable at 69 percent. In general John Hopkinson Hospital and Mercy Medical Clinic have same star rating in their patients’ survey. In the context of after surgery care, John Hopkinson Hospital has 95 percent timely administration of antibiotic after surgery whereas Mercy Medical Clinic has 95 percent. Other records on the use of antibiotics after surgery such surgery whose antibiotics use was stopped at the correct time is not available. In regards to heart failure there is no quality comparison data on the same. John Hopkinson Hospital has a very small number of cases of readmission, complication and deaths from the hip and knee surgery. Mercy Medical Clinic also shows same small data on the readmission and deaths from surgery. No quality survey data is provided in both hospitals for serious complications and deaths (Medicare Government, 2015). The payment and value of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Getting university degree through online courses Essay
Getting university degree through online courses - Essay Example They can access learning materials from anywhere and anytime they log on to their university portals. That means parents, professionals, and sick students can attend their classes no matter their day schedules. The method also offers student enrichment. Students can interact as the online class is short of intimidation. Every student has a voice and the diverse ideas contribute to student growth. The students are also offered sufficient time to think before they can comment. The online learning method, however, has raised various concerns. Students lack face-to-face interaction with fellow classmates and instructor. They experience disconnect from the classroom environment, but universities are keen on addressing the issue. Group chats and video-conferencing are some of the initiatives the universities are using to alleviate the issue. The online degrees also offer fewer instructions and have no standards that regulate the program. Accrediting bodies have, however, been put in place to accredit and review online institutions and curriculum. Online learning has come a long way and more developments are still to come. Various advocates and bodies are finding ways to deal with the perceived shortcomings. Technological advancements continue to add value and advantages that distance learning can offer to students. U.S. Department of Education, 2010, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning," U.S. Department of Education
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Best practices in early childhood education (website search)See Essay
Best practices in early childhood education (website search)See instructions - Essay Example Research has determined that the preschool curriculum models can be beneficial if they facilitate development for teachers and aides, involve parents, keep to small class size, and maintain program continuity. ( ) However, the teachers need to ensure that they children to have a quality experience in class. Instead of mundane tasks to keep them occupied, the teacher can plan creative activities with materials facilitating intellectual development. Besides, activities can also be designed to promote native language and culture and focus on developing better language, social and cognitive capabilities. ( It is important to secure the participation of families in early childhood education. Teachers must work in collaboration with the parents in order to ensure better progress of their students. Care must be taken to plan activities revolving around the child’s environment and routines which can promote interaction, communication and learning by defining roles for dramatic play by encouraging engagement and group friendship activities. Thus activities must be planned with the aim of creating opportunities for learning. ( The teacher must keep in mind that each child is different and hence strive to provide personalised attention. This is crucial since the teacher may not be aware that she is working with children with special needs or even disabilities and may be about to discover their specific requirements. This is yet another reason why a teacher must not be rigid about implementing of group norms. Developmentally appropriate programmes will provide the right opportunities for children to broaden and deepen their behavioural knowledge. Such programmes provide a wide range of experiences and also help in
Monday, October 14, 2019
Boys Alone Essay Example for Free
Boys Alone Essay A documentary focuses on and questions actual people and events, often in a social context, thus placing the audience in a position to form an opinion about whom or what we are seeing. They are entertaining, persuading and provoking us and mainly focus on one topic. There are many types of documentaries, they include reportage: The girl whos skin fell off. Reality: Big brother. Institutional: Jamies school dinners Docudramas: Supernanny Docusoaps: simple life and Nature: Big cat week Every documentary has the same codes and conventions, they are all factual, real life, informative, prove a point, include contextual information and they all have a narrator or a presenter. Documentaries have changed over time, they date back to the early newsreels and early films as many of the first films were short factual pieces about every day life. With the outbreak of the 1st world war documentaries took a different turn by being used as propaganda. Creative documentaries began to develop after the war, dramatic content was pulled from facts and information. These types of documentaries are similar to the documentaries that we know and watch today. Boys alone is a docudrama documentary, it combines elements of documentary and drama, to some extent showing real events. It is a documentary of an English social experiment in which 10 eleven-year old boys are invited to be home alone without adult supervision for a week in a suburban house. The film tests the common belief that a pack of boys left together in a house for a long period of time, will self-destruct, similar to Lord of the Flies. The documentary opens with the camera showing the house where the boys will be staying, it used techniques that show the calmness and tidiness of the house before the boys arrive, such as a low angle show to make the house look big, and a slow panning shot to sow the calmness. The narrator introduces us to the program and what it is about, he sets up the story. For example, he says The camera men will only step in cases of health and safety and that the boys have all had an intense first aid and cooking course and that they can ring a councillor that they have met prior to the show at anytime. This is contextual information. The narrator also begins to introduce us to some of the characters so we can begin to follow them on their journey. This makes us want to watch on, the narrator says that George was first to take a picture and that Daniel got the biggest water pistol. This makes us want to see why they did, and what there characters are like. The camera angles are very effective in the opening scene, when the boys enter the house there is a long shot and looking down. The boys are framed by the door, this in a way shows that they are small but it shows there importance. This makes us want to watch and see all of there personalities. The camera is hand held and begins to follow some of the boys paths of destruction around the house. There is a very effective camera angle/shot that is used when sim is at the table eating dinner alone. The camera is at the end of the long table making it look longer and emphasising the fact that sim is on his own. The camera also does 3 straight cuts of Sim on his own, each time there is a time at the bottom of scene, this makes us feel like sim is always on his own. This makes us feel sorry for him and want to watch on. Damilola is a reportage documentary; it shows us what happens in society. We talk to those involved and the witnesses. They show the story, instead of us telling the story like in the news. The documentary tells us the story and shows us what happened to Damilola Taylor, the 10 year old Nigerian born boy, who was brutally murdered in cold blood not long before he came to England. This documentary is aimed at everyone who has heard of the murder or people who want to find out what happened, and why no one had been charged. The documentary opens with Damilolas parents, teachers and friends talking about him and giving there opinions. You are given an introduction to his personality, you see home video clips of him looking happy and having fun. They say that he is a Jumpy, jumpy boy and that he wanted to learn at school The use of handheld cameras are effective, they are home videos of him, dancing and playing with friends to reinforce the fact that he is a young, happy and innocent boy. The opening scene draws us to it and makes us feel sorry for him, we want to find out why he died, and why there was no justice. The camera angles such as a mid shot and panning shot of the stairwell where Damilola was killed and his parents were included to make us feel empathy and attract audience attention. The narrator, a Caucasian male in his 30s, gives the audience a human figure to relate to. He gives us lots of information about Damilola being a lovely boy and then bluntly tells us that he was killed and there was no justice. This attracts us to the documentary and makes us want to watch on. The documentary maker paints a picture of Damilolas life, by always commenting on how he was such a nice boy quick to make friends, his dad was said to be a respected middleclass man who works for the government in Nigeria. Damilolas farther said that Damilola dreamed of coming to England and university, and that his farther didnt want him to go. This makes us attracted and want to watch on as it makes us want to learn about what his life might have been like or why he was killed. The music is haunting and eerie, and the editing includes cuts between Damilola happy in Nigeria and the murder scene in Peckham, these are two codes and conventions of a documentary that attract the audience attention. The opening scenes of the two documentaries are different, but alike in a few ways. They both have some kind of a narrator. Damilola has a narrator, but boys alone has narration, where you do not see the person narration, you do not have a human figure to relate to. Boys alone opens with the narrator telling the audience about the program and informing them, where as Damilola has a much stronger opening, it goes straight into talking to his parent and friends, and the narrator introduces us to Damilola gradually after that. The Damilola opening does not need to use framing of handheld cameras to create interest. The audience have chosen to watch the documentary to find out more so they are already interested. This is a contrast to the Boys alone documentary, the title is not as self explanatory as Damilola Taylor so it is in the opening of the documentary a lot of information about what they are about to view is needed, but not too much to give it all away and make the viewer not want to watch on. In a documentary it is one thing to attract an audiences attention, but to sustain it is a lot harder. A mixture of editing, music, narration, story line and contextual information is needed to keep an audience watching. In Boys alone the audience attention was sustained by using the reactions of the characters, the flow of the story line, the narration and the good camera angles. From the beginning of the documentary a story line began to form, the boys quickly introduced themselves and we begun to see the stronger and weaker boys, emotionally and mentally, become separated. In any group of boys, fierce hierarchies will quickly form. The strongest and most assertive will survive; the most sensitive and vulnerable will suffer. The boys elect George as a leader and the camera begins to follow the weaker boys on an emotional battle against there peers. Using clever camera angles and editing Sim is portrayed as the quiet and less assertive one. For example the boys gang up on him and say that he isnt doing any house work, so he does the washing up, but he does it two nights in a row. The editing is effective at this point as it shows us sim doing the washing and then straight cuts to the other boys having fun and then back to him an hour later still doing the washing up. The narrator informs us of the time that he is standing at the sink. The narrator is again after portraying sim as the outcast, very effective. He makes us feel like there is war raging between the two groups of boys in the house that have been formed. The quiet boys and the loud boys who seem to rule the house. He makes us want to watch on a there is a war developing, he portrays the boys as out of control, he says the boys decide to play a game of hunt the hedgehog, the camera men decide to intervene. And also this is a war zone and war has been declared between the two bedrooms this is very effective as it makes us want to watch on and see how the fighting and arguments develop, and whether the boys resolve it or not. Cliff hangers are used very effectively in this documentary. When the narrator says war has been declared between the two bedrooms it then cuts to the break. This draws us in and makes us want to watch on, then there is a break and it makes us carry on watching and stops us from turning over. This is sustaining our attention. After a week together, when the experiment is finished, they return to their parents who are incredulous at what happened. The house has been trashed and the boys are physically and emotionally exhausted. The boys seem to be proud of what they have done the house, but the parents are shocked. The camera has many close ups of parents reaction to what their child got up to, this sustains our information right to the end. In the Damilola documentary there is a lot of recurrent themes, the narrator emphasises on how innocent and kind he was, and a picture of damilola in his school uniform comes up on the camera regularly, also another one if him is shown a few times, the picture is taken at a high angle shot and this emphasises the fact that he is small and innocent. After each of those pictures is show, the screen is faded to black to show that he is not there anymore. This is very effective editing as it reinforces to us that he is gone, and his innocent life has been taken. The documentary has several distinct sections which follow the stages of his life. The sections make us keep on watching because we keep learning lots more things. For example the untouchables scene is put before damilolas last day and his death; this is because the documentary maker wants us to have hatred for the untouchables. A girl is interviewed about a run in she had with the gang and editing is used to cover her face. This makes us feel that she is so scared of them. She says we all knew who done it after we here about the untouchables we then hear about him dying and we feel anger towards them. This sustains our attention as we want to see what happens to them. The memorial section is put before the justice section so we see how upset the family are and them we hear that there is no justice and we are shocked. We have become emotionally attached to his family and want justice for them. The Nigeria section is out before the untouchables section to contrast the two ways of life. The narrator meets a nice family who talk about Damilola and his friendship with the children, afterwards the camera cuts outside, it is raining and there is a view of the city, it is dark and looks peaceful. There is a panning shot upwards of the clear sky; calm music is playing as we feel that damilola is safe now. This still makes us want to watch on as we want to see to the end. The two documentaries are both different in how they sustain our attention. Boys alone have a story which we follow but Damilola can show us the story in any order, but linking the sections together to make it interesting and to sustain our attention. The editing is similar, boys alone makes us feel like all the mess is Michael, by having lots of straight cuts of him and in Damilola it gives us lots of facts and shows us all the bad things about the untouchables and then shows us how damilola died. In both situations we feel like the person we see is the culprit. The two documentaries are both very effective, it lots of different ways. Camera angles and editing enphasize things that we already no and that the narrator is telling us. The music brings the pictures to life and we feel the mood that is being portrayed at the time. I feel that the Damilola Taylor essay is more effective because of the sections that the documentary is split into. They could have been put in any order but the film maker has chosen one that sustains the audience the most. They make the audience see things and then see the result and this makes them angry and upset, this draws them into the documentary because they want to see whats going the happen and be the result. Boys alone is a docudrama so thins have to run the way the story is running, but the film maker tries to get round this by cutting out bits and making others look like they happened in quick succession, for example making Michael look like he has done all the mess and made a mess for a long time and all day, by using straight cuts.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Starbucks Social Media Marketing Strategy
Starbucks Social Media Marketing Strategy In year 2008 operating income of Starbucks took a sharp drop, the majority of which stems from restructuring charges, related to store closures in the US and value share growth drop 0.5% from the year 2007 to 2008 (Euromonitor international, 2009). Chairman and CEO of Starbucks announced in year 2008 that unfortunately Starbucks would force to close down 600 stores this end of 2008 and lay off 12,000 employees. Its a blow, but far from fatal for a company with more than 6,700 locations in the United States and nearly 16,000 worldwide. (TheNewYorkTime, 2010). In resolve part of the problem, Starbucks gone further that involved cutting costs and in the first three quarters of 2009 in few different areas, part of the cost cutting focus on marketing and advertising and this has resulted in savings of US$370 million(Euromonitor international, 2009). However gaining more sales will be the main objective for a healthy growth. Marketing and advertising will be the key element on increasing sales volume. Based on this principle, Starbucks will need to find and alternative way as a substitute for the traditional marketing and advertising. Analysis, planning, implementation, control (APIC) system by Philip Kotler has been effectively as the subtitle of his Marketing Management (Kotler, 1994). As the management issue for Starbucks, managing the communication mix need to take place for solutions. Firstly Analysis of the present situation as the question of where are we now, Starbucks has a high reputation for their company and products that have a great market value. However in the crisis with limited budgeting, Planning will need to take place on reforming on the objectives and positioning. Starbucks has taken the opportunity by utilized the advantages of social media for their reorganization. With the objectives of create high engagement and create positive relationship with their customers through actively engaging in social media that provide the advantages on cost effective and efficiency. In addition Starbucks has formed a social media team to take control, monitor and evaluate the process and development of the us ed of social media. Started on October 2008, Starbucks began to actively engaging in social media, official Starbuck Facebook fan page is one of the major social networking sites for the company. Starbucks started to connect in to the cyber world of social media, and that is speak for itself in the number of Fans the company is engaging with. Facebook as a social media platform that has incorporates with different types of videos, content, and has active interactive activities with the fans. 2.1 Social media marketing strategy Starbucks has a small social media team with only six people; however they obtained a high level of engagement with their consumer in social media. (ENGAGEMENTdb , 2009) On the other hand Starbucks has building social media as a key part in their marketing mix, a stable platform for advertising and promotions. At the same time it creates a centre of attention to attract web traffic to the social networking site fan page with heavy advertising and promotion activities. Alexandra Wheeler, Director of Digital Strategy of Starbucks stated that, We live in the physical world with thousands of natural touch points, so when we laid out the vision for our social strategy, it felt like home for the brand. Its about the relationships we form with our customers. (ENGAGEMENTdb , 2009) The social media marketing strategies that Starbucks are using include special offers, coupons, sapling and discounts distributed through Facebook, because Facebook is the main social networking site for Starbucks. Promotion event on Facebook by Starbucks with the title of Free Pastry Day promotion allowing executively for Facebook fans of Starbucks to print out the online version of coupons for complimentary item with a drink purchase. Through this particular event in July 2009 it further added 200,000 fans just in a week. In the same year, by promoting the launch of the branded ice cream, Starbucks offering coupons for free pints via the Facebook application. Besides, Starbucks also used Facebook to promote a Taste Challenge together with the launch of Starbucks VIA instant coffee, offering participants with a free cup of Starbucks coffee will be given on their next purchase and discount of USD 1 with the VIA instant coffee purchase. (Mark Walsh,, 2010) Throughout the examples from above it is clearly presented that marketing theory of push and pull strategy are being used. A push strategy involves pushing the product of information through marketing channels to final consumers (Kotler and Gary Armstrong, 2009). Two types of push strategies were being used, first the push promotion strategy with the online version of coupons and discount on product purchase, flowing by push marketing with the channel by using Facebook social networking site to transmit the message across their audiences. Objective of the promotion is to gain immediate sales at the same time promote the fan page through the social networking side. Starbucks successful created high level of attention throughout the product promotion on Facebook with encouraging results. Based on a Razorfish study (2009) that generated a conclusion that traditional direct marketing practices for example offering discount and promotion are the keys on building engagement on social networking sites moderately focusing on to create deeper relationship and connection to a brand (Razorfish, 2009). CEO of social media management firm ViTrue, Mr. Reggie Bradford illustrious that Starbucks has the advantage on take in charge and managing all the Starbucks stores, provide an easier way to run standardized marketing programs that team up with Facebook. More significantly, Starbucks well manage with various types of updates that content, and interesting that includes blog articles and videos sharing that cover all aspects of coffee that includes how to grow coffee beans, pieces of writing about Starbucks and Starbucks employees. The tone and pitch of the updates is informative and relaxed, in addition even on their own product updates are kept in a wide-range that enough to remain interesting, for example, by offering and introduction up reviews of new music and books to be displace and for sale in their cafes. Therefore, the well managed and quality status update content has achieved a very engaged fan base, with every update on the social networking site will receive thousands of feedbacks and comments. 2.2 Success Following by reviewing the successful social media marketing strategies that used by Starbucks and the way the coffee giant fully utilized the opportunities of social media to create an interactive and interesting business approve. The level of engagement of a brand in social media will bring different level of success. As Howard Schultz, chairman and CEO of Starbucks said Were not just selling a cup of coffee, we are providing an experience (Business Week 18 November 1991). This implies that customers satisfaction is given top priority. In order to do so Starbucks serve coffee with great taste and quality. Not only quality the treatment of customer is excellent and the variety of beverages served is good (Kotha Glassman 2003). Based on the principle of providing an experience to the customers social media is a latest and most advance technology in communicate that can be personalize between the company and their customers. Coffee house giant Starbucks continue to develop its social media operations in attempt to extend its relationship with its end users. The reason for advertisers using social media is to go where consumers are and to provide a valuable and meaningful brand experience, according to Alexandra Wheeler. Although the challenges of the economic downturn, Starbucks posted profits of $242m in Q4 2009, as revenues rose 4%, to  £1.7 billion, mostly as a result of improved Starbucks store sales (Financial, 2010). From the research paper on the title of related to how Social Networks Improve e-Commerce, stated that creativity is an extremely important elements when come to approaching a social network (Gayatri, Christo Bryce, Kevin, and Ben Y. Zhao, 2009). Few of the successful principles are value need to be added to the interaction and use the naturally viral nature of community instead of forcing the marketing message through. On social network it have to communicate with people before selling, traditional ad campaigns and promotions should not be forced on the potential customers immediately (Social Media Optimization, 2007). Social network is all about building a community around the brands and the products, promoting, sharing and discussion (Brown, 2009). Get involved in the social network regularly, completely understand the content and focused to the topic is being said amongst the social network community, and the targeted audience before engaging (SocialMediaOptimization, 2007). Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks stated that the global economic recession has very much shaken consumer confidence and retailers which wish to stay relevant in the future will have no choice but to recognize and respond to this new reality and to continue and to accelerate. Starbucks current direction with continue to improve, innovate, and focus on strengthening the relationship with their customers. (The Seattle Times, January 28, 2009). In the year 2008 Starbucks promoted the worlds biggest Facebook ad campaign that including Facebook members in 16 that will be served ads for a Starbucks (RED) charity sing along of The Beatles All You Need Is Love when user log in. Starbucks undertook the biggest global Facebook ad campaign the purpose is to raise awareness of the project, which was a celebration of its partnership with (RED), the charity with the aim to fights Aids in Africa (Jennifer Whitehead,, 04 December 2009). This particular campaign has invited people to take part in stores which Starbucks donated a percentage of the cost of each selected product sold. The social media campaign that carries out this initiative received as the most viral impression ever; result of millions of people aware of the Facebook digital invitation which given respond (Wheeler, 2009). On Starbucks promotion Free Pastry Day where pastry will be give away for free with every drink purchased, resulting nearly 600,000 people who expressed an interest in that particular promotion on the social networking site Facebook. On the other social networking site Twitter also generated good respond with a similar promotion event. Besides on the public social networking sites Starbucks also has its own platform My Starbucks Ideas on online community that allows customers and staff to put together suggestion to the company, in August 2008 total of 75,000 of suggestions have been recorded (AdWeek, WARC, 2009). Based on the number of people involved has created a strong awareness outcome at the same time it had increase the sales at the period of time. The result on social media has the similarity outcome with the advertising objective that can be achieve through the social networking site. Starbucks persist as one of the brand that gains most popularity on Facebook, with sites now launched globally in 14 countries. In 2009 the consultancy company Altimeter Group, positioned Starbucks is of the brands make good use of the web properties, and Schultz stated that they would be integral to its operations going forward. The importance of our social media expertise continues to grow, and we evolve the conversation with our core customers, (Altimeter Group, 2010) Engaging with the millions of consumers through social media is a success. Multi-step flow is the extension of two step flow theory. A strong multi-step flow and personal influence model being involved in the process. Fill (2002) provides a clear description of the potency of word of mouth that can give a depth of credibility other form of communication cannot. Because of the nature of social media, the process of opinions and comments flow around in the social media, at the same time the social media management team will be able to monitor and provide instant reply. Starbucks brand, content and online vice president Chris Bruzzo, Its like weve taken the version 1.0 of last year and now they are really doing it at scale and going to a lot more places where their customers already are and people are saying this is going to be a big year for social media and they are a microcosm of that. While last year it was a curiosity, this year its a core part of the program. (WARC, 2010). 2.3 Rewards This section will present the rewards that Starbucks gained throughout the Facebook campaign, based on the success factor that had been discuss on the above paragraph Starbucks also picked up a lot of benefits throughout the process. Financial performance correlates with engagement will determine the rewards that the company gains from the involvement in social media. Survey of Syncapse Consultancy Company, in an effort to gain understanding of the long term business value that generate by social network. The target research company in this survey is based on twenty most popular corporate users actively engaging in social network that includes Coca-Cola, Starbucks, McDonalds, Dove, Gillette, Nokia, Nike, Victorias Secret and Red Bull. The result found out that consumers who like a product in the Facebook feature were found to spend  £93 a year on the item in question, $71.84 more than the shoppers who have not performed the action (Syncapse, 2010). Starbucks is one of the brands th at scores at least 80% in the category of building empathy among their fans. Besides, the products of Starbucks scored over 90% associated with the feeling consumers that result in warm, gratified or happy. Fan value is cyclical and ever changing based on the ongoing marketing performance, (Syncapse, 2010). The result in the survey illustrate that long term brand value can be build by using the social network, independent social network campaign should be taken to increase the value of their company through their fan. Director of worldwide interactive marketing of Coca-cola Michael Donnelly acknowledged that end users perform activities of sharing information via using Facebook meaning that the fan-page of an organization is an additional way to promote and take immediate sharing information in the platform that the users are spending time with, based on the highly engagement platform it create a channel to listen and collect feedback s from consumer. The varies quick feedback that can be received from different methods for example photos, videos or status updates from the page and the message will rapidly share among their network (WARC, Brand Channel, 2009). Relationships are a form of organizational capital that provides value for the organization, the view that relationships are an enabler for resource exchange is well supported by relationship literature (Baxter Matear, 2004) The involvement of social media has became a importance role in achieving this aim, one of the Starbucks campaigns join together with Project Red to help promote fight AIDS in Africa, which was promoted using social media Facebook, where Starbucks has more than 5.5 million fans in end of 2009 that became the most popular brand second by Coca-cola and does not take long for Starbucks to achieved 10 million Facebook fan in July 2010. Schultz mentions that the effort of creating the world largest campaign ever on the Facebook social media platform is further strengthens Starbucks unique connection with their customers (Starbucks, 2010). Alexandra Wheeler stated that the campaign has became the most viral event in the history of Facebook and meant that this not only were trigger customers excited about the Starbucks at the same time the customer also came together on one day to accomplish something excellent. Take as a whole; she asserted that Facebook helps them get a pulse on the impor tant to their customers. The organization can have a direct communication dialog with their customers about the values and ideals that they gained and share the valuable experience with them. (Brand Channel, 2009) According to a report by ENGAGEMENTdb 2009 with the title of top 100 worlds most valuable brands, who is most engrage? In the report it divided brands in to four profiles with different levels of engagement, depending on the figure of channels and how intensely they are engaged in the brand. Starbucks fall in to the category of Mavens has been description as brands that are engaged in seven or more channels and have a greater than average engagement score. The brands are able to maintain a high level of engagement throughout multiple social media. The Mavens are not just a healthy strategy and enthusiastic teams focused on social media, but also make it a core part of their marketing strategy. Companies in this category will operate with a strong presence in social media. Company like Starbucks with deeply and widely engaged in social media outshine their competitors in term the performance in both revenue and profit by a large difference. Mavens group they have sustained strong reve nue and margin growth in spite of the current economy. (Figure 14) Further on with a strong engagement and multi-step flow and personal influence model it will develop on the principle of relational exchange theory. A brand relationship is being established, self-interest is best maximized by the returns available through cooperation in a relationship (Blau, 1964). In this approach, the analysis of interim relationships moves from the focal firm to the dyad or network level in an effort to understand interorganisational relationships (Cook Emerson, 1978; Bradach Eccles, 1989; Husted, 1994). There is interest in relationship quality that stems from trust and the high degree of certainty of predictable and obligatory behavior that leads to sales giving the seller integrity and the process a high degree of certainty (Crosby, Evans and Cowles, 1990). Based on a study, brands with more supporters and fans on Facebook more likely to involve in discussions, and could gain higher returns (Vitrue, 2010). According to chief product officer at Vitrue Michael Strutton stated that it is important to know that to build up a Facebook fan base will need consistent and well management. The learning process from customer can perform through social media. According to Bruzzo one of specialist members of staff at Starbucks stated that If you approach it as a customer relationship and as a multi-faceted human connection between Starbucks and customers, then we can have more than a conversation about products it can be a customer-insight channel and we can learn things from them. (Seattle PI, 2009).General Manager of advertising and customer engagement of Microsoft, Gayle Troberman, said social media offers a highly engaged audience who keen to know information about the company. She also mention that part of the social media strategy, is to focu s on honesty and authenticity, as well as attempting to respond to users as quickly as possible. (Seattle PI, Warc, 2009). 2.4 Risk On the above paragraphs it discuss about the success and reward of using social media of Starbucks, at the same time the risks of using social media need to take in consideration as well. As different social media evolved there will be multi channel for communications, at the same time communications professionals have a various options to connect with audiences. Worldwide audience can easily be reached with web 2.0, but the heady possibilities come with potential liabilities. Errors or mistakes in communication will be amplified. This is the reason why a lot of companies find the concept of social media as a risky media. The innovation of internet and World Wide Web have brought the world closer, and since social media are available on this technology there are different rules and regulations in different part of the world to protect the end user. From a international point of view for example regulations in the United Stated with the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive guards against false representation, Securities and Commission (SEC) and their Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg FD) which set to protect the use of the social media. Beside in the EU there are also protecting against the use of social media for example EU privacy rules that against collection of personal information and email addresses on website. Because social media is an open world for every user around the world, different rules and regulations in different part of the world might come into conflict when it operates in business related activities on social media. Further on move on to the use of social media internally under a company. The use of social media should be guardian by rules and regulations, managing social media a company is agreed to allow employees to wiring blog, tweet or post Facebook comments updates. In the past companies tried to control risk on social media by disallowing access to cyberspace, however that will not work with the current situation of the use of social media. Robert Stroud, international vice president of ISACA, said in a statement. Companies should embrace it, not block it. But they also need to empower their employees with knowledge to implement sound social media governance. (ISACA, 2010). This managing process is apparently with high risk than not permitting whatever thing out of the usual channels. In particular if the social media management teams include top level executives or the CEO, where regulations exist which govern the disclosure of information by publicly traded companies. According to a stu dy by Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA, 2010) employees who dabble in social networking both on and off the job could expose their companies to a variety of risks. Malware, brand hijacking, lack of content control, noncompliance with rules over recordkeeping, and unrealistic expectations of Internet performance were the top five social-media risks to businesses (ISACA, 2010). 2.5 Challenges All kind of social networking challenges will be face by organization. Following this section will discuss the possible challenges for organization that are using social media as part of their marketing strategy. Social media providing a lot of benefit to an organization, a well managed of the use of social media will bring great future for the company, at the same time the hard work of minimize the challenges will be the best practice for prevention. 8% of companies had terminated employees because of the usage carelessness of social media (Proofpoint, 2009) for example a very frequent causes that might happen including sharing confidential or sensitive information or data on a network channel. According to David Arman, there are five possible challenges that every organization should be thinking ahead (Harvard Business review, 2010). The connection and linkage of social media cover almost every aspects and function of a business. All organizations will eventually grapple with integrating social into their entire ecosystem adopting either centralized, distributed or hybrid approaches (David Arman, 2010). The first challenge is regarding integration, because of the broad coverage of social media alongside the business, the decision of form up a specialize team to supervise the social media process is a judgment to be consider. Following by the second challenge governance, has been described as task to control and recognize both the contents produced for the public and also information that internal used around employees. Organization will need to keep attention on the internal contents among the company as well as set rules of engagement in the process how employees responding to the social media. The next challenge is that every organization have their own culture on the spectrum either being more transparent of the way they operate and collaborative or keep knowledge internally. Through using social media, organization can strengthen their company policy by managing customers and employees by using this channel, however it have to manage it intelligently and with purpose. The fourth challenge is related to the human resources of a company, emerge of social media business, rules and regulation of human resources will also need to keep up to date. Because of the fast moving and changeable technology set of rules and regulation will be an ongoing development process. At the same time organizations will need to train employees on the use of social technologies for work. The fifth challenge is on the measurement and return on investment. There will be difficulty on measuring the results on using social media, however it is measurable but to work out the financial definite will be a challenging task. 2.6 Conclusion After critical analysis on the achievements and threats, a conclusion can be made that the best practice to maximize on return and minimize risk of using social networking is to develop a well planed social media marketing strategy that cover a large part of the business. By minimizing the risk companies should develop social media policies and build up training meeting and classes to educate employees about the use of social media. The social media policies should includes personal use of social networks as part of the job description and also the personal use outside the work place. The use of visual in the social network is one of the way to stand out from the crow, visual communication is part of the design elements should be consider on how to communication with the audience by using design principles.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Soliloquies of Shakespeares Hamlet - The To be or not to be Soliloqu
Hamlet -- the â€Å"To be or not to be†Soliloquy      In William Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy Hamlet the fourth of the seven soliloquies by the hero is generally considered exceptional and more famous than the others. This essay will examine and analyze this soliloquy, and explore the reasons for its fame.  This famous soliloquy manifests the expression of very deep and conflicting emotions. Ruth Nevo in â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging†explains the basic conflict within the hero’s most famous â€Å"To be or not to be†soliloquy:  Since we know what Hamlet’s obligatory task is, we cannot but register the possibility that the taking of arms and the â€Å"enterprises of great pitch and moment†refer to the killing of Claudius, though the logic of the syntax makes them refer to the self-slaughter which is the subject of the whole disquisition. And conversely, because self-slaughter is the ostensible subject of the whole disquisition, we cannot read the speech simply as a case of conscience in the matter of revenge – Christian revenge and the secular sanctions and motivations of honor. (46)  Is the fourth soliloquy addressing only the prince’s specific situation? Or is it applicable universally to humankind? Lawrence Danson in the essay â€Å"Tragic Alphabet†discusses the most famous of soliloquies as involving an â€Å"eternal dilemma†:   The problem of time’s discrediting effects upon human actions and intentions is what makes Hamlet’s â€Å"To be, or not to be†soliloquy eternal dilemma rather than fulfilled dialectic. Faced with the uncertainty of any action, an uncertainty that extends even to the afterlife, Hamlet, too, finds the â€Å"wick or snuff†of which Claudius speaks: â€Å"Thus conscience†– by... ...ons: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from The Motives of Eloquence: Literary Rhetoric in the Renaissance. N.p.: Yale University Press, 1976.  Levin, Harry. â€Å"An Explication of the Player’s Speech.†Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from The Question of Hamlet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959.  Nevo, Ruth. â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging.†Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Form in Shakespeare. N.p.: Princeton University Press, 1972.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.    Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
Why We Study Torism and Hospitality at University
With the considerable growth of hospitality and tourism industry and more governments recognizing the industry’s contribution to national and local economies, a number of academic institutions have expanded degree offerings and started specializing in these disciplines (Garside 1991). Study tourism and hospitality at University are essential not only for academic advances but also for developing practical applications. Wiley (1995) argues that the success of every hotel company is conditioned by the capability of its managers to coordinate the business with the changes that characterize the modern international environment.Marketing is a required course for the University. Through study of the Marketing, the managers of hotel companies can strategically plan to direct the studing constantly searching and choosing ways to be competitive, to decide how to attract new tourists, how to keep the permanent tourists, how product to be more attractive from the competitors ones, how to position successfully on the competitive tourist market. So study Marketing at university is necessary for tourism and hospitality.Furthermore, Langbert (2002) also argues that Tourism in general and food service in particular contribute to a nation's economic development in many ways, in addition to the immediately apparent prospects of creating jobs and boosting overall income. Food and Beverage is interesting course at University. Before go to hotel to practice, students have to pass the test about alcohol and food service. Through study the Food and Beverage, it will be improve the ability of practical, easier get job and adapt to working at hotel. So study this course at University is very important for students.In conclusion, some 6,000 new employees are needed every year to service the expanding hospitality and tourism industry, according to Failte Ireland, the national tourism development authority (Cohen, 2005). From this, it can be seen that Tourism and Hospitality person nel are in the world has been very scarce. Through study Tourism and Hospitality at University, it can be improve students quality, skills, adaptability, communication skills. Thus, students need to study Tourism and Hospitality at University and study it well.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Negative Effects of War Essay
In â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story,†Tim O’Brien presents many themes within his story. One major theme is the negative effects of war on a soldier. Many situations arise in the story that bring out the theme to make it easy to understand for the reader. The effects of war can be very harmful to a soldier’s life, and he or she can be scarred forever. When Bob Kiley’s friend, Curt Lemon, dies at the beginning of the story, Kiley takes the time to write Lemon’s sister. He wrote about what a good guy Lemon was and the many adventures that he took. Kiley explained that Lemon was a dare devil and a soldier that loved what he did. Bob Kiley did not have to write to his friend’s sister at all, but he did it out of kindness. He poured his heart out into the letter because he wanted his friend’s sister to understand what a great guy he was. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[h]e says he loved the guy. He says the guy was his best friend in the world. They were like soul mates, he says, like twins or something, they had a whole lot in common†(O’Brien 347). Kiley went into detail about some events, but he wanted this girl to know everything. He sent the letter and he waited for two months for one in return. She never sent Bob Kiley a letter back and he got upset. The negative effects of war made him go into detail about the story and that may have made the sister not write him. When a soldier sends a letter to someone, all they want is one in return. It makes them feel good when they know someone is at home thinking about them too. War can make a soldier feel alone and having someone to write to can make them feel wanted. Kiley felt alone and used when he did not get a letter in return. He wrote the letter out of kindness and all he wanted was a thank you from the girl. If she would have sent Kiley a letter in return he would have felt better about himself. When Curt Lemon died, the story portrays his death three different times. Each time his death is told it is told in different ways. Curt Lemon’s death was caused by a booby-trap buried in the ground. The story portrays him floating into the sunlight through the trees. The negative effects of war can cause soldiers to remember someone’s death in detail. They remember him being blown into pieces as he was killed. Remembering vivid details about someone else’s death can cause disturbing flashbacks in a soldier’s life. The death of Curt Lemon caused Bob Kiley to take out his frustration on a baby water buffalo. When they stopped to rest for the night Kiley takes an unexpected turn and shoots the buffalo in the leg. He continuously tortures the animal, as the others soldiers watch in disbelief. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[t]he whole platoon stood there watching, feeling all kinds of things, but there wasn’t a great deal of pity for the baby water buffalo†(O’Brien 352). The buffalo takes the torture and never reacts. The negative effects of war caused Bob Kiley to do something that no one could ever believe doing. He lost his best friend, so he took his pain out on the water buffalo. Any soldier in their right mind would have enough sense not to kill an animal, but the negative effects of war can change people. Kiley will never be the same because of the things he had to endure during his time of duty. War can change a soldier in many ways. They may go home and never be the same as before they left. Often, soldiers will tell stories, but they will not be entirely true. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[i]n war you lose your sense of the definite, hence your sense of truth itself, and therefore it’s safe to say that in a true war story nothing much is ever very true†(O’Brien 354). The negative effects of war can be very harmful to a soldier’s life.
Personal Position paper on Psychotherapy Essay
Introduction â€Å"People are always changed by disasters, and other life events, but they need not be damaged by them.†-John D. Weaver            When we study human behavior, specifically focusing on the development of personality and crucial to how a person or individual conducts him/herself, psychology offers a variety of dimensions. The concept of personality is central to our attempt to understand ourselves and others and is part of the way in which we account for the differences that contribute to our individuality. Psychologists have been particularly concerned with shaping of the personality in relation to genetic and environmental influences. We have been fortunate that the study of human personality has been thriving and fruitful. We can choose from as many models we can to help us see ourselves better and maintain good relationships.            In the course of our study, every individual counselor – therapist eventually develops his/her own approach in the therapeutic process. The path that the practitioner takes concerning his/her choice of approach or model depends a lot on his/her own personal preferences, personality and understanding of human nature. An eclectic approach is usually the direction that anyone in this field would take; however, certain emphasis is made on some specific positions simply because these are the dominant theories which help guide him/her in focusing the essentials of the process with the client. Though the attempt is said to be eclectic then, the therapist still has this open option to change or vary some details of his/her strategy along the course of the interaction or treatment phases. Discussion            There is a need for integration not only for its theoretical applicability but also for its practical usefulness. Presuppositions or philosophical conceptualizations are the pillars of any worldview, and to successfully establish a new one requires that changes or reinforcements be made at this plane. The integrative approaches were framed at this level so as to remove mental oppositions as they arise every time in one’s thoughts. When this is not adequately laid down, no audience can align their thoughts or understanding with what the author tries to convey. This paper is an attempt to convey a personal understanding of human behavior in the context of psychotherapeutic approaches that are modified for use by the author. It appreciates the accomplishments of the various approaches such as Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychoanalytic, Existential, Humanistic, Family Systems, Gestalt and Client-Centered developments in the profes sion. The following reflects the views of the author in the healing process of the mind and emotions. Key Concepts of My Approach            It is therefore expected that though at this point I value the primary theories or perspectives that I am thus enumerating afterwards, this also implies that I am open to the various developments that are expectedly to occur in my practice in the future. Since this is an eclectic approach at employing strategies I have found to be beneficial personally and that of others, I wish to mention many of these in the following statements. I am persuaded further that key elements or themes are found all throughout my own version of the approach. The smaller yet finer points come only in the between. For the thrust that this paper is taking, I wish to mention then my views individually, on Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychoanalytic, Existential, Humanistic, Family Systems, Gestalt and Client-Centered approaches. Behavioral Therapy            This model utilizes what is termed as the learning theory posited by Skinner and Watson and the rest of the Behaviorism school. It assumes that the principles in learning i.e., conditioning (Associative and Operant) are effective means to effect change in an individual. Generally, the thrust of this theoretical perspective is focused on the symptoms that a person is experiencing. Just as many of the errors of the patterns of behavior come from learning from the environment, it is also assumed that an individual will be able to unlearn some if not all these by using the techniques as applied based on the learning principles. To a certain extent I believe that this still works: reinforcements are effective to some extent and in some or many people hence I am incorporating this stance separate or distinct from the Cognitive-Behavioral approach.  In behavior therapy therefore, thoughts, feelings and all those â€Å"malfunctioning†an d unwanted manifestations revealed in one’s activities can be unlearned and the work of a behavior therapist. The basic concepts include â€Å"extinguishing†– utilized when maladaptive patterns are then weakened and removed and in their place habits that are healthy are established (developed and strengthened) in a series or progressive approach called â€Å"successive approximations. When these (factors) are reinforced such as through rewards in intrinsic and extrinsic means, the potential of a more secure and steady change in behavior is developed and firmly established (Rubinstein et al., 20074; Corey, 2004). Although few psychologists today would regard themselves as strict behaviorists, behaviorism has been very influential in the development of psychology as a scientific discipline. There are different emphases within this discipline though. Some behaviorists contend plainly that the observation of behavior is the best or most expedient method of exploring psychological and cognitive processes. Others consider that it is in reality the only way of examining such processes, while still others argue that behavior itself is the only appropriate subject of psychology, and that familiar psychological terms such as belief only refer to behavior. Albert Bandura’s social cognitive approach grew out of this movement. Bandura’s method emphasizes cognitive processes over and above observable behavior, concentrating on not only the influence of the person’s upbringing for example, but also â€Å"observation, imitation, and thought processes†(Plotnik, 2005). Cognitive-Behavioral            In the cognitive approach alone, the therapist understands that a client or patient comes into the healing relationship and the former’s role is to change or modify the latter’s maladjusted or error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing. These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview: a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that await someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the futu re. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy postulated primarily by Ellis and Beck â€Å"facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapist.†With the idea that the counselor and patient together cooperate to attain a trusting relationship and agree which problems or issues need to come first in the course of the therapy. For the Cognitive Behaviorist Therapist, the immediate and presenting problem that the client is suffering and complaining from takes precedence and must be addressed and focused in the treatment. There is instantaneous relief from the symptoms, and may be encouraged or spurred on to pursue in-depth treatment and reduction of the ailments where possible. The relief from the symptoms from the primary problem or issue will inspire the client to imagine or think that change is not impossible after all. In this model, issues are dealt directly in a practical way. Coaching the patient on the step by step procedure of CBT is a basic and fundamental ingredient. Here the client is enlightened as to the patterns of his thinking and the errors of these thoughts which bore fruit in his attitudes and behavior. His/her thoughts and beliefs have connections on his/her behavior and must therefore be â€Å"reorganized.†For instance, the ways that a client looks at an issue of his/her life will direct the path of his reactivity to the issue. When corrected at this level, the behavior follows automatically (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). Psychodynamic Therapy            The Psychodynamic perspective is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. He created both a theory to explain personality and mental disorders, and the form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. The psychodynamic approach assumes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and often unconscious struggles within the person. These usually involved conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression, and the restrictions imposed by society. Not all of those who take a psychodynamic approach accept all of Freud’s original ideas, but most would view abnormal or problematic behavior as the result of a failure to resolve conflicts adequately. Many of the disorders or mental illnesses recognized today without a doubt have their psychodynamic explanation aside from other viewpoints like that of the behaviourist, or the cognitivists. From simple childhood developmental diseases to Schizophrenia, there is a rationale that from Freud’s camp is able to explain (Kaplan et al, 1994). Existential Therapy            The Existential approach, as put forward by Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Rollo May, and Frankl, believes that the individual’s potential may lie dormant but that it is there waiting to be ushered in time. It recognizes that man is able to achieve great heights and that these are just waiting to be tapped not only by him/herself but that also when helped by a practitioner who is persuaded of this notion. It examines such major issues as free will and the challenges of exercising this free will, the issue of mortality, loneliness and in general, the meaning of life. The Therapy is effective when the practitioner works with elderly care and death and dying issues. It focuses on the individual needs but takes into consideration the significant relationships and the meanings they bring into the person’s life. Transcending the issues and problems are primary intentions of the therapist at the same time being realistic that certain limitations do exist and may hinder the process of recovery (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). Humanistic Therapy            Allport, Bugental, Buhler, Maslow Rollo May, Murphy, Murray, Fritz Perls and Rogers are those that helped usher in the Humanistic theory and consequent therapy. It holds in view the individual as possessing the options or freedom to choose, creativity, and the capability to attain a state where he/she is more aware, freer, responsible and worthy of trust. Because the human mind has immense potential, the approach assesses as well that forces from the environment bear on with the individual and depending on the interplay that occurs within the individual person, the result will either be destructive or constructive to the person. In sum, humanism takes into the perspective that essentially humans are good and not evil, and that the therapy facilitates by harnessing on the human potential through the development of interpersonal skills. This results to an enhanced quality life and the individual becomes an asset rather than a liability to th e society where he revolves in (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). Family Systems Therapy            This theoretical viewpoint has been the by-product of the works of Bateson, Minuchin, Bowen, Ackerman and many others. Usually done in pairs or by a team of practitioners, family systems therapy has its roots in behavioral and psychoanalytic principles. This model understands that the family is a unit and its members or any of its members with an issue or a problem must be addressed in the context of the family as a unit. It puts its emphasis on the relationships among the family members, their patterns of communication more than their individual traits and/or symptoms. The systems theory portion of the therapy indicates that whatever is occurring or happening is not isolated but is a working part of a bigger context. In the family systems approach then, no individual person can be understood when removed from his relationships whether in the present or past, and this is specially focused on the family he belongs to (Rubinstein et al., 200 7; Corey, 2004). Gestalt Therapy            Gestalt therapy has this goal of reducing if not removing the symptoms with the rationale that the individual has personal responsibility and that the here-and-now experience is thus very important. This two-fold emphasis on the present moment as experienced by the person and that another reality is that our existence is entangled actually with other aspects and parts of the environment. It is when we understand that we are related with other things that insights to our issues are achieved and help us in finding solutions to our existence. When we are free from the obstructions of things that are â€Å"unfinished†then we reduce the obstacles and enhance the opportunities to our optimal satisfaction and fulfillment and eventual growth (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). Client-Centered Therapy            Developed and known because of the works by one person – Carl Rogers – Client Centered Therapy focuses on the person who needs aid and his/her improvement depends on the client himself although with the facilitation and assistance of the therapist. The rationale for the direction of the therapy lies in the notion that humans basically possess the ability to move towards the fulfillment of his/her possibilities. According to Rogers, â€Å"Individuals have within themselves vast resources for self-understanding and for altering their self-concepts, basic attitudes, and self-directed behavior; these resources can be tapped if a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided†(Rogers, 1980, p 115-117 in Rubinstein et al., 2007).            This approach is very popular today and many therapists usually incorporate this model into their own eclectic method. Rogers identified three important concepts termed as conditions: these are congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy. Many in the mental health circles have these in their day-to-day jargon. In the aforementioned conditions, a person moves toward what Rogers call â€Å"constructive direction†when these three conditions are afforded. The Role of the Therapist            I aspire to be a therapist – counselor whose practice is characterized as empowering and collaborative. By empowering, I understand the limitations of my role and as such I am constrained at the same time to impart my best knowledge and efforts to enable my client/patient to understand him/herself, and lead the treatment to the point where he/she is able to stand on his/her own without my help anymore. Further, it means that I recognize the patient or client as a person who is not only complex, he/she is also is imbued with the nature that inherently can heal, grow and mature. They contribute to the process, and their attitude towards the whole duration of the healing relationship is a crucial aspect to the attainment of their goals. The therapist then must remove by all means any barrier or obstruction to the achievement of goals especially when these come potentially from the therapist him/herself (that’s me). By collaborative, again because there are set limitations on my capacities, I recognize the availability and expertise of others in realms that I hardly know and that working with them, collaborating with them, gives my client more options, and provides him/her the best and comprehensive interventions that there is in the field. A therapy that is beneficial looks beyond my set style and preferences of diagnosis and treatment; it is progressive and seeks to enhance the initial strategies that had been established and continually expands oneself by learning and researching. Most importantly, by collaboration, my client is the most significant â€Å"collaborator†and that notion should not be missed all throughout (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). .            The effectiveness of therapy in counselling is dependent substantially on two factors; namely, the patient’s cooperation, and the expertise of the therapist. Many experts in the field of Psychology have observed the significant contribution of the client to the over-all process. The individual’s perception of the therapist is extremely crucial to the ensuing treatment. Without the needed initial positive perception of the therapist on the part of the one seeking treatment, the whole process will not generate a desired momentum that would set the entire scheme in a strategic stance. Of course, the expertise of the therapist is another major factor – actually, the other half – but it’s a given to the whole package of treatment (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004).            Since a â€Å"working alliance†has to be established first before the actual treatment is administered, there are important or vital considerations for this â€Å"working alliance†between client and therapist to occur, and this is in prà ©cis, the intentions of this paper. What we will be considering in this paper are the challenges that new therapists face as they practice their profession. The past baggage of the client.            From any vantage point, the level of trust by client on his therapist, whether that perception is based on attractiveness, trustworthiness or as someone who knows what he may be dealing with in terms of credentials, are valid, and is the utmost concern of the helping relationship. Trust in the part of the client is necessary for the healing process. However, because the full ramifications of the issue almost always hinge on the perceptions of the client, the problems and hindrances need to be addressed or at least cited for clarity and deliberation at the outset of the relationship. As hinted above, the client may be bringing (emotional) baggage into their mutual involvement which may be due to prior engagements with other professionals in the therapeutic relations, whether positive or negative. Oftentimes, in many cases, these may be liaisons which were unsuccessful, distasteful or even traumatic for a few. The author pointed out that any form of future therapy will be affected due to these previous experiences, and it has to be dealt with right away at the outset (Horvath & Luborsky, 1993, p. 4). The fitness of the therapist            By fitness, we mean sufficient, wide-ranging exposure, and right training to the kind of illness/es or disorder/s that he may be dealing. Even with years spent in the academe will not guarantee the development of skills in handling such complex and true-to-life situations or scenarios. At times, the theoretic skills acquired, instead of enabling the new therapist, may deter or hamper the process. This means to say that the therapist must possess more than head-knowledge; he should not allow his schooling to affect him to the extent that it made him conceited with no room for more learning especially when additional knowledge are available in the patient himself. He must also have the sensitivity to employ his gut-feeling to at times, direct the course of the therapy (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). Therapeutic relationships are almost always exhausting, but it will be an undesirable experience for the alliance partners when just one of them becomes disinterested, hence as Luborsky pressed that â€Å"reciprocity†must be established, cultivated or maintained until the relationship is terminated, hopefully because the client is well (Horvath & Luborsky, 1993, p. 4). III. The Therapeutic Process            The therapeutic process is initiated by the therapist primarily as soon as the client or others who refer or brought the patient in for the assumed long haul of the healing relationship. It would be impossible to do all approaches at one time. By eclectic and as frequently emphasized, the usage of any of the methods will be dependent on the need of the patient, and other pertinent information that help guide which of these the therapist will be using. The therapist then is enjoined to be able to diagnose well; it is at this stage that any practitioner is well aware of the risks should he/she fail to diagnose properly the needs and or issues /problems of the client. However, as he/she matures and advances in the profession, many instances occur that the mistakes made in diagnosis are oftentimes corrected while at the treatment stage, hence the traits of flexibility and humility (admitting mistakes for instance) are valued highly in this pro fession (Rogers, 1980, p 115-117 in Rubinstein et al., 2007).            Employing the Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Existential, Humanistic, Family Systems, Gestalt and Client-Centered Eclectic stance primarily involves the incorporation of distinct concepts within a single framework. The important thing is that of flexibility and resiliency on my part when to apply or implement which of the theories in the context of my client. It starts with the identification of specific problems and especially the root causes. When this is confidently achieved, the therapist is actually midway to attaining his/her goals which includes not only the relief of the symptoms that the sufferer is currently experiencing but especially the reduction of the occurrence if not altogether eliminated. The specific treatment goals are likewise essential and it helps in the remaining aspects or levels of the process. The diagnostic part by itself in most cases is considered therapeutic since many clients have experienced immediate relief; in the language of psychoanalysis, the â€Å"cathartic†effect is helpful already. In addition, another important ingredient in the process is to identify effective reinforcers which help people in crisis for instance or those in acute and chronic mental and emotional anguish to sustain their plan for change and control of their disorders. Helping the client set up a kind of self-help management program is a very effective strategy to pursue within the relationship (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). ~Identifying clients in crisis            Despite breakthroughs in scientific researches and the success of many crisis interventions by established churches, there are â€Å"fly by night†operations which prey on funding of private and government groups on such types of operations. There are those who minister lacking the necessary spiritual maturity and corresponding abilities in this kind of endeavor, hence the necessity of proper credentials to minimize abuses in the profession (Buttman, p.59). Crucial to the treatment or interventions of people in crisis is the identification of clients experiencing crisis in life. â€Å"Knowledge of the three core components of crisis intervention theory (a precipitating event, client perception of the event, and the client’s usual coping methods)†is essential in this kind of work (Walsh et al, 2005). The Goal of Therapy            Trauma inducing and crisis triggering situations have spiraled its occurrence and in its primacy in the US and in many other countries in recent years. Its broad spectrum ranges from the national disaster category such as that of Hurricane Katrina or the 911 terrorist strikes in New York, Spain and England, to private instances such as a loved one’s attempt at suicide, the murder of a spouse or child, the beginning of mental illness, and the worsening situation of domestic violence (Teller et al, 2006). The acute crisis episode is a consequence of people who experience life-threatening events and feel overwhelmed with difficulty resolving the inner conflicts or anxiety that threaten their lives. They seek the help of counselors, paramedics and other health workers in crisis intervention centers to tide them over the acute episodes they are encountering. These are defining moments for people and must be adequately addressed else they lead lives with dysfunctional conduct patterns or disorders (Roberts et al, 2006).            In the integrated or eclectic approach the goal of the therapy is not just relief to the patient or client. Although an immediate relief is very helpful, this may not always be the case in most illnesses. The goal as mentioned in the preceding pages is to provide long-term reduction of the symptoms and the occurrence of the disease altogether if possible. The management then is not impossible but neither is this easy. Specifically, the counselee or patient must want to heal or believe that there is going to be curative effects in the process. It presupposes that he/she must learn to trust the therapist in his/her capabilities as well in leading or facilitating the changes or modifications. It is very much essential that (in the perspective of a cognitive-behaviorist) that the client understands ownership to the deeds and choices in thought patterns he/she made are crucial to the recurring or occurring condition that s/he experiences (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004).            Moreover, the identification of specific treatments or interventions according to the diagnosed issue will be accommodated and implemented based on the chosen treatment modalities fit with the therapeutic approach utilized. It may be a single modality based on a single approach (e.g., learning principles and desensitization for a patient with specific phobias) or it maybe a combination of many modalities (CBT, Rogerian, Phenomenological, or Family systems) (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). The Nature of the Relationship between the Therapist and the Client            The client throughout the process is a person in need of help and support and this reality is throughout reinforced in the process until the need to terminate the relationship. The therapist is the helper, who ushers the client to discover insights into his needs and problems and until the client is able to stand on his/her own the therapist aids him/her in more ways than one. Because of usual and common abuses that either the client suffers or that the therapist at times undergoes, definite boundaries are set in place at the outset. This must be established at the initial stage and from time to time emphasized to mind either of the parties in the limits of the relationship. The therapist is guided by morality and ethics of his/her profession in the proper exercise of his/her duties and bound by law to implement this in the process and make this known as well to the client. The therapist terminates the relationship readily or refer the cli ent to another competent practitioner should the limits be reached and the relationship has become unrealistically difficult for either of the two parties. Best Practices for Techniques            Techniques or the utilization of various modalities come in a variety of forms and each when employed has the potential to meet the individual’s needs. The modality of choice at particular client/patient depends on such considerations as family support, financial constraints or financial capability, the patient’s preference, diagnosis, and age of patient (Rubinstein, et al., 2007). Employing the cathartic method, teaching the client to examine his/her thought patterns, to discern the errors of judgment and gain insight into him/herself, and to handle with patience the whole process are fundamentals in the process. When the therapist is able to shift effectively in various standpoints and enables the client to gain a better, realistic and eradicate unrealistic expectations of the self and others, they are both on the way to achieving wholeness and healing that which the client so need and aspire. This requires practice, or con stant training and endurance on the part of the therapist (Rubinstein et al., 2007; Corey, 2004). VII. Methods of Therapy            Every theoretical approach has its own assumptions. In the psychodynamic theory, the following three assumptions help guide a student of human behavior or an expert in this field determine the underlying factors that explain the overt manifestations of specific behaviors. These assumptions therefore, help guide the diagnosis of the presence or absence of mental illness. They are the same assumptions that guide the therapist in choosing what treatment that will better help heal, cure or alleviate the symptoms.            These assumptions are: â€Å"There are instinctive urges that drive personality formation.†â€Å"Personality growth is driven by conflict and resolving anxieties.†â€Å"Unresolved anxieties produce neurotic symptoms†           (Source: Kaplan et al, 1994).            The goals of treatment here include alleviating patient of the symptoms which specifically works to uncover and work through unconscious conflict. The task of psychodynamic therapy is â€Å"to make the unconscious conscious to the patient†(â€Å"Models of abnormality†, National Extension College Trust, Ltd). Employing the psychodynamic viewpoint, the therapist or social scientist believes that emotional conflicts, or neurosis, and/or disturbances in the mind are caused by unresolved conflicts which originated during childhood years. In the psychodynamic approach the treatment modality frequently used includes dreams and free association, at times hypnosis (as preferred by either the therapist or by the client). The therapist actively communicates with the client in the on-going sessions. The scenario appears that a given patient may have up to five times a week session and runs up to five years in length (Rubinstein et al., 2007).            The methods of therapy incorporate the methods of the eight models. In Behavioral Therapy – the development of behavioral skills that encourage effective actions which is done through incorporating principles in learning or classical and operant conditioning. It utilizes shaping, modeling and such concepts as behavior modification, counterconditioning and exposure, and systematic desensitization.  Behavioral or action therapies utilize insight just as much as the psychodynamic model. Just as the cognitive–behavioral model also recognizes the concept of insight as well, this is only a matter of emphasis or focus. In behavioral/cognitive-behavioral therapies the focus is on the modification or control of behavior and insight usually becomes a tangential advantage. Techniques include CBT through such strategy as cognitive restructuring and the current frequently used REBT for Rational Emotive-Behavior Therapy where irrational beliefs are eliminated by examining them in a rational manner (Corey, 2004; Davison and Neale, 2001). Whereas in insight therapies the focus or emphasis is on the patient’s ability in understanding his/her issues basing on his inner conflicts, motives and fears. Techniques then include reflection of feelings and free association; the former as employed in the client–centered therapy and with the latter in psychodynamic therapy. Cognitive Strategies are utilized to promote functional thoughts which are likely to result in adaptive and healthy habits (Corey, 2004; Davison and Neale, 2001).            Client-centered therapy avoids the imposition of goals on the patient or client during therapy. It is the client who takes the lead in the session and of the conversation. It is the job of the therapist to create the conditions conducive to the client’s positive judgment of those experiences that are intrinsically satisfying to the client. The ‘goal’ then is to reach the point where the client desires to be a good and â€Å"civilized person.†Unconditional positive regard enhances this atmosphere however, and although the goal may be difficult to achieve, unconditional positive regard eventually, according to Rogers, encourages even the â€Å"`unbehaved†to conform or even transform (Corey, 2004; Davison and Neale, 2001). Gestalt therapy techniques on the other hand, include the I-language, The Empty Chair, Projection feelings, Attending to Nonverbal Cues, and the Use of Metaphor (Corey, 2004; Davison and Neale, 2001).            The techniques may sound a lot like pulling â€Å"this and that†from one’s tool box but in practice it is far from whimsical and impulsive. There is given time to much thought and analysis per client and an evaluation in between is mustered in order to be kept on track according to the specific goals that had been established at the outset. Here, professionalism counts and much of the efforts poured into every patient’s benefit.            In order to avoid what Corey says as a syncretistic and hodgepodge type of â€Å"eclectism†a theoretical rationale must be underpinning in the overall approach of the therapist (Corey, 2001, Article 29 in Lazarus, 1986, 1996; Lazarus, Beutler, & Norcross, 1992). This means that I as the therapist must establish firmly my own worldview, which contains my value system, and communicates this at the outset to the client and intermittently in the therapeutic process.
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