Friday, December 27, 2019
Genetic Testing and Screening Essay - 3132 Words
There are numerous genetic disorders present in todays society that produce handicaps and threaten longevity. Genetic determinants are at the root of many cases of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirths, neonatal deaths, multiple malformations, retardation in growth and development, mental illness, and mental retardation. Estimates of the problems magnitude have been made from data provided by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which suggest that genetic factors are involved in one fifth of infant deaths, one fourth of the institutionalized mental retardates, almost one half of individuals with IQs less than fifty, and half of first trimester abortions (Finley 1982). Genetic screening is the systematic search within a†¦show more content†¦It prevents disease manifestation by helping patients cope with environmental conditions in the face of inadequate genetic endowment. This type of screening began in the early 1960s with the screening for phenylketonuria (PKU) and is currently the most widely practiced. Over the years, more tests have been added for other diseases that like PKU could be discovered by simple tests and treated by following a strict diet (Gitzelmann 1982). The second goal of genetic screening is the provision of reproductive information. Through simple techniques such as serum enzyme determinations and hemoglobin electrophoresis it is possible to identify individuals possessing genes that will cause serious disease in their offspring. Screening is most efficient if it is conducted to discover couples who are carriers of recessive disease inducing genes that can be diagnosed through amniocentesis. Examples of such diseases are Tay-Sachs disease, Beta thalassemia, and possibly sickle-cell anemia. It was specifically the screening for the Tay-Sachs trait, which began in 1971 that became the model for all carrier screening to follow (Gitzelmann 1982). The third goal of genetic screening, enumeration, has less immediate application, but serves in future developments. Enumeration (or counting) involves the estimation of the prevalence of mutant alleles, their distribution and biological significance. This type of information will add to the knowledge of human geneticShow MoreRelatedGenetic Testing or Genetic Screening1514 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic testing, also known as screening, is a rapidly advancing new scientific field that can potentially revolutionize not only the world of medicine, but many aspects of our lives. Genetic screening is the sequencing of human DNA in order to discover genetic differences, anomalies, or mutations that may prove pathological. As genetic screening becomes more advanced and easily accessible, it presents society with difficult questions that must be asked about the boundaries of science and to whatRead MoreGenetic Testing and Screening Essay1428 Words  | 6 PagesGenetic screening is the tes ting of variations in gene sequences in protein or DNA. Protein screening is easier, but DNA screening is more powerful. It is a physical screening for a protein or genetic abnormality that may allow detection of a disorder before there are physical signs of it, or even before a gene is expressed if it acts later in life. (web). This is a technique that is used on nonhuman species such as plants and some animals and is not questioned. The real question is if we shouldRead MoreGenetic Testing : A Medical Screening791 Words  | 4 PagesThe issues of genetic testing, screening also known as DNA testing is a medical screening that identifies changes in genes to identify one’s vulnerability from inherited illnesses (Pupecki, 2006). Advantages and Disadvantages of DNA Testing The primary benefits of genetic testing are to enable us to know our genetic status. When a person has a gene alteration, he or she could seek available resources like prevention and monitoring treatment options (Darden Business Publishing, 2004). TheRead MoreGenetic Testing and Screening Essay2695 Words  | 11 PagesIts no accident that off-spring resemble their parents. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, located within each cell nucleus is a special chemical, that determines our genetic inheritance in a very orderly way. Under the microscope DNA looks like a mass of tangled threads which consist of tiny subunits called genes. Genes carry instructions, sometimes called the blueprint of life, for various characters like hair color, height, eye color. Our genes are received from both mother and father, half from eachRead MoreEssay on Genetic Testing and Screening2122 Words  | 9 PagesGenetic Screening Imagine yourself as a 26-year-old pregnant female. You have just been genetically screened and you found out that you carry a gene for breast cancer. This gene almost always causes breast cancer in early adult hood. Your daughter-to-be has just inherited this gene. You have the following options; a) Abort the fetus and discontinue a disease that wont show signs for decades? b) Carry out the pregnancy and pray that your daughter is lucky and wont develop the breast cancerRead MoreGenetic Testing and Screening Essay1868 Words  | 8 Pagesthese issues. I will discuss advancements of genetic screening and testing. The first step to any ethical problem is to understand the topic. It is difficult to formulate accurate ideas without knowledge about the topic, so first I will provide a little background information on genetic screening. I will then point out some of the areas of controversy associated with genetic screening, and finally I will discuss my view on the topic. Genetic screening can be used to refer to any activity that locatesRead MoreGenetic Screening and Physiological Testing in Young Athletes1545 Words  | 7 Pagestheir body’s type and capacity is. Instead of dwelling in sports where a child would not have the chance to reach high levels, such as the Olympics, it would be easier to use genetic testing, and known physiological traits to identify sports that the child has the right body for. These genetic tests look for specific genetic codes, such as ACTN3, that have already been identified to have a in certain impact in sports. 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Do I have the gene that will increase my likelihood of getting cancer ? My grandmother had cancer. Two of my aunts have had cancer. What about me? If I have this test, what happens then? The door opens and in walks the counselor. Time to find out about genetic screening. GeneticRead MoreChild Screening Is The Best Course Of Action736 Words  | 3 PagesGenetic newborn screening is used to detect rare diseases and prevent them to doing irreversible damage to a baby’s development before the symptoms appear. The process begins with a tiny drop of blood from the baby’s heel when he or she is a few days old. The sample then is sent to a laboratory where testing is performed and results are analyzed. The blood sample can be tested for more than thirty disorders but the exact number depends on where you live. One third of the world’s babies are screened
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Privacy in the 21st Century - 1909 Words
Privacy in the 21st Century Eng 122 Mrs. Samaniego 10 June, 2013 In today’s society cameras are watching every step you take and every move you make. How do you feel about that? Someone is watching you, whether it is the surveillance cameras at a gas station or it’s the security guard in a shopping mall. Does this make you feel uncomfortable? You post something on Facebook and decide to delete it 5 minutes later, but did you know that it will always be on the†¦show more content†¦One is able to see exactly what your house looks like and any other object that was in the area when the picture was taken. It shows exactly where you are located and the surroundings. The aforementioned applications are just a few examples of how applications do not ensure the complete privacy of one’s information. (Sylvia, Bob, 2013) People today are learning that identity theft, financial theft, and other scams are becoming more common than ever before. It is an issue that has become uncontrollable. We as humans have to make smarter and wiser choices on how we use all of the new technology. It is easy to access someone’s information using little effort. Hidden cameras are not the only tools used to invade someone’s privacy. These tools come as simple as a hidden microphone as well. Secret hackers also use wiretapping. It may be illegal but hackers stop at nothing to gain access to the information that they are seeking. There are also satellite trackers but they are the least common because they are more noticeable. Some people show little concern to the possibility that their privacy may be invaded. Some may say, â€Å"Well, why worry if you have nothing to hide?†Yes, that may be true but if someone went through your bank account you wouldn’t be too happy. You’re not hiding anything in your bank account except for your money. Hacking into your bank account is an invasion of privacy just as much as hacking into a Facebook account. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Improvement Plan for Quota Park Shared Footpath †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Improvement Plan for Quota Park Shared Footpath. Answer: Introduction The paper is based on a tender, which is mainly based on engineering and construction domain of Quota Park Shared Footpath. The contract is required for managing the construction work for the footpath for walking and cycling purposes. In order to conduct study on theproject management methodologies, waterfall methodology is used. Using this methodology, the construction work of the Quota Park is easier to understand. This development model is used for this project, as it is a small project and there are no such certain requirements. At the end of the phase, review is taken to determine if the project work is in the right path. This particular paper discusses a continuous improvement plan for the selected case study so that the Quota Park can improve their construction work. Continuous improvement is conducted for the construction work so that it can finish within time and budget. There is a change in the scope of services, which will increase or decrease the earlier scope of the project plan (Singh, Thakur and Chaudhary 2015). The manager is able to improve in their construction services so that they can attach more customers towards their park and satisfied them with their services. The improvement plan discusses the change management within project and then implements the plan for the Quota Park. Continuous Improvement Plan of Quota Park Shared Footpath The construction work of Quota Park Shared Footpath project plan provides a space for walking in the park. While working into the plan, the project manager identifies some of the improvement areas to provide a framework and examine existing management practices of the footpath assets (Alshamrani and Bahattab 2015). The improvement plan is focused to overcome with the identified deficiencies. The project life cycle cost and total maintenance cost of the footpath is high. The footpath network does not maintain safe standard to set out the asset management plan (Andersson et al. 2015). The footpath network is not managed in sustainable manner and not maintained to desired service level. Due to these two main issues, the council involved with Quota Park takes the decision to improve their footpath plan (Rouse 2016). This park provides an opportunity to the visitors to enjoy their walking and cycling and provide community based social aspects, children as well as adults and making of frie nds. This park also offers safety and quality services to the local communities and residents (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). This particular improvement plan has been prepared based on the provision of the construction services at the Quota Park in order to provide with a framework for future management. The operational team has undertaken footpath maintenance activities, augmentation work as well as managing of external contractors in order to undertake any renewal and replacement works. The footpath should require improving in such a way that it delivers 50 percent of more public spaces for walking and cycling and extended pathways (Hasani, Sakieh and Khammar 2016). The management actions within the plan is formulated in order to address as well as achieve of decision making which leads to greater cultural as well as financial access in delivery of the services (Windle and Rolfe 2014). The Quota Park is managed in such a way that it can support the local communities and residents. In order to remain rapidity with forecast needs of user, regulatory as well as safety needs and maintenance standards are required for the park to undergo continuous improvement (Elghondakly, Moussa and Badr 2015). The improvement plan undergoes a sustainability of the park in the future. Due to implement ation of this plan, the park provides required funding for leisure facilities, infrastructure of community and environmental improvements within the local reserves. It provides with frequent sustainable economic as well as environmental asset for the community and visitors. There is an improvement into the design standard of the shared footpath. The area where the improvement is required is in the width of the footpath, surface and gradient (Copeland, Zarbo and Varney 2016). The width of footpath of Quota Park is based on the users type as well as transport type. In the footpath, the transport types are walking and cycling. The footpath many be either one-way or two-way. Based on the tender document of the Quota Park, it is better to construct two-way footpath, which is both beneficial for walking as well as cycling. Gradient as well as surface is also based on user type as well as transport type (Madgunda et al. 2015). The key aspects of the continuous improvement plan consist of upgrading the footpath area, which provides a connection between the town centre and the visitors. It provides new community facilities within the community reserve such as pathways. There are higher quality and public facilities within the park (Zhang et al. 2014). The plan o f management also improves the road networks with an improvement to access on the sites. The main issue of footpath is its proper maintenance. Proper path alignment is needed to give good quality standard path. When a footpath is constructed, it affects the environment (Windle and Rolfe 2013). Therefore, the land resources are shared as per the principles of environmental safety, protection as well as ecological sustainability, public usage and enjoyment of land use. It is committed to make sure that the local communities as well as other stakeholders should be informed about the plan for upgrade and implement the plan into the Quota Park. There is also an improvement into the public recreation areas in the area, which come under the board management (Ellison 2013). When a footpath is constructed, then drain outlet is constructed properly to avoid of erosions. New operational facilities are provided for maintenance as well as development of the park so that the visitors those are walking and cycling in the park would satisfy with the services. The new facilities are new residence for managers, maintenance and others (Singh, Thakur and Chaudhary 2015). There is a development into the parking facilities of the park to produce across the site in order to support existing as well as planned infrastructure developments. There are also entertainment improvements into the park such as tennis centre, football that would attach more visitors towards the park (Raybould et al. 2013). When in the above-mentioned areas, the park makes improvement, and then it will become a well-known park for cycling and walking purposes. Quota Park provides green spaces to move people in the crowded city neighborhoods. Therefore, improvement in the park means different things for various communities (Elghondakly, Moussa and Badr 2015). Continuous improvement plan is considered as an ongoing effort in order to improve the services as well as business processes. It seeks of incremental improvements over the time as well as breakthrough of improvements into the project plan. It consists of the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) which identifies the changes into the model (Kerzner 2013). Waterfall model can improve the cost and time of the project plan. It improves over development process of the Quota Park, which helps to achieve a competitive advantage into the market. While conducting improvement into the Quota Park, waterfall methodology is used as, it is easier for the management to use in adopting identified improvements into the park. It is easier to manage due to its rigidity as each of the phases has deliverables as well as process to review (Hasani, Sakieh and Khammar 2016). All the phases of the model are completed within planned time and once one phase is finished, the other phase started. Therefore, there are no possibilities of overlapping. As the improvement of the footpath is focused on visitors and local communities, therefore the quality of materials and equipments should be good, minimize the occurrence of rework and final product quality are the main focus (Windle and Rolfe 2013). All the project stakeholders should update with the improvement plan. Some of the workers have lack of knowledge to do construction tasks; therefore, they require training to do the work. In order to meet with the requirements of the customers, proper arrangements are necessary in this particular plan. In this tender project of Quota Park, possible requirements are identified as it clearly discussed all the improvement areas into the tender document (Raybould et al. 2013). The main advantage of this model is that it permits managerial control of the park. A schedule is set for the improvement plan with fixing each deadline for each phase. Development of the footpath moves through design, implementation and installation of the plan and finally it ends up with proper operation as well as maintenance (Copeland, Zarbo and Varney 2016). It is resolved to ensure that the nearby groups and different partners ought to be educated about the arrangement for redesign as well as execute the arrangement into the Quota park. The Board perceives the financial, natural and social significance of the park to the local communities and visitors (Windle and Rolfe 2014). The board of the park understands the management of the park, which is a vital issue for the local communities. It is committed to make sure that the local communities as well as other stakeholders should be informed about the plan for upgrade and implement the plan into the park (Alshamrani and Bahattab 2015). Therefore, implementation plan is required for the safe construction of footpath for cycling and walking purposes. The Quota Park is managed in such a way that it can support the local communities as well as local residents. The arrangement of administration has been readied in view of the arrangement of the administration administrations at Quota Park keeping in mind the end goal to furnish with a structure for future administration, use and change in the administration processes (Raybould et al. 2013).). The local councils play a role in managing the footpath assets so that it makes sure that it can provide a high service level, which meets with requirements of residents as well as visitors to that area. The council implements of components, which are required to improve the footpath asset management, plan (Andersson et al. 2015). The stakeholders group is responsible to make sure that the decisions are represented as well as reflected with needs of the wider community. Based on the tender document, a project plan proposal is prepared so that all the project team members should know about the new changes in the footpath project. The project plan proposal document focuses on the improvement areas, resou rce required for making improvement, maintenance process and proper meeting with the stakeholders (Singh, Thakur and Chaudhary 2015). After that, an approval is required from the senior project manager. When the approval is get, then the project manager starts to implement the improvement plan into the construction process. Conclusion It is concluded that while working into the continuous improvement plan, the manager of project recognizes a portion of the change ranges to give a structure and look at existing administration practices of the pathway resources. Waterfall strategy is utilized as; it is simpler for the administration to use in embracing distinguished upgrades into the Quota Park. It is less demanding to oversee because of its inflexibility as each of the stages has expectations and additionally procedure to survey. All the project partners ought to refresh with the change arrange. A portion of the laborers has absence of information to do development errands; accordingly, they oblige preparing to take every necessary step. So as to meet with the prerequisites of the clients, legitimate courses of action are important in this specific arrangement. The nearby boards assume a part in dealing with the trail resources so it ensures that it can give a high administration level, which meets with prerequisit es of occupants and guests to that range. The committee actualizes of parts, which are required to enhance the pathway resource administration arrange. As the change of the trail is centered on guests and neighborhood groups, subsequently the nature of materials and supplies ought to be great, limit the occurrence of rework as well as final item quality. References Alshamrani, A. and Bahattab, A., 2015. A comparison between three SDLC models waterfall model, spiral model, and Incremental/Iterative model.International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI),12(1), p.106. Andersson, K., Brierley, N., Hedstroem, F., Herr, D. and Risson, J., 2015. Managing congestion on Gold Coast beaches: An economic evaluation.Griffith University (Discussion Papers in Economics 2015-04). Copeland, J., Zarbo, R. and Varney, R., 2016. 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Madgunda, S., Suman, U., Praneeth, G.S. and Kasera, R., 2015. Steps in Requirement Stage of Waterfall Model.International journal of computer mathematical sciences, pp.86-87. Raybould, M., Anning, D., Ware, D. and Lazarow, N., 2013.Beach and surf tourism and recreation in Australia: Vulnerability and adaptation(p. 1). Bond University. Rouse, M., 2016. Waterfall model.Essential guide: CIO guide toproject management basics DevOps and Agile, pp.1-50. Saveriades, A., 2014. Strategic Planning in National Tourism Organisations: The Case of Cyprus.European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems: The EU Member States,61, p.279. Singh, D., Thakur, A. and Chaudhary, A., 2015. A Comparative Study between Waterfall and Incremental Software Development Life Cycle Model.International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,2(04). Windle, J. and Rolfe, J., 2013. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Johns Hopkins Offers Admissions to 2,284 Applicants to Join the Class of 2022
Another day and another set of college results have been released! On March 15th, Johns Hopkins University announced their college decisions to all 29,128 applicants that applied for spot in the incoming Class of 2022. Johns Hopkins University saw a 9.59% increase in the number of applications received this fall compared to the 26,578 applications they received last application cycle. Of the students who applied for regular decision, 2,284 students were offered admission to the JHU Class of 2022, the university announced. Last fall, 2,037 applicants applied Early Decision to Johns Hopkins, and the university accepted 610 students, bringing the early acceptance rate down to 29.9%. The Early Decision Program is binding, which means all accepted students are required to enroll next fall. Early Decision acceptance rates are often higher for universities to fill a guaranteed percentage of their incoming class. Overall, Johns Hopkins received a total of 29,128 and accepted 2,894 students regular decision and early decision. This brings JHU’s acceptance rate to the lowest in the last 5 years, dipping to single digits at 9.93% this year. Congratulations to the JHU Class of 2022! We wish you the best and hope you make the right decision about where to enroll. Wherever that may be, we are sure you’ll enjoy the next 4 years in college. To those still waiting on results, good luck! Check out our list ofadmission notification dates. Don’t let your application essays and materials go to waste. Turn your success into insights for future applicants by creating a profile. Plus, you get to earn some extra money while you’re at it. What are you waiting for?
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