Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role Of Women During The Roman Empire - 1299 Words
When the Roman armies began their ultimately successful invasion of Britain the contrasts between the invading culture and the invaded culture became easily apparent. Due to the invasion, the two cultures were forced into one space to interact and interchange with each other in many ways. In some ways they were found to be similar, and in others the cultures varied widely. Throughout the course of this paper I will compare and contrast the role of women in the indigenous Celtic society and that of the Roman society, and illustrate the more liberated nature of women in Celtic society. A great Roman writer of the era of Roman occupied Britain, Tacitus, provides a glimpse into one of the possible roles a Celtic woman could possess: that of a leader. Tacitus tells of a battle between the Roman army and an uprising of the Iceni people being lead into battle by their leader Boudicea, the wife of the former king of the Iceni . Upon his death she incited a rebellion against the Romans due to the treatment of her people, which Tacitus describes as the Romans behaving â€Å"as if Rome had received the whole country as a gift†¦ †Boudicea rides into battle on a chariot accompanied by her two daughters, leading a large group of warriors into battle and makes a speech â€Å"protesting that it was indeed usual for Britons to fight under the leadership of women .†Tacitus goes on to mention in one of his later accounts that Boudicea was allowed to lead because â€Å"they admit no distinction of sex inShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Women During The Han Dynasty And The Roman Empire1139 Words  | 5 PagesThe role of women in both the the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire women was ambiguous. The Han Dynasty ruled from 206 BCE–220 CE. Much later came the Roman Empire, which lasted from 27 CE-476 CE. In these civilizations, elite women were treated very differently than men because of their gender. 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