Thursday, August 27, 2020
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl | Analysis
Episodes In The Life Of A Slave Girl | Analysis Linda faces lewd behavior for the dad of her special lady Dr. Stone. He is a scurrilous and savage male, similar to a few slaveholders, attempts to make Linda his courtesan, and subjects her to numerous long periods of lewd behavior. Linda portrays the outrage and stun she felt through his savage assaults on her individual self-governance. As indicated by Jacobs (18), Linda portrays that when Flint revealed to her that she was made for his utilization, intended to comply with every one of his orders, that she didn't be anything yet a slave, whose will ought to and must acquiescence to his. Rock mumbled tainted things in Lindas ears, composed sullied letters yet she imagined that she was unable to hear or she was unable to peruse. She avoids his advances by for the most part being in nearness of others and she shows an unfathomable control over and restriction of Flints will. The spouse of Dr. Stone is ruthless and insensitive lady who continually appreciates the give up all hope of the slaves. Other than going up against her life partner because of his licentious deeds, she shows her regard to male force and faults Linda as the reason for her mates desire. Since she doesn't have a lot of capacity to deal with the issue, Mrs. Rock enviously and contempt to Linda extends and she ends up being fixated on trailing all her means. Linda clarifies that a thing that orders approval in the white female just accelerates the hardship of the lady slave (Jacobs, 28). Dr. Stone who is Lindas ace and adversary has lawful rights to do anything he feels like to Linda, however wants to allure her through undermining and deceiving her other than taping her. All through the novel, Linda reliably conflicts with him and defies to have a sexual illicit relationship with him. This incenses Dr. Rock and he rapidly focuses over the idea of contradicting her rowdy soul. Rock never recognizes that Linda is a person who has emotions, unamenable rights and wants. Remorselessness of slaveholders As indicated by Jacobs, (270, Linda claims compassion toward ladies slaves for there is no law to guard her structure savagery, from affront, and even from death., which are totally forced by companions who have the state of men Instead, the servitude establishment shields slaveholders structure charges of sexual viciousness and attack. On the off chance that the slave was explicitly ambushed, it wasnt an offense against her however an interfere with the property of her lord, in spite of the fact that it was consistently an ace that assaulted her. At the point when her little girl was conceived, the core of Linda turned out to be substantial since she knew that slaverly was awful for guys, yet was far much awful for females (Linda, 77). Ladies slaves were the most powerless hirelings since they could accomplish work in the field, deal with offspring of their lords, and most fundamentally replicate slave people, which turned out to be progressively increasingly noteworthy after preclusion of slave imports in 1808.s For example, when Benjamin, L indas uncle is sold, the slave dealer expressed that he could offer any cost if the gorgeous youngster was a female (Jacobs, 23). Lindas moral character Linda represents her solid good quality in a few different ways. At an early and pre high school, she was given comparative things that offspring of the fancy woman were given. Her lord showed her how to spell and read, which a benefit is since dominant part of slaves were not educated. Despite the fact that she considered this to be a reasonable thing, she despite everything helped her relatives in light of their graciousness toward her and she was likewise cognizant that individuals should have been treated with deference. Jacobs (65) contends that when Dr. Stone continually called her cruel names and mishandled her, Linda she realized that it was not right and felt that Flint was tainting her just as her unadulterated brain, yet she decided to stay quiet for fear of her extreme results, even passing. Linda keeps driving her life, helping him all together, however knowing great that he was unfeeling and treacherous. Pomposity of slaveholders It was very self important of slaveholders to educate the slaves severe untruths regarding the North. A slaveholder once disclosed to Linda one of the slaves who happened to be Lindas companion was in a dreadful shape and was arguing to be reclaimed to her lord. Later on Linda found that this story was false and this previous slave didn't have any desire of returning to subjection. Sadly, greater part of slaves accepts these accounts and decided to the idea of defensive subjugation to hard opportunity. Linda is dismayed by the possibility of truly trying to come back to bondage, regardless of whether the stories were valid. Linda states that the slaves would begin to perceive their own capacities, and employ themselves to be ladies and men (Garfield Zafar, 43). End The prevailing social issue of the book frequencies in the Life of a slave young lady is inappropriate behavior of slaves by their lords. Dr. Rock who is Lindas ace expects her to do anything for him incorporating a sexual relationship with her. Be that as it may, Linda doesn't surrender to his sexual requests since she needs to get her opportunity away from subjugation. What is the Concept of Nationalism? What is the Concept of Nationalism? Patriotism is an idea that isn't effectively characterized. There are various definitions and types of what is patriotism, and huge numbers of these definitions even cover. Nonetheless, there is nobody definition that is more sufficient than another. Remembering that these definitions are continually developing, with exhaustive investigation and the juxtaposition of contentions set out by eight conspicuous researchers, a more clear meaning of patriotism can be achieved. In the first place, the most understand definition today is from Professor Anthony Smith. He expresses that patriotism is just an ideological development for accomplishing and looking after self-rule, solidarity and personality for a populace which a portion of its individuals esteem to comprise a genuine or likely country (Anthony Smith, Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History, 2001, p.9). In this definition, Smith uncovers what he accepts the three principle objectives of patriotism are: self-governance, national solidarity, and national character. Indeed, even Smiths significant definition has not been accessible for long considering he was conceived in 1933. In spite of the fact that there is a lot of contention on the meaning of patriotism, Smith concurs that there is one primary concern of understanding and that will be that the term patriotism is a cutting edge wonder (Smith, Anthony 2001). City patriotism is fundamentally characterized as a gathering of individuals which have a specific reliability to urban rights or laws and promise to keep these laws. Ethnic patriotism is fundamentally a gathering that have a typical culture, language, land, and so on. It is increasingly explicit as far as who can be in it (McGregor 2010). Smith (1991) composes that each patriotism contains city and ethnic components in shifting degrees and various structures. Now and then urban and regional components prevail; at different occasions it is the ethnic and vernacular segments that are underlined (Smith, Anthony 2001). Smiths most significant contention highlights community and ethnic kinds of patriotism instead of eastern and western sorts. . Much more explicitly, Smith makes the qualification between both metro and ethnic patriotisms. He additionally accepts that Many present day countries are conformed to prior, and regularly pre-current, ethnic centers (Theories of Nationalism Smith). Smith is asserting that countries had previous birthplaces before their new causes o f their new country. One of the most well known contentions by pundits is that the urban and ethnic perspective of patriotism crumples a lot on the ethnic classification. ( Smiths definition is by all accounts the establishment for patriotism. Different researchers go in to more detail on specific components of the definition, however most relate back to Smiths unique definition. On the in spite of Anthony Smiths meaning of patriotism relating to the urban and ethnic sort, Hans Kohn has contended that the two primary kinds of patriotism are eastern and western. His definition is, Nationalism is a perspective, in which the preeminent reliability of the individual is felt to be because of the country state. (Hans Kohn, Nationalism, 1965) His contention incorporates both eastern and western kinds of patriotism which allude to eastern and western Europe. Eastern patriotism imagined the country as a natural network, joined by culture, language and plunge (McGregor 2010). This might be identified with Smiths ethnic kind of patriotism. Western patriotism considered the country as a political and metro network, held together by deliberate adherence to law based standards (McGregor 2010). Once more, western patriotism could be seen as a city sort of patriotism. This can be perceived as two comparative orders on two new grounds. Kohn accepts that patriotism relates leg itimately with the eastern and western Europe and that it is likewise where the perspective of patriotism started. The principle analysis of Kohns grouping of patriotism is him being over oversimplified. He unquestionably doesn't really expound as Smith on the definition and relates just towards Europe which in all likelihood is the reason he is being recognized as over oversimplified. Carlton J. H. Hayes meaning of patriotism states, Loyalty and connection to the inside of the gathering (in particular the country and country) are the premise of patriotism. In this definition, a typical social foundation and basic social gathering are viewed as the principle factors in shaping a country. That remaining parts valid with the greater part of the meanings of patriotism. Hayes meaning of patriotism is by all accounts increasingly explicit to the ethnic ties toward patriotism. ( Hayes is fundamentally saying that land, language, and blood are the premise of patriotism. . He is stating that country is something to be glad for. Hayes additionally accept that these ethnic characteristics are the most significant; even religion doesn't come close. Â It is connection to nationality that provides guidance to ones individual and socia
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Choose The Right Essay Topics List For A Comparison And Contrast Essay
Choose The Right Essay Topics List For A Comparison And Contrast EssayYour preparation for a comparison and contrast essay should begin by looking through a list of essay topics to see what is on offer. There are some general types of topic areas that are available and some specific types of topics. Some topics are easier to write about than others and it is up to you to choose between these two categories. You will need to know the level of difficulty of each topic.Some of the most common essay topics are going to be factual, personal, political, and technical. Once you find these topics they are a good starting point for your comparison and contrast essay. There is also an abundance of topics that can only be described as basic topics. These will help you with your thinking before you begin writing your essay.Not all topics will be easy for you to write about. You have to first determine if a topic is easy or difficult. For example, if you do not like doing research then you may ne ed to do your research if you want to be successful with your assignment. If you do not like to research then you can choose a topic that has a research focus. You need to make sure that you know what the topic is in order to fully enjoy the essay and complete it successfully.One of the best ways to get started is to look at a list of topics that are offered by the college or university that you are applying to. By searching the school websites, you will have an idea of what the requirements are for that particular course. Once you know what to expect you can choose what type of essay you would like to take. You may want to start with the basics of an essay before moving on to more advanced writing styles.The goal of a comparison and contrast essay is to show how two or more things are different or how they are similar. Itis not the goal to try to prove a point but rather to show that your points are supported by facts and can be verified. By choosing the correct comparison and cont rast essay topics list, you will be able to determine the level of difficulty of the essay. The more research you do about the topic you will be working on, the easier it will be to choose the proper topic.Comparing one concept to another may prove to be quite difficult. A general idea of the differences between two things can help you in your decision making process. If you use the wrong essay topics list then you may not be aware of all the factors that play into the selection of the right comparison and contrast essay topics list.Look over the topic you are thinking about writing about. It is important to note what questions are on the essay so that you will know what to expect when you begin writing. Once you know what the focus of the essay is, you will be able to decide whether or not the topic is well suited for your grade requirements.When you are working on an essay, it is important to remember that the overall grade will come from the overall quality of the work. You will need to choose the topic of the essay based on your needs. As a result, it is imperative that you find a good comparison and contrast essay topics list so that you will be prepared for what is ahead of you.
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Are the Guidelines for Writing a Term Paper?
What Are the Guidelines for Writing a Term Paper?Getting an idea of what are the right term paper guidelines is crucial to making sure you will be writing a good, original, and detailed report. The key is to know what are the steps that you need to follow. You can't simply rely on these guidelines and expect good results.There are no rules and guidelines that can tell you what to write when you are writing a term paper. There are always some guidelines and suggestions. These are suggestions that help you determine the information you should include in your term paper. While these guidelines may not be fully understood by everyone, they are still a great starting point for those who want to know what are the best recommendations to follow.First, when writing a term paper, consider what exactly are you trying to express with the information that you include in your paper. Be clear about what you want to say and how you want it to be said. An important step in composing a term paper is to focus on writing the information that you need. It is important to know how the information that you will write can be used in your term paper. This will allow you to follow the writing guidelines properly.Second, what you write in your term paper should make it easy for your readers to understand and access. It should also leave them wanting more information. Be careful to avoid giving too much information in your term paper so that you won't be overwhelmed with the information you'll be giving out.Third, try to keep your spelling and grammar correct and provide a paragraph of examples when you use unfamiliar words or terms. This will allow your readers to gain confidence in your ideas. They will be able to easily identify what you mean when you use unfamiliar words.Fourth, be patient when writing a term paper. Don't try to rush through writing the assignment or rushing up the time needed to finish your term paper. Wait until you have a clear idea about what you want to express. As long as you understand what you are trying to convey and how you want to convey it, you will be able to write great term paper.Fifth, check for spelling and grammar errors even if you think you don't need to do it. If you don't see a mistake or improper usage of words, it doesn't mean you should overlook it. Check for mistakes and learn from them. It will save you time and effort later on when you are working on your term paper.These are the five step to writing a term paper that will give you some idea on what are the guidelines you need to follow. They are a guide to those who want to know what are the best guidelines in writing a term paper. It will help you get started on writing a term paper.
Monday, May 25, 2020
ACT Test and Registration Dates for 2019 - 2020
For the 2019-20 admissions cycle, U.S. students have seven ACT testing dates from which to choose. The exam is offered in September, October, December, February, April, June, and July. The July option was new in 2018. Registration deadlines are roughly five weeks before the exam, so be sure to plan ahead. When Is the ACT in the United States? For the 2018 - 19 academic year, the ACT test dates and registration deadlines are presented in the table below. Important ACT Dates â€â€Ã‚ 2019-20 Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline September 14, 2019 August 16, 2019 August 30, 2019 October 26, 2019 September 20, 2019 October 4, 2019 December 14, 2019 November 8, 2019 November 22, 2019 February 8, 2020 January 10, 2020 January 17, 2020 April 4, 2020 February 28, 2020 March 13, 2020 June 13, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 22, 2020 July 18, 2020 June 19, 2020 June 26, 2020 Note that the July ACT is not offered in New York State. International test dates are generally the same as those in the United States, but options may be limited. When Is the ACT Offered Outside of the United States? If youre taking the ACT outside of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, or U.S. territories, you should register online for the exam. The test dates are the same as for the United States with the exception of February when the exam is not offered at international test locations. There is a $57.50 fee for international testing and late registration is not available. Is the ACT Always on a Saturday? The ACT test dates, like the SAT test dates, are on select Saturdays throughout the year. For some students, however, religious convictions make Saturday testing impossible. For these cases, the ACT is offered at a limited number of testing locations on Sundays. Youll be able to locate these Sunday test centers on the ACT website when you register for the exam. It is also possible to apply for arranged testing if there is no Sunday test center near you, you live in a country where the ACT is not offered, or if you are confined to a correctional facility on all of the test dates. Note that non-Saturday testing is not an option for the great majority of high school students, and you should make every effort to sit for the ACT during one of the Saturday exam administrations Is the ACT Offered Near Me? On the ACT website, youll find a tool for finding your nearest test center. The great majority of students should be able to find a test center within an hour of home, and you may even find that your own high school is a test center. Some rural students, however, may find that the exam will require a bit more travel. The situation can be even more challenging for international students. Some countries have just one or two test centers, and a few countries have none at all. Some international students may need to travel long distances or to other countries in order to take the exam. How Does ACT Test Registration Work? To register for the ACT, youll need to create an online account on the ACT website. The process can take about 40 minutes because the registration form will ask you about your personal information, interests, and high school course details. Youll also need to locate the test center where you want to take the exam, and youll need to have a credit card or other form of payment handy to pay the registration fees. Finally, youll need to provide a headshot photo for your registration ticket. This is a security measure to ensure that the person taking the exam is the same person who registered for the exam. When Is the Best Time to Take the ACT? When you take the ACT is entirely up to you, but some exam strategies work better than others. Because the ACT is an achievement test (rather than an aptitude test), it asks you about information you have learned in high school. The result is that taking the exam in 9th or 10th grade may not be the best idea for the simple reason that you probably havent yet covered all of the material that will appear on the exam. One of the common approaches to the ACT is to take the exam in the second half of your junior year (February, April, May, or June). If you dont get good ACT scores from that test, you have time to prepare further and then retake the exam at the beginning of your senior year (July, September, or October). Be careful with the December test date: youll want to make sure the scores will be available in time to meet all of your application deadlines. It is always an option to take the ACT more than twice, but doing so shouldnt be necessary for the great majority of students. In many cases, in fact, a single testing in the spring of junior year can be more than adequate if you find your scores are in line with your target schools. What Does It Cost to Register for the ACT? At the time of registration, you will need to pay the fees for the ACT. The current fees for some of the most popular exam services are as follows: $52.00 for the basic ACT. This fee includes score results for the student, the students school, and four colleges$68 for the ACT with Writing$30 additional fee if you register late$55.00 additional fee if you register for standby testing (after the late registration deadline)$13 for additional score reports As you plan your college budget, be sure to keep these costs in mind. College expenses arent just about tuition, room, and board. Applying to college is also expensive, and standardized tests are a big part of that cost. If you take the ACT twice and need to send score reports to a dozen colleges, your ACT costs will most likely be several hundred dollars. The good news is that fee waivers are available for qualifying students from low income families. A Final Word About ACT Test Dates and Registration For better or worse, standardized tests are an important part of the college application process. Even if you are applying to test-optional colleges, you may need to take either the ACT or SAT to qualify for scholarships, to be placed into the appropriate classes, or to meet NCAA requirements for athletic participation. Finally, dont put off thinking about the ACT. Youll want to carefully plan when you take the exam, and youll also need to plan ahead so that you dont miss registration deadlines.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Customer Feedback And Employee Feedback Essay - 1418 Words
As reflected by the managers and employees through the interviews, every single one of them got multiple feedback from the customers. The employees and managers got a good deal of complaints as well as compliments from the customers. Feedback were made both orally and in written forms on the customer feedback book. In spite of the great number of customer feedback, the restaurant did not have a specified procedure for collecting and transferring the feedback. Customer feedback is commonly encountered in the foodservice industry. Customer feedback can serve as report cards to companies about existing products and service and tell companies if they are meeting customer expectations (Kumar Bhagwat, 2010). Customer feedback can also reveal numerous subtle performance issues that are easily remedied, yet difficult to diagnose (Radojevic et al., 2015). Had the owners never heard from the customers or asked their employees what they heard from their customers, they never would have known that certain issues are big problems. Service firms often unaware failures occur since customers may fail to complain (Boorhees et al., 2006). Customer feedback not only identifies problem areas in need of improvement, but also helps generate ideas and suggestions for future upgrades and service modifications (Wirtz et al., 2010; Kumar Bhagwat, 2010). No restaurant can guarantee perfect service. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role Of Women During The Roman Empire - 1299 Words
When the Roman armies began their ultimately successful invasion of Britain the contrasts between the invading culture and the invaded culture became easily apparent. Due to the invasion, the two cultures were forced into one space to interact and interchange with each other in many ways. In some ways they were found to be similar, and in others the cultures varied widely. Throughout the course of this paper I will compare and contrast the role of women in the indigenous Celtic society and that of the Roman society, and illustrate the more liberated nature of women in Celtic society. A great Roman writer of the era of Roman occupied Britain, Tacitus, provides a glimpse into one of the possible roles a Celtic woman could possess: that of a leader. Tacitus tells of a battle between the Roman army and an uprising of the Iceni people being lead into battle by their leader Boudicea, the wife of the former king of the Iceni . Upon his death she incited a rebellion against the Romans due to the treatment of her people, which Tacitus describes as the Romans behaving â€Å"as if Rome had received the whole country as a gift†¦ †Boudicea rides into battle on a chariot accompanied by her two daughters, leading a large group of warriors into battle and makes a speech â€Å"protesting that it was indeed usual for Britons to fight under the leadership of women .†Tacitus goes on to mention in one of his later accounts that Boudicea was allowed to lead because â€Å"they admit no distinction of sex inShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Women During The Han Dynasty And The Roman Empire1139 Words  | 5 PagesThe role of women in both the the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire women was ambiguous. The Han Dynasty ruled from 206 BCE–220 CE. Much later came the Roman Empire, which lasted from 27 CE-476 CE. In these civilizations, elite women were treated very differently than men because of their gender. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Is it Moral free essay sample
For many the reading of Macbeth portrays a pretty straight forward plot, a wholesome man is unwittingly corrupted and must pay for his crimes. The issue with this assertion is that nothing is as it seems in the world of the English language. This is even more evident when Shakespeare is involved. Interestingly, Macbeth was written for a new king who hailed from the great rolling hills of Scotland. Shakespeare had an obligation to please the most recent man in charge. Another assumption can be made that, because of the new king’s origins, the sole purpose of the play was to highlight Scotland in favor of the king. The more widely accepted objective of Macbeth is a matter of opinion and state of mind, based upon the reader, and will allow interpretation to be had in many different ideals. Chicago University’s Shakespearean scholar, David Bevington is one that has read and studied Macbeth. Coming to his own conclusion, he said, â€Å"Macbeth is NOT a conventional morality play and it is NOT concerned primarily with preaching against sinfulness or demonstrating that Macbeth is finally damned for what he does. †It is not precise to simply say that Mr. Bevington is wrong, because to each reader, parts of Macbeth could reveal another way of imagining the actions taken. Macbeth is a morality play as well as a myriad of meanings, based on each person’s moral value, its characters coinciding, creating a lust for power, and forcing a reality check in the deathly collection for wrong doings, but also that the values and the morality of the reader are brought into question. The most obvious way that Shakespeare presents a struggle with morality in Macbeth is through the disintegration of the main character, Macbeth. As the reader enters the story, the very first scene paints a picture of valor and loyalty; all attributes are pertaining to Macbeth. At this point the reader is led to believe that this new Macbeth character must be a great guy. However, when the first and last scenes are read one after the other, it is clear that there is in fact, a morality change within this one character. Slowly, as the story progresses it is easy to see the way that this particular character is metaphorically warped and disfigured. The straw that broke that back of Macbeth’s masochistic camel was the three weird sisters foretelling the fate of Macbeth. This one act created a chain effect that heads off the shattering of multiple personas, including his wife, Lady Macbeth. Macbeth truly takes his own values for a spin when he decides that the crown shall undoubtedly be his. This prompts him to not only kill Duncan but massacre the Macduff family as well. This kind of act does not happen accidently. It occurs because of the orders of a person who has been affected in a certain way. Seeing as Macbeth begins the story as a patriot to his king, it is rational to state that his personal psyche, as well as his values, and ultimately, his morality, has been compromised. It is obvious that Macbeth begins as a â€Å"good†guy and slowly declines. To mirror this and add to the drama of the play, his wife, Lady Macbeth, begins as a corrupted and manipulating instigator to the crimes Macbeth commits. As the play draws close to the end, Lady Macbeth begins to switch places with her husband and is haunted by the horror she helped create, prompting her untimely, self-inflicted death. The drastic way that the two main characters, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, inevitably trade places, both beginning the story as opposite personalities and ending the play by having taken each others’ personas, demonstrates a compromise of judgment and system of beliefs for the two. This â€Å"good guy†manner that Macbeth disregards so quickly never truly leaves him. On the contrary, it is that fundamental component that will eventually lead to his final realization before death (Warren). The fight between good and evil throughout the play is a battle that each character must enter, and not all leave as victors. In Macbeth, the lines between right and wrong are skewed and blurred taking many of the choices made into an unmanageable grey area. Shakespeare navigates his characters through this mist with a poisonous concoction that all of human kind has wrestled with since the dawn of time- their conscience. For Macbeth, his conscience was not a little cricket that sat on his shoulder telling him what would and wouldn’t make his nose grow. It was a very faint sickness that metastasized into a malignant cancer burning him from the inside out by the closing act. Macbeth is bursting at the seams with the blatant contradictions of good and evil. He desires what he can gain from acts of brutality, but initially hesitates to commit them himself. In an essay written about the duality of this play, it is stated that by the play’s end he has not so much overcome this hesitation than he has utterly destroyed the emotions which drive it in the first place. In a sense, Shakespeare has made it so that the true tragedy of the play is not the death of individuals, but the decaying of Macbeth’s humanity; his slow decline into becoming little more than a mechanical warrior. What drives him to this devastating end is his failure to win the battle raging within himself. In this play, Macbeth has every intention of committing these evil deeds and not thinking twice, but is fraught over the actual physical act of it. He is a true killer, and at the same time, is fully aware of his actions- at times horrified by them. â€Å"I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition which o’er leaps itself and falls upon the other†(Shakespeare). It is clear that Shakespeare has every intention of exposing the fact that Macbeth is fighting his own humanity and depravity. The conflict depicted here is a huge factor that drives the play Macbeth and results in many of the deaths that are sure to have catastrophic consequences (Evangelista). Macbeth let his mind be subject to the torment of his twisted conscience, as well as his own warped image of himself beginning with this good guy persona and ending on a much lower note. With all of this in his past, in the closing act what does Macbeth have to depend on? What can he depend on now that he has made so many enemies? These questions are the assumed inquisitions running through Macbeth’s head as he finally realizes his own mortality. The way that Macbeth has gone, letting his own self-image be sculpted by the witches’ prophecy, has led him to the universal conclusion that evil will have to face consequences sooner or later. An example of Macbeth first coming to terms with this inevitable fact is at dinner when he sees the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth is getting inside his own head and allowing the guilt, that he has so far not shown, come slightly into the light for the reader to see. The death of Lady Macbeth is another prime example of evil being brought to a Shakespearean adaptation of justice. The pride that is deeply instilled in both Macbeth and his wife takes precedence when weighing out their next moves. The problem, being their pride, cannot withstand the universal fate of all evil being vanquished by good. Just as Adam and Eve were too engrossed by the forbidden fruit- Adam being too cowardly to see it is wrong and Eve being very persuasive; they ate, and for a moment, were content until God’s wrath rained upon them (Louise). When Lady Macbeth and her husband heard of the prophecy it was as if they were hearing of the forbidden fruit. It is the human disposition to be manipulated and thwarted by those close to us, with the intention of some kind of personal gain, the result of this usually being a downfall of some kind. Even though many are not restricted by the evil category their actions do not bid well. It is seen time and time again- first in the Bible, and again in other works, such as The Odyssey and Oedipus Rex. Through trial and error humanity has shown that evil will fall at the feet of good, and yet it does not inhibit pursuing those vices (â€Å"StudyMacbeth). Even though the human race is able to see the triumph that prevails when one chooses good over evil, the appeal of defiance is hard to ignore. Ambition and power are two such considerable deviances that, in Macbeth’s case, enhance the call by adding finesse and valor to the idea of disobedience. Climbing to the top is not easy. Furthermore making friends in the process is unusual and can slow the rise to power. In Macbeth, the lure of becoming the next king of Scotland is too much of a prize to cast off as a simple mistake made by three sisters. The three sisters were able to instill within Macbeth a yearning for a title he was not fit for. This is Shakespeare at his very finest, testing the morality of a man by tempting him with the promise of fame and fortune- another great downfall of this race. This man, Macbeth, starts out as such an amazing warrior, defending his country with pride. The promise of more is what draws him in, enticing his need to be the best and prompting him to take his unbound ambition to a level that was beyond any moral standard ever set. Macbeth and his wife share in the need to be great and powerful. Due to this, they will both sacrifice their morality to achieve that. When comparing these two characters with others in the play, such as Macduff, who also aspires to be a leader of power, but does not allow for his heart to become infected with ambition, and instead aims for honor, the corruption of naked ambition is shown. Without any kind of moral or social conscience this type of authority can take over a person’s life, and in Macbeth, that kind of unchecked command is exactly what causes his demise (Leeland). Macbeth’s downfall is not based solely upon one failing attribute that he possesses. It is a combination of all of the corruption and lies he allows to infiltrate his mind. When it truly comes down to it, is it Shakespeare trying to portray Macbeth dying as justification for all of these short comings? An important issue, that is to be made by Macbeth, is the idea that because he was such a horrible person, his death, and that of his wife, is justified. Malcolm takes the throne; all is well. This assumption is based upon the initial validity of good being the way of God and evil being punishable with death. The way that Shakespeare incorporates Macbeth’s death into the ideals of â€Å"just desserts†is somewhat skewed by many readers. Is Macbeth’s death a finality that closes the door for this kind of corruption to again take over Scotland? Macbeth justified his own killings by calling on the ideal of the greater good when truly he was acting upon his own selfish ambition. Due to Macbeth’s vulnerability, image of himself wearing the crown, he was able to commit such acts as killing a loyal friend and a family of innocents. All of these crimes that have been committed by Macbeth go unchecked, and he is able to ascend to the throne without one man seeking justice with his blood. However, Macbeth does indeed meet his own demise, and it is this fact that draws into question the morality of the entire play. Throughout the pages it is obvious that Macbeth is a â€Å"bad guy†, and the need to vanquish him is noble and understandable considering what he has inflicted. It is here that morality takes an unexpected turn taking the reader on a quest of their own. Even though Macbeth has committed heinous acts, does the death of Macbeth put all of that to rest? It is the classic problem of the value of human life. For humans, it is natural to see somebody and measure them up. Yet that kind of judgment rarely extends to the death penalty. The call for life or death is thought to be made from a higher place, usually spiritual. For all intents and purposes, however, Shakespeare leaves this moral conundrum up to his readers/viewers. Along with the choice of taking a person’s life also comes the justification of their death. With the morality question of Macbeth needing to die or not pushed to the side, the problem of postmortem exoneration arises. The death of Duncan and the Macduff family can be absolved, assuming their murder joins them in the after life. Still more conflict is brought into perspective by calling into question the kind of person that would wish death upon another human being for personal satisfaction. A rational way of reasoning with the death of Macbeth would be allowing Malcolm to rise to the throne in the rightful place of his father. This being the case, there is still the fact of Fleance being able to recreate the horrors executed by Macbeth himself. The death of Macbeth gives way the second part of the witches’ prophecy, and allows the reader to make the assumption that Macbeth’s departure was little more than a slight intermission (Jaffa). With almost everything, from Macbeth’s murders to his own death, brought to question by individual morals and values, it is hard to see any other purpose in the play of Macbeth. If not the question of morality and human nature coming to a head, then what could be Shakespeare’s true meaning? From past experience with Shakespeare it is easy to pull up almost any underlying factor, but for all intents and purposes the biggest allusion that can be seen, other than morality, is that of fate. The three weird sisters are witches that toy with Macbeth, but ultimately seal his doom in telling him about the crown. The fight between fate and free will in Macbeth is one alternative to questioning morality. Shakespeare left the readers of his play to decipher the line between what is destined for Macbeth and what he has inflicted upon himself. The play pits the prophecies of the three weird sisters against its own dramatization of Macbeths internal conflictâ€â€and its not clear which wins. In fact, fate and free will might just be working together (Future). Macbeth is not only a morality play within its own pages, by affecting its characters conscience, creating a lust for power, and forcing a reality check in the deathly collection for wrong doings, but also that the values and the morality of the reader are brought into question. Starting off as a man of valor and bravery, and slowly disintegrating into the mess of a man he is by the end of the play, goes to show that morals and values will be comprised by even the best of man. Macbeth suffers a downfall the likes that have never been seen before or since, and it is hard to argue that morality played a key part. Shakespeare’s intentions with Macbeth may not be crystal clear. Some could argue that fate is the objective of the script, but main objective or not, the principle of morality was a factor questioned time and time again.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Gender Roles In Society Essays - Gender Studies, Gender, Feminism
Gender Roles In Society The world today has changed in many aspects of gender related life style. Yet there is an area of improvement in the focus of gender: based on labour and the patriarchial working woman. The class society have a great impact on the behaviour women carry out. The different theories and definitions help to explain the relationship of the construction of the gender. Feminism has a great impact on the gender role in our society. Feminists have been fighting for a long time for power and control in this man's world. Our family structure creates a great impact on women's behaviour in society, family life and the labour force. All these titles focus on the relatonship of gender. Gender is best described the construction of what is culturally assumed as ?femininity?as well as ?masculiniity?. Lesbian and gay male theory of a feminist is beyond the logic of masculine/femine. It is also referred to the social and cultural categories of the biological fact of human sex differentiation. Teresa de Lauretis uses this table: (1) Gender is (a) representation-which is not to say that it does not have concrete or real implications, both social and subjective, for the material life of individuals. On the contrary, (2) The representation of gender is its construction - and in the simplest sense it can be said that all of Western Art and high culture is the engraving of the history of that construction. (3) The construction of gender goes on as busily today as it did in earlier times, say the Victorian era. And it goes on not only where one might expect it to - in the media, the private and public schools, the courts, the family, nuclear or extended or single - parented. The construction of gender also goes on, if less obviously, in the academy, in the intellectual community, in avantgarde artistic practices and radical theories, even, and indeed especially, in feminism. (4) Paradoxically, therefore, the construction of gender is also effected by its deconstruction; that is to say, by any discourse, feminist or otherwise, that would discard it as ideological misrepresentation, for gender like the real, is not only the effect of representation but also its excess, what remains outside discourse as a potential trauma which can rupture or destabilize, if not contained, any representation (Winders 15). The Aristotelian view of the natural role of ?civilized? woman as a wife and mother. A rational man's view for a woman is the daily chores and responsibilities of nurturing children and running a houshold; leisure time is not necessary for a wife and mother. The ?uncivilized? woman is a slave or a serf or a labourer, or from a ?savage? race, is even more handicapped by her social role and her natural abilities. On the same note, a laboured woman of these groups would completely shoutout the life of leisure. The Descartes method can be acquired knowledge by breaking down complex beliefs and experiences. The simple natures are uncovered and examined closely to understand how they combine and to build up other objects. According to Princess Elizabeth of Behemia who corresponds to the method does not lead her enough time for her to acquire a habit of meditation or other inerests in her household. On the other hand, a poor woman would find it impossible. In class and race it becomes clear that Descartes's rational man is not only male but an upper-class, European male. A woman who wishes to follow Descartes's method must ignore her cultural roles and see the skills and thought that are combined and free from reason. In a family setting equality is not practised for women. Rational and formal equality is taken for granted in a domestic admisphere based on tradition and ?natural? inequalities. Joan Acker's of gender: the abstract worker is actually a man, and it is the man's body, its sexuality, minimal responsibility in procreation, and conventional control of emotions that pervades work and organizational processes. Women's bodies-female sexuality, their ability to procreate and their pregnancy, breast-feeding, and child care, menstruation, and mythic ?emotionality?-are suspect, stigmatized, and used as grounds for control and exclusion (Williams 228). The structural deflection is changing formal equality for a true equality or changing the goal of the
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Human Suffering essays
Human Suffering essays Human suffering happens every day, everywhere, in many types and ways all around us. We do not always see it, but that does not mean it does not exist. When we do see it exist we commonly ask ourselves, "Does human suffering have meaning?" I can answer this question easily. Yes, it does have meaning. I can answer this because of the four readings we read. However, as I examine this question deeper I see that the four readings have different ideas on "meaning" or the reason for suffering. Looking at the definition of the verb (to) suffer, "feel or undergo pain; sustain damage or loss," we see that suffering is something that can happen because of more than one action. Each of the readings explained a different way of suffering. In their basics, some described mental suffering and others described physical suffering. But, more deeply than that each reading contains a certain kind of suffering. The Epic of Gilgamesh describes that suffering is caused by death. The Book of Job des! cribes how suffering is caused by sickness, loss of possessions, or loved ones. Buddhist explains suffering caused by our mental anguish. Night describes suffering caused by others. These readings give us meaning to suffering so that in the future we can avoid suffering, and if we can not avoid it we can at least explain it. The Epic of Gilgamesh tells us that suffering happens because of love. Gilgamesh suffered only because he loved Enkidu. After Enkidu was killed by the serpent Gilgamesh suffered tremendously. This was an example mental suffering. Gilgamesh did not bring on Enkidu's death. It was his desire for Enkidu to die. It just happened fighting the serpent. He deeply mourned his brother's death. This drove him to find that special root to make him immortal. Although this was just a story, in its day it was thought to be a book of teachings. Suffering was a direct result of death and love, but it was suffering that drove Gilgamesh ...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Ideal Country Project- Saudi Aribia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ideal Country Project- Saudi Aribia - Essay Example Autocracy? Republic? etc) Read about the forms of government to explain why you have chosen this particular one (Monarchy, Communist, Parliamentary System, Constitutional Republic)Â Democratic Government exists in the country. It is essential that individuals living in a State should have their say in the appointments of the runners of the state. It Is therefore decided that the ideal State should have a democratic system of republic and a Parliamentary system should be running. The members of the parliament would be chosen by the people themselves. The State has both natural and artificial boundaries. The artificial boundaries exist on the Western and the Eastern sides with Red Sea and Persian Gulf respectively. While artificial boundaries exist on the North and the South side with Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait and on the Southern side with Yemen and Oman States. The green color is the major color of the flag. It has been chosen because Islam is the major color religion followed by the majority of the population. Green color is considered as the trademark for the religion of Islam by the consensus of the majority. The white moon demonstrates the following of the lunar calendar by the State. The brown colored quadrilateral depicts the desert terrain of the State. The state of the Kingdom of Islam faces a number of issues with respect to its population and terrain. A part of these problems are related to the technological advancements and globalization of the present day world. Since English is not the native language of the State the majority of the natives have problems conversing fluently with their peers in the rest of the world. This may limit the spread of the extent of globalization in the said country. Some other problems being faced by the masses is gender inequality. In line with the teachings of Islam women are require to stay indoors unless an extreme urgency emerges compelling them to leave their abode and go out into the commercial market. Men
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Look at attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Look at attachment - Essay Example I believe that Data is a ‘human’ being, technically speaking. Some leading philosophers have specified the primary features of a human beingâ€â€rational, self-aware, and able to feel and express emotionsâ€â€and Data possesses all of these. ‘He’ can even form relationships and is aware of the rights that he has. It is also correct to say that reproducing many of these machines will form a ‘race’, because this population will possess the basic aspects of a human race. Data has the right to refuse to undergo dismantling and reproduction. He is a free being, which implies that he has the right to decide for himself and his fate. He has what is called ‘free will’ or the competence to decide for his own welfare and happiness. Granting Data his right to choose will absolutely create precedence for other androids that will seek or fight for the same rights in the future. This movie is definitely metaphysical, for it discusses the notion of ‘being’. The concept of ‘being’ has long been a major problem of philosophy. It inflamed a number of remarkable philosophical debates. I think we should learn from the movie the ability to understand things that are not ‘human’, in the traditional sense of the concept. There are times that we should abandon our traditional knowledge or predetermined consciousness in order to go beyond the ‘reality’ that is in fact has been programmed for us. The JAG officer, I believe, therefore, is correct to grant Data the legal right to
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Export Finance in India Essay Example for Free
Export Finance in India Essay Credit and finance is the life and blood of any business whether domestic or international. It is more important in the case of export transactions due to the prevalence of novel non-price competitive techniques encountered by exporters in various nations to enlarge their share of world markets. The selling techniques are no longer confined to mere quality; price or delivery schedules of the products but are extended to payment terms offered by exporters. Liberal payment terms usually score over the competitors not only of capital equipment but also of consumer goods. The payment terms however depend upon the availability of finance to exporters in relation to its quantum, cost and the period at pre-shipment and post-shipment stage. Production and manufacturing for substantial supplies for exports take time, in case finance is not available to exporter for production. They will not be in a position to book large export order if they don’t have sufficient financial funds. Even merchandise exporters require finance for obtaining products from their suppliers. This term paper is an attempt to throw light on the various sources of export finance available to exporters, the schemes implemented by ECGC and EXIM for export promotion and the recent developments in this field. Concept of Export Finance: The exporter may require short term, medium term or long term finance depending upon the types of goods to be exported and the terms of statement offered to overseas buyer. The short-term finance is required to meet â€Å"working capital†needs. The working capital is used to meet regular and recurring needs of a business firm like purchase of raw material, payment of wages and salaries, expenses like payment of rent, advertising etc. The exporter may also require â€Å"term finance†for medium and long term financial needs such as purchase of fixed assets and long term working capital. Export finance is short-term working capital finance allowed to an exporter. Finance and credit are available not only to help export production but also to sell to overseas customers on credit. Objectives of Export Finance: †¢ To cover commercial Non-commercial or political risks attendant on granting credit to a foreign buyer. †¢ To cover natural risks like an earthquake, floods etc. An exporter may avail financial assistance from any bank, which considers the ensuing factors: a) Availability of the funds at the required time to the exporter. b) Affordability of the cost of funds. Appraisal: Appraisal means an approval of an export credit proposal of an exporter. While appraising an export credit proposal as a commercial banker, obligation to the following institutions or regulations needs to be adhered to. Obligations to the RBI under the Exchange Control Regulations are: †¢ Appraise to be the bank’s customer. †¢ Appraise should have the Exim code number allotted by the Director General of Foreign Trade. †¢ Party’s name should not appear under the caution list of the RBI. Obligations to the Trade Control Authority under the EXIM policy are: †¢ Appraise should have IEC number allotted by the DGFT. †¢ Goods must be freely exportable i.e. not falling under the negative list. If it falls under the negative list, then a valid license should be there which allows the goods to be exported. †¢ Country with whom the Appraise wants to trade should not be under trade barrier. Obligations to ECGC are: †¢ Verification that Appraise is not under the Specific Approval list (SAL). †¢ Sanction of Packing Credit Advances. Guidelines for banks dealing in Export Finance: When a commercial bank deals in export finance it is bound by the ensuing guidelines: a) Exchange control regulations. b) Trade control regulations. c) Reserve Bank’s directives issued through IECD. d) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation guidelines. e) Guidelines of Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India. Export-import bank of India (EXIM Bank) The Export-import bank of India (EXIM Bank) was set up in January 1982 as a statutory corporation wholly owned by central government. It is managed by the Board of Directors with repatriation from Government, financial institutions, banks and business community. The main objective of Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank) is to provide financial assistance to promote the export production in India. The financial assistance provided by the EXIM Bank widely includes the following: †¢ Direct financial assistance †¢ Foreign investment finance †¢ Term loaning options for export production and export development †¢ Pre-shipping credit †¢ Buyer’s credit †¢ Lines of credit †¢ Re-loaning facility †¢ Export bills rediscounting †¢ Refinance to commercial banks The Export-Import Bank also provides non-funded facility in the form of guarantees to the Indian exporters. †¢ Development of export makers †¢ Expansion of export production capacity †¢ Production for exports †¢ Financing post-shipment activities †¢ Export of manufactured goods †¢ Export of projects †¢ Export of technology and software’s Export financing programmes provided by EXIM Bank India EXIM INDIA offers a range of financing programs that match the menu of Exim Banks of the industrialized countries. The Bank provides competitive finance at various stages of the export cycle covering. EXIM INDIA operates a wide range of financing and promotional programs. The Bank finances exports of Indian machinery, manufactured goods, and consultancy and technology services on deferred payment terms. EXIM INDIA also seeks to co-finance projects with global and regional development agencies to assist Indian exporters in their efforts to participate in such overseas projects. The Bank is involved in promotion of two-way technology transfer through the outward flow of investment in Indian joint ventures overseas and foreign direct investment flow into India. EXIM INDIA is also a Partner Institution with European Union and operates European Community Investment Partners’ Program (ECIP) for facilitating promotion of joint ventures in India through technical and financial collaboration with medium sized firms of the European Union. The Export- Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) provides financial assistance to promote Indian exports through direct financial assistance, overseas investment finance, term finance for export production and export development, pre-shipping credit, buyer’s credit, lines of credit, relending facility, export bills rediscounting, refinance to commercial banks. Loans to Indian Entities: †¢ Deferred payment exports: Term finance is provided to Indian exporters of eligible goods and services, which enables them to offer deferred credit to overseas buyers. Deferred credit can also cover Indian consultancy, technology and other services. Commercial banks participate in this program directly or under risk syndication arrangements. †¢ Pre-shipment credit: finance is available from Exim Bank for companies executing export contracts involving cycle time exceeding six months. The facility also enables provision of rupee mobilization expenses for construction/turnkey project exporters. †¢ Term loans for export production: Exim Bank provides term loans/deferred payment guarantees to 100% export-oriented units, units in free trade zones and computer software exporters. In collaboration with International Finance Corporation. Washington, Exim Bank provides loans to enable small and medium enterprises to upgrade their export production capability. †¢ Overseas Investment finance: Indian companies establishing joint ventures overseas are provided finance towards their equity contribution in the joint venture. †¢ Finance for export marketing: This program, which is a component of a World Bank loan, helps exporters implement their export market development plans. Loans to Commercial Banks in India: †¢ Export Bills Rediscounting: Commercial Banks in India who are authorized to deal in foreign exchange can rediscount their short term export bills with Exim Banks, for an unexpired usage period of not more than 90 days. †¢ Refinance of Export Credit: Authorized dealers in foreign exchange can obtain from Exim Bank 100% refinance of deferred payment loans extended for export of eligible Indian goods. †¢ Guaranteeing of Obligations: Exim Bank participates with commercial banks in India in the issue of guarantees required by Indian companies for the export contracts and for execution of overseas construction and turnkey projects. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) Government of India came forward to set up the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) in July 1948 under a Special Act. The Industrial Development Bank of India, scheduled banks, insurance companies, investment trusts and co-operative banks are the shareholders of IFCI. The Government of India has guaranteed the repayment of capital and the payment of a minimum annual dividend. Since July I, 1993, the corporation has been converted into a company and it has been given the status of a Ltd. Company with the name Industrial Finance Corporations of India Ltd. IFCI has got itself registered with Companies Act, 1956. Before July I, 1993, general public was not permitted to hold shares of IFCI, only Government of India, RBI, Scheduled Banks, Insurance Companies and Co-operative Societies were holding the shares of IFCI. Management of IFCI: The corporation has 13 members Board of Directors, including Chairman. The Chairman is appointed by Government of India after consulting Industrial Development Bank of India. He works on a whole time basis and has tenure of 3 years. Out of the 12 directors, four are nominated by the IDBI, two by scheduled banks, two by co-operative banks and two by other financial institutions like insurance companies, investment trusts, etc. IDBI normally nominates three outside persons as directors who are experts in the fields of industry, labour and economics, the fourth nominee is the Central Manager of IDBI. The Board meets once in a month. It frames policies by keeping in view the interests of industry, commerce and general public. The Board acts as per the instructions received from the government and IDBI. The Central Government reserves the power up to the Board and appoints a new one in its place. IFCI also has Standing Advisory Committees one each for textile, sugar, jute, hotels, engineering and chemical processes and allied industries. The experts in different fields appointed on Advisory Committees. The chairman is the ex-officio member of all Advisory Committees. All applications for assistance are first discussed by Advisory Committees before they go to Central Committees. Financial Resources of IFCI: The financial resources of the corporation consist of share capital bonds and debentures and borrowings. a) Share Capital: The IFCI was set up with an authorized capital of Rs. 10crores consisting of 20,000 shares of Rs. 5,000 each. This capital was later on increased at different times and by March, 2003 it was Rs. 1068 crores. b) Bonds and Debentures: The Corporation is authorized to issue bonds and debentures to supplement its resources but these should not exceed ten times of paid-up capital and reserve fund. The bonds and debentures stood at a figure of Rs.15366.5 crores as on 31st March 2003. c) Borrowings: The Corporation is authorized to borrow from government IDBI and financial institutions. Its borrowings from IDBI and Govt. of India were Rs. 975.6 crore on March 31, 2003. Total assets of IFCI as on March 31, 2003 aggregated Rs. 22866 crore. Functions of IFCI: o Granting loans or advances to or subscribing to debentures of industrial concerns repayable within 25 years. Also it can convert part of such loans or debentures into equity share capital at its option. o Underwriting the issue of industrial securities i.e. shares, stock, bonds, or debentures to be disposed off within 7 years. o Subscribing directly to the shares and debentures of public limited companies. o Guaranteeing of deferred payments for the purchase of capital goods from abroad or within India. o Guaranteeing of loans raised by industrial concerns from scheduled balls or state co-operative banks. †¢ Acting as an agent of the Central Government or the World Bank in respect of loans sanctioned to the industrial concerns. IFCI provides financial assistance to eligible industrial concerns regardless of their size. However, now-a-days, it entertains applications from those industrial concerns whose project cost is about Rs. 2 crores because up to project cost of Rs. 2 crores various state level institutions (such as Financial Corporations, SIDCs and banks) are expected to meet the financial requirements of viable concerns. While approving a loan application, IFCI gives due consideration to the feasibility of the project, its importance to the nation, development of the backward areas, social and economic viability, etc. The most of the assistance sanctioned by IFCI has gone to industries of national priority such as fertilizers, cement, power generation, paper, industrial machinery etc. It has sanctioned nearly 49 per cent of its assistance for projects in backward districts. IFCI introduced a scheme for sick units also. The scheme was for the revival of sick units in the tiny and small scale sectors. Another scheme was framed for the self-employment of unemployed young persons. The corporation has diversified not only merchant banking but also financing of leasing and hire purchase companies, hospitals, equipment leasing etc. were the other new activities of the corporation in the last few years. Promotional Activities: The promotional role of IFCI has been to fill the gaps, either in the institutional infrastructure for the promotion and growth of industries, or in the provision of the much needed guidance in project intensification, formulation, implementation and operation, etc. to the new tiny, small-scale or medium scale entrepreneurs or in the efforts at improving the productivity of human and material resources. (a) Development of Backward Areas: –IFCI introduce a scheme of confessional finance for projects set up in backward areas. The backward-districts were divided into three categories depending upon the state of development there. All these categories were eligible for concessional finance. Nearly 50 per cent of total lending of IFCI has been to develop backward areas. (b) Promotional Schemes:- IFCI has been operating six promotional schemes with the object of helping entrepreneurs to set up new units, broadening the entrepreneurial base, encouraging the adoption of new technology, tackling ‘the problem of sickness and promoting opportunities for self development and Self employment of unemployed persons etc. These schemes are as such: 1. Subsidy for Adopting Indigenous Technology 2. Meeting Cost of Market Studies 3. Meeting Cost of Feasibility Studies 4. Promoting Small Scale and Ancillary Industries 5. Revival of Sick Units 6. Self-development and Self employment Scheme Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC) In order to provide export credit and insurance support to Indian exporters, the GOI set up the Export Risks Insurance Corporation (ERIC) in July, 1957. It was transformed into export credit guarantee corporation limited (ECGC) in 1964. Since 1983, it is now know as ECGC of India Ltd. ECGC is a company wholly owned by the Government of India. It functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Commerce and is managed by a Board of Directors representing government, Banking, Insurance, Trade and Industry. The ECGC with its headquarters in Bombay and several regional offices is the only institution providing insurance cover to Indian exporters against the risk of non-realization of export payments due to occurrence of the commercial and political risks involved in exports on credit terms and by offering guarantees to commercial banks against losses that the bank may suffer in granting advances to exports, in connection wi th their export transactions. Objectives of ECGC: †¢ To protect the exporters against credit risks, i.e. non-repayment by buyers †¢ To protect the banks against losses due to non-repayment of loans by exporters Covers issued by ECGC: The covers issued by ECGC can be divided broadly into four groups: âž ¢ STANDARD POLICIES: issued to exporters to protect them against payment risks involved in exports on short-term credit. âž ¢ SPECIFIC POLICIES: Designed to protect Indian firms against payment risk involved in (i) exports on deferred terms of payment (ii) service rendered to foreign parties, and (iii) construction works and turnkey projects undertaken abroad. âž ¢ FINANCIAL GUARANTEES: Issued to banks in India to protect them from risk of loss involved in their extending financial support to exporters at pre-shipment and post-shipment stages. âž ¢ SPECIAL SCHEMES: such as Transfer Guarantee meant to protect banks which add confirmation to letters of credit opened by foreign banks, Insurance cover for Buyer’s credit, etc. STANDARD POLICIES ECGC has designed 4 types of standard policies to provide cover for shipments made on short term credit: †¢ Shipments (comprehensive risks) Policy: to cover both political and commercial risks from the date of shipment. †¢ Shipments (political risks) Policy:- to cover only political risks from the date of shipment †¢ Contracts (comprehensive risks) Policy:- to cover both commercial and political risk from the date of contract †¢ Contracts (Political risks) Policy :- to cover only political risks from the date of contract RISKS COVERED UNDER THE STANDARD POLICIES: 1. Commercial Risks a) Insolvency of the buyer b) Buyer’s protracted default to pay for goods accepted by him c) Buyer’s failure to accept goods subject to certain conditions 2. Political risks a) Imposition of restrictions on remittances by the government in the buyer’s country or any government action which may block or delay payment to exporter. b) War, revolution or civil disturbances in the buyer’s country. Cancellation of a valid import license or new import licensing restrictions in the buyer’s country after the date of shipment or contract, as applicable. c) Cancellation of export license or imposition of new export licensing restrictions in India after the date of contract (under contract policy). d) Payment of additional handling, transport or insurance charges occasioned by interruption or diversion of voyage that cannot be recovered from the buyer. e) Any other cause of loss occurring outside India, not normally insured by commercial insurers and beyond the control of the exporter and / or buyer. RISKS NOT COVERED UNDER STANDARD POLICIES: a) Commercial disputes including quality disputes raised by the buyer, unless the exporter obtains a decree from a competent court of law in the buyer’s country in his favour, unless the exporter obtains a decree from a competent court of law in the buyers’ country in his favour b) Causes inherent in the nature of the goods. c) Buyer’s failure to obtain import or exchange authorization from authorities in his county d) Insolvency or default of any agent of the exporter or of the collecting bank. e) loss or damage to goods which can be covered by commerci8al insurers f) Exchange fluctuation g) Discrepancy in documents. SPECIFIC POLICIES The standard policy is a whole turnover policy designed to provide a continuing insurance for the regular flow of exporter’s shipment of raw materials, consumable durable for which credit period does not normally exceed 180 days. Specific policies are issued in respect of Supply Contracts (on deferred payment terms), Services Abroad and Construction Work Abroad. 1) Specific policy for Supply Contracts: Specific policy for Supply contracts is issued in case of export of Capital goods sold on deferred credit. It can be of any of the four forms: a) Specific Shipments (Comprehensive Risks) Policy to cover both commercial and political risks at the Post-shipment stage b) Specific Shipments (Political Risks) Policy to cover only political risks after shipment stage. c) Specific Contracts (Comprehensive Risks) Policy to cover political and commercial risks after contract date. d) Specific Contracts (Political Risks) Policy to cover only political risks after contract date. 2) Service policy: Indian firms provide a wide range of services like technical or professional services, hiring or leasing to foreign parties (private or government). Where Indian firms render such services they would be exposed to payment risks similar to those involved in export of goods. Such risks are covered by ECGC under this policy. The policy covers 90%of the loss suffered. 3) Construction Works Policy: It covers civil construction jobs as well as turnkey projects involving supplies and services of both with private and foreign government. This policy covers 85% of loss suffered on account of contracts with government agencies and 75% of loss suffered on account of construction contracts with private parties. FINANCIAL GUARANTEES Exporters require adequate financial support from banks to carry out their export contracts. ECGC backs the lending programmes of banks by issuing financial guarantees. The guarantees protect the banks from losses on account of their lending to exporters. Six guarantees have been evolved for this purpose:- (i). Packing Credit Guarantee (ii). Export Production Finance Guarantee (iii). Export Finance Guarantee (iv). Post Shipment Export Credit Guarantee (v). Export Performance Guarantee (vi). Export Finance (Overseas Lending) Guarantee. These guarantees give protection to banks against losses due to non-payment by exporters on account of their insolvency or default. The ECGC charges a premium for its services that may vary from 5 paise to 7.5 paise per month for Rs. 100/-. The premium charged depends upon the type of guarantee and it is subject to change, if ECGC so desires.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Biased Fight Against Crime in Millers Essay, The Rush to Punish :: Criminal Justice
Biased Fight Against Crime in Miller's Essay, The Rush to Punish In the essay "The Rush to Punish", Jerome Miller discusses how the nation's fight against crime has been aimed at the poor and minorities. He argues that far too many people are in prison or have criminal records in this country. Miller's main claim is one of policy, which expresses that the nation's current criminal justice system needs to change. He writes, "I'm very pessimistic about where things are heading" (566). This essay discusses issues of racism, stereotypes, individual city systems, and family importance in order to appeal to its intended audience of taxpayers, lawmakers, law enforcement officials, and criminals. General audience members, a fraction of society, may be oblivious to their impact on the system. The warrant suggested by Miller is that society must change its biases and routines in order for the criminal justice system to change. This article is written in question-answer format and has been taken from an interview. This makes the author's opinion very clear and works well to show argument. Miller appears to be sarcastic is some of his answers. This may confuse the reader, therefore distorting his purpose a little. The first support claim the author makes is that the majority of people in prison are minorities. He uses statistics to prove that the percentages of blacks and Hispanics obtaining criminal records are dramatically increasing. A large portion of minority males has a violent label. Miller states, "Now when we talk about building more prisons, when we talk about longer sentences, when we talk about cracking down on violent offenders, everyone knows that we're talking about men of color" (566). This clearly shows that something must be changed about the number of minorities involved with crime and backs up the main claim nicely. The second support claim used by the author is that society has to change how it handles offenders. Average offenders are labeled as serious, violent, and savagelike, but people do not take the time to find out the details of the criminals' pasts and the reasoning behind their acts. Miller writes, "Those are the kinds of things we not only do not want to know but from which we run in fear - because if we were to hear them, we'd all feel a little bit guilty. It's much easier to start talking about people in genetic terms" (567). The author uses this support very wisely.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Annotated Bibliography on William Shakespeares “Hamlet†Essay
Ackerman Jr., Alan L. â€Å" Visualizing Hamlet’s Ghost: The Spirit of Modern Subjectivity.†Theatre Journal; March2001, Vol. 53 Issue 1, p119, 26p EBSCOhost. (5 February 2004) Other artists represent the dramatic structures, terms, images and characters from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet by portraying the exact emotion of the play. They act out a good representation of the spiritual experience in visual terms. The students vision studies and its importance in writings on aesthetics and representation. Adams, Joseph Quincy, â€Å"Arrival in London.†A Life of William Shakespeare. S.I: Houghton, 1923: 126-128. There were three classes of persons at the playhouse besides musicians. There were sharers, hirelings, and servants. The â€Å"sharers†were the most important actors. According to their merits, they enjoyed either half-sharers or whole-sharers as indicated by Hamlet. Below the sharers in rank were the â€Å"hirelings†who did not profit by large takings of the theatre. The third and final class, the servants, was the prompters, stagehands, property keepers, and caretakers. Chute, Marchette, â€Å"Hamlet.†Stories from Shakespeare. Cleveland: World, 1956: 157-160 Hamlet is perhaps one of the most famous of all of William Shakespeare’s tragedies. It is known all over the world and has kept a compelling fascination wherever it goes. The hero is so real and his dilemma is very basic to human living that people in every country recognize him. Hamlet is not only the most brilliant of the tragedies but one of the saddest. It is the saddest tragedy because the hero is not destroyed or killed by any evil in his nature but by kind misplaced good. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, â€Å" Lectures and Notes on Shakespeare and other English Poets.†Online. Internet. Available: (6 February 2004) Hamlet’s character is the prevalence of the abstracting and generalizing habit over the practical. He does not want courage, skill, will, or opportunity; but every incident sets him thinking; and it is curious, and at the same time strictly natural, that Hamlet, who all the play seems reason itself, should be impelled, at last, by mere accident, to effect his object. Lamb, Gregory M. â€Å"A sweet, gentle, inspired Hamlet.†Christian Science Monitor: 20 April 2001. (6 February 2004). T.S. Eliot called Hamlet the â€Å"Mona Lisa of Literature†. No matter how hard we look at the play, it never yields all its secrets. We have become fascinated by it. This being Shakespeare, a ripping good story unfolds, of course, from the moment a creepy ghost walks the castle’s parapet on through murders, suicide, and enough plot twist and complex relationships for any soap-opera fan. This is all topped with a dramatic sword fight. Hamlet is no Bruce Willis tale of an action hero on a payback mission. â€Å"Shakespeare†Britannica, 1989 During Shakespeare’s early career dramatists sold their play to an actor company, who then takes charge of them, prepared working prompt books, and did whatever it takes to make sure other companies did not take their work. This way they could exploit the play itself for as long as it drew an audience. Some plays did get published into smaller books called quartos. Hamlet quartos are a good example of plays that were pirated or bad text. â€Å"Shakespeare, William†The World Book Encyclopedia, 1979 Shakespeare wrote his greatest tragedies during the third period (1601-1608) of his artistic development. Of all the tragedy plays, Hamlet has to be the most dramatic and saddest of all the plays. The role of Hamlet in particular is considered one of the theater’s greatest acting challenges. Shakespeare focused the play on the deep conflict within the thoughtful and idealistic Hamlet as he is torn between the demands of his emotions and the hesitant skepticism of his mind. Thorndike, Ashley Horace. Shakespeare’s Theater. New York: The MacMillian Company, 1916:246-251. Records of court performance are abundant and descriptions of performances of traveling actors before noble or king may be found in Hamlet. The traditions and standards of acting accumulated by a generation of practice before an increasing audience. This made the play more exciting to watch every time it was portrayed.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Personal Reflection My Educational Experience - 1407 Words
Education My educational experience is one amazing thing I would never forget. My parents gave me an experience of a lifetime that I would never let go and continue to expand. It was a gift of a great education I could have tossed away but instead I took advantage of it and it expanded my intellect and made me more independent. As a young girl my parents always told me, they wanted a great educational experience for me. They said no matter what it took to get me into good schools, to have a great education they will do it. My parents worked very hard to give me the opportunity to be in private school my whole life since pre-school. They always told me to work hard, be bright and be bold. The educational level I had being in private school my whole life was amazing. What was amazing about my education level is that I was able to take all college prep. classes, I took an AP Spanish class, my teachers were always on top of us to hand in work in time, essays in my English class were based on a col lege level writing. It was amazing because my school expanded my mind more on a college based level. From pre-school till sixth grade I was in private school that was co-ed I switched to four different private schools since I was younger. For pre-school I went to St.Micheal which was an experience to have been able to encounter. Being able to learn about religion, other languages, and different cultures. Going in to kindergarten till third grade I went to St. George it was a goodShow MoreRelatedSelf-Reflection - Leadership Development Essay861 Words  | 4 PagesSelf-Reflection - Leadership Development Many varied management and leadership philosophies exist and no single style or approach can be considered to be the ‘correct’ one. 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